Farewell words to colleagues on dismissal in prose and poetry

All people at least once in their life had to quit their jobs. Far from always leaving your workplace is negative. Often people just change something in their life and leave without any conflicts, being in very good, good relations with colleagues and leaders.

Of course, no one wants to leave just like that, silently. Usually people want to say something special and memorable. And in the event that the dismissal is accompanied by a party, the need to speak becomes a necessity.

What to talk about?

What should be the farewell words to colleagues when leaving? What to talk about? Such questions concern everyone: those who leave and those who remain. Indeed, farewell to colleagues is not a festive speech, but, on the other hand, is not a reason to shed tears or otherwise show sorrow.

The speech should mention the working hours spent together, the problems that were resolved, or the results achieved. Of course, you need to express your gratitude to colleagues and emphasize the importance, the importance of working with them.

To thank leaders or not is not an easy question. Of course, if the boss is invited to the evening or is present when leaving the workplace, training camp, then farewell words to colleagues upon dismissal should also affect him. However, it’s not necessary to talk about a “wise leadership” for too long, or to flatter too much. If there is no boss, then you can completely limit yourself to a couple of phrases or not mention the leader separately. This nuance is individual and completely depends on the existing relationships in the team.

Which genre to choose?

Farewell words to colleagues upon dismissal from work can be pronounced in any of the existing genres. The most important thing in the speech is its intelligibility and the response of the audience. That is, the genre must be selected in accordance with what is accepted in the team. For example, if we are talking about a female group, then rude black humor and frivolity are not entirely appropriate. Gentle lyrical poetic lines are hardly suitable for men.

Each work collective has its own jokes, jokes, and stable phrases that have developed in the framework of mutual communication. They should act as a guide when preparing a farewell speech, regardless of the genre chosen for it.

Conflict at work

Toasts most successfully sound at parties, in the form of which farewell words are pronounced to colleagues. When dismissing from work in your own words, it is quite possible to express gratitude to the team if the party is not expected. That is, if an employee simply collects his things and says goodbye to colleagues directly at the workplace.

What to say in verses to the most resigned?

Saying goodbye to colleagues with a poetic speech, it is important not to overdo it with sentimentality and not to speak too long. In addition, it must be understood that farewell words to colleagues upon dismissal are spoken only in relation to joint work, mutual personal communication, friendship, a job change does not cross out.

Woman and box with things.

An example of speech in verses:

Work is the second home

And for someone - the main one.

And the team is always a family,

Now the team is without me.

I want to tell you goodbye

That we are all friends here.

And let me not enter the building anymore,

Count on me.

Thank you for your support

For understanding and tact;

For your restraint and perseverance,

Sorry if something is wrong.

I want to say special thanks,

And highlight with your line

(name of the boss). For your wisdom

Instruction, I am grateful, dear.

But parting is just an excuse

For a new life, open the door.

Let's celebrate

Laugh and joke.

Of course, the duration of speech is an individual issue. But there is a certain pattern: the fewer colleagues you see, the longer and more detailed you can talk.

What to say in verses to someone who leaves the team?

Farewell words to a colleague during dismissal are pronounced by those who remain at work. In such a speech, it is important not to get carried away and not to make yourself a bore. She, as a rule, is full of parting words and wishes. You should read the speech out loud in advance in order to understand whether there are a lot of indications in it of what the quitting person needs to do and what qualities to show in a new place.

Application for dismissal

An example of speech in verses:

... (name of leaving), today you are leaving us.

A little sorry that it is.

But in life you never know

Where it will be better and when.

We wish you success

More money and of course

Less worries.

Settle in a new place,

Get to know everyone quickly.

And in good standing

The management and colleagues.

And do not forget us (the name of the person leaving),

Run into tea more often.

And if something goes wrong,

Everyone here will be glad to you.

Farewell words can be pronounced on behalf of the whole team, and on my own behalf. This moment completely depends on how many retiring colleagues and in what people have a relationship with them.

What to say in prose to the most resigned?

Farewell words to colleagues when dismissing from work in prose often seem more appropriate than recitation of verses. The main nuances that prose speech should touch on are no different from words spoken in other genres. That is, it will be quite appropriate to express gratitude and appreciation to colleagues, emphasize that the relationship does not end with the dismissal, and say a few words about the leadership.

The man at the door

An example of prose speech in the "Hollywood style":

Dear Colleagues! In parting, they are supposed to say something, and this speech should be special. However, I want to say a lot, and it will be delayed, and yet we all would not want to listen to me for too long, would we? Therefore, I will be brief. I want to thank you all together and each individually for the support and understanding that have always prevailed in our team. I want to wish everyone the achievement of their goals and, of course, stability. Leaving here, I do not leave you. This is important, we remain, if not close friends, then good friends for sure. I would also like to express my gratitude (name of the boss) for the constant understanding, loyalty and firmness shown when it was needed. I want to tell you all “goodbye,” not “goodbye.”

What to say in prose to someone who leaves the team?

Seeing is always harder than leaving. Of course, this reflects the farewell words of a colleague upon dismissal. Prose often speaks long and tedious speeches, this, of course, must be avoided. However, too short parting words to the leaving team is also not entirely appropriate. Speech should be dynamic and positive, expressing approval and support for the person.

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Speech example:

Our dear (name of leaving). Of course, it is a pity that you are leaving - this is a loss for all of us. But for you it is a step forward. And that is important. But, advancing in the profession and career, never forget about where you gained experience, knowledge and, of course, comrades. Remember that you can always rely on us, and if something does not work out, then come back.

What to say at the table at the party?

Farewell words to colleagues when dismissing from work with humor and jokes are most appropriate at parties arranged for moving to another place.

Toast speech example:

Our dear, golden (the name of the person leaving)! Does everyone remember the tale of a goose laying golden eggs? (The remarks of the people sitting at the table correcting the speaker) What? Was that chicken? This fundamentally changes the content of my speech. I want to wish you (the name of the person leaving) not to become that chicken who lays golden eggs to others, but she herself does not receive anything and does not move anywhere. For your new job (the name of the person leaving)!

Talking men

In toasts or just speeches delivered at farewell parties, any humor that is close and understandable to the audience is appropriate. Of course, jokes should not be offensive or ambiguous.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38400/

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