School of young hostesses. How to cook soup

Every girl should know how to cook soup. Learning such wisdom is not difficult. It is enough to study the main types of this dish and some tricks of its preparation. You can cook soup on meat, vegetable, fish or mushroom broth. It happens to be a thick consistency and is called “soup puree,” or it can be dietary. The ingredients included in the composition are determined by the selected recipe and your preferences.

Let's look at the main option and analyze step by step how to cook soup. If you decide to please your home with the first dish made on meat broth, then you should know that it is prepared from bones, meat, offal or in a mixed composition. The meat broth is prepared before laying all the other components. After boiling the bones and meat, they are removed from the pan, and the resulting liquid is filtered to remove the smallest particles of foam, bones and meat. If your dish involves the preparation of broth from bones, meat and offal, then you should add these products, taking into account the time of their cooking.

We start by boiling the bones, then add offal. Having received a rich broth, we extract all products from it and filter. Only after that add meat, which we cook until tender. If the process of preparing the broth seems long to you, then it can be prepared for the future. For this, a large portion is cooked. After filtering, leave a small portion necessary for making soup, and the remaining liquid is frozen and stored in the freezer. The next time it is enough to get the finished broth, thaw and dilute with water for the desired consistency.

How to cook soup with vegetables? All vegetables necessary for the preparation of the first dish are peeled and peeled. Onions, garlic, carrots and beets are pre-chopped, fry in vegetable oil or any kind of fat. Passivated vegetables are added to the soup ten minutes before the dishes are ready. If the cooking recipe contains ingredients such as sauerkraut, pickles, sorrel or vinegar, they should only be added to the pot after cooking the potatoes. If these ingredients are put at the same time, then the acid contained in them will not allow the potatoes to boil.

Before you cook the soup, you should familiarize yourself with the cooking time of various products. This will allow them to be laid out in a pan in the necessary order to avoid a large loss of nutrients. Fresh herbs, meat and fish are added directly to portioned dishes, five minutes before serving. Salt the soup should be shortly before cooking.

If it is necessary to add flour to the dish, then it is pre-passaged in a dry frying pan until a golden hue is obtained, and then diluted with a small amount of warm water. The mixture is thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass. Pour into a saucepan with soup in a small stream, constantly stirring, 5-10 minutes before the dishes are ready. You should know that swelling in the broth, flour can greatly thicken the soup. Therefore, it should be added in small quantities.

There are some subtleties that you should know before cooking champignon soup. Mushroom soups are very tasty and fragrant. In order not to lose the characteristic taste, it is necessary to pre-soak the dried mushrooms and put them to boil with an increase in mass by half. And add fresh champignons to the pan 15 minutes before the vegetables are ready. This will allow the mushrooms to cook perfectly, without losing the characteristic aroma.

If necessary, add cereal to the soup, look at the time of its preparation. Hercules, semolina, barley and wheat groats are placed 15 minutes before the dish is ready. Rice, lentils, buckwheat and millet - in 20 minutes, and peas and beans are pre-soaked. Horns fall asleep 10 minutes before readiness. This will allow them to cook and not boil.


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