"Silit Beng" from plaque and rust - only positive reviews!

"Silit Beng" from plaque and rust ... Reviews about this tool today you can hear the most diverse. Most often - positive. Of course, because this tool perfectly removes stubborn dirt, soap scatters, hardness salts.

"Silit Beng" from plaque and rust collects positive reviews for a reason. The tool has a lot of advantages. It is suitable for a wide variety of materials and surfaces - for bathrooms, showers, tiles, window sills, etc. The most important thing is not to use the product on wooden, damaged or hot surfaces. The required amount is applied to contaminated places previously moistened with water. "Silit" remains about five minutes on the surface, after which it is wiped with a sponge and rinsed with water. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The composition of the product includes linalool, flavor, anionic surfactants. Before use, it is tried on a not too noticeable area.

silt beng anti-plaque and rust reviews

Silit Beng from plaque and rust: customer reviews

What else does the consumer need to know? Silit Beng collects positive reviews from plaque and rust even when people want to get rid of soft soot and greasy stains. Against harsh pollution, according to customers, the tool is almost powerless. However, it does not scratch the surface at all, which is very important, for example, for an enameled sink. Another plus of the cleaning agent is its convenient dosage. In short, the benefits win.

cillit cleaning agent for plaque and rust

How are stains removed?

How does Silit Beng work against plaque and rust? Reviews say that the agent removes lime very effectively, eating from the inside into its structure. In this case, it is converted into a soluble form. Buyers note the fact that Silit Beng has one small drawback - there are no abrasives in its composition. However, this problem can be easily eliminated by using a sponge with a hard pile or adding baking soda to the stain.

As mentioned above, the tool is able to perfectly split soft soot. The washing components that make up Silite Beng contribute to loosening the stain structure and easier cleaning. That is, the longer the product will be in contact with contamination, the easier it will be to wipe it off. The absence of abrasives requires high-quality mechanical cleaning, which depends on the choice of sponge. It is best to stay on a hard-coated sponge, unless of course you are afraid of scratches.

For a hard deposit, the product does not pose any danger. In its structure during the cleaning process, the drug is not introduced even if you soak the stain for a long time.

Silit Beng also removes rust. True, the best is "fresh." Old rust will have to be soaked and rubbed harder when cleaning. Most importantly, the product does not scratch when applied. And this distinguishes it from all kinds of liquid and powder abrasive cleaners.

cillit cleaner for plaque and rust a

Convenience and comfort

By the way, there is one more advantage. Cillit anti-plaque and rust cleaner is also very convenient to use. The spray makes it possible to evenly apply it over the entire area of ​​pollution, especially the very extensive one. True, on vertical surfaces it will not be able to linger for a long time. Too fluid, and therefore drains quickly.

be careful

Thanks to its remarkable quality, Cillit cleaning agent against plaque and rust also receives good recommendations and reviews. And this suggests that the tool can be trusted. Do not forget only caution. Of course, the tool is equipped with a convenient spray. However, you can not inhale it. In addition, keep in mind that Silit Beng acts on the skin quite aggressively. It contains very strong detergent components. Therefore, gloves are highly recommended when working.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38412/

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