Nikon SLR camera: owner reviews, instructions. Which model of camera is better

Almost everyone now has cameras. Someone acquires professional equipment for work, someone has a daily option, and someone is satisfied with the camera on their own smartphone or tablet. However, everyone has ever heard or even bought Nikon brand cameras . And for many they have become the standard of quality.

History of Nikon

Nikon Camera
Japan is practically the only country that, without having its own mineral resources, successfully develops all industries. And all this thanks to the hard work and perseverance of the Japanese themselves. And the world-renowned and renowned Nikon is a prime example. From the very beginning, this company became the flagship among manufacturers of high-precision optics. There is a professional Nikon camera in every decent photo studio.

This company appeared as a result of the merger of three famous Japanese giants. These were Japan Optical Co., Nippon Kogaku and Japanese Optical Society. All of them were engaged in the production of high-precision optical devices. This happened thanks to the decision of the Mitsubishi concern to create a single concern for the manufacture of optics. The name of the new company became Nippon Kogaku KK

After Japan entered World War II, defense orders rained down on the company. And the main focus of her activity was the production of binoculars, periscopes and aviation sights, lenses for aerial photography, etc. The company has expanded significantly.

However, it all ended after the victory of the USSR. All production in Japan switched to a peaceful range and there were no such volumes of government orders. Therefore, Nippon Kogaku KK has reduced staff and significantly reduced the range.

As a result, the company returned to the development of its own camera and lens and a few years later, in 1948, released its first Nikon 1 camera.

Brand development

The Nikon brand itself appeared on the world market almost 30 years later than the company. And officially the company began to be called so four decades later, in 1988.

Before the release of the first model of the camera, the creators and creators broke their minds how to come up with a sonorous, short, and most importantly, understandable name for the whole world. There were plenty of options: from Bentax and Pannet to Niko and Nikorette. However, we still settled on the simple and understandable Nikon (NIppo + KOgaku + N).

By the way, for quite some time, the manufacturers of the renowned German company Nikkor accused their Japanese colleagues of trying to encroach on an existing well-known brand. After all, the Nikon camera stood next to a consonant rival.

As for the corporate bright black and yellow color, it appeared only in the second millennium, in 2003. Although such a logo has been used by the company for quite some time. Every color and line is symbolic here. For example, yellow indicates enthusiasm, and black indicates product quality and customer confidence. White diagonal rays piercing the logo symbolize the desire for future development.

Nikon today

Nikon Coolpix Camera

Now the company is part of the largest global corporation Mitsubishi. She works with leading global concerns. Its technology is even used by NASA.

The company's production is divided into three large parts. Precision Equipment Company provides high-precision optical instruments to all branches of science and medicine. Moreover, she works almost all over the world. Imagine Company is developing the field of photographic equipment and software for working with various images. It is here that the Nikon Coolpix camera is manufactured. This also includes sports optics and interchangeable lenses. And Instrument Company covers the field of measurement technology. These are telescopes, binoculars, microscopes, etc.

Nikon is practically the only manufacturer that works on its own raw materials. For example, the company creates glass for all of its devices itself. This allows for a particularly high quality end product.

Nikon is a giant in the world of modern technology. He owns almost 30% of the world market for SLR cameras and 12% of photographic equipment in general.

Nikon line of cameras

For its long-term activities, the Japanese company has released a huge number of diverse equipment. Naturally, each line had its own, completely different features. For example, the first professional Nikon 1 camera was almost unique. It differed from its German counterparts in a huge number of various settings and its own, native lens. However, there were flaws in it that prevented him from becoming a bestseller: the frame size was completely non-standard - 24 * 32 mm.

Nikon SLR Camera
Nikon M became the next model of the Japanese giant. Here, the frame size was 24 * 34 mm, which also did not fit the standards used.

Nikon S became famous for its breathtakingly realistic shots of the Korean War. It was she who used the journalist David Duncan. It is equipped with a special German Nikkor lens. Later this line was supplemented by the S3, S2, S4 and SP series.

Nikon F is the first professional Nikon SLR camera. At the same time, its design provided for the additional installation of various components. He became one of the most reliable and most accurate small format cameras.

Nikon E2 - a joint model with the matrix Fujifilm. She became known as the first mass professional camera worth up to 20 thousand dollars.

Coolpix is ​​the first proprietary compact camera. Almost perfect for both amateurs and enthusiasts. The main advantage is the most optimal ratio of quality and price.

The best models

In the history of Nikon there were a huge number of professional and semi-professional cameras. Among them were both successful and failed models. But the constant and persistent improvement of technology and design has led the company to the heights of the ranking. And now you can already recall and say with confidence which Nikon camera is better or worse than its counterparts.

Nikon Professional Camera
So, the recognized favorites of most buyers and critics are:

  • Nikon D90. It was introduced to the public in 2008. The model has a 12.3 megapixel camera, CMOS-matrix and a special Expeed system, which allows you to take all the photos in the most advanced sensitivity range. The screen can also be used as a viewfinder, and 3D tracking AF will help you photograph the elusive.
  • Nikon D300S. This is an improved version of the previous series. It features a more ergonomic design, speed and better protection of the screen from dust and moisture. This camera can already be attributed to professional models. Yes, and it weighs about 1 kg.
  • Nikon D4. This Nikon camera is designed for professional reporters. The shooting speed reaches 11 frames per second. In addition, this is the first device that supports memory cards format XQD. And the innovative RJ-45 port allows you to control connected devices and transfer data directly.

Best Nikon Lenses

In addition to the excellent quality of cameras, the company also produces components that are quite popular, even among competitors. The pride of Nikon are ultra-precise and high-quality lenses. The convenience is that they can be purchased separately.

If you are engaged in photography, you know that any Nikon professional or SLR camera should be equipped with several different lenses. Over the years of the company, the following were recognized as the best:

  • Nikon 17-55mm f / 2.8G ED-IF AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor. This is almost perfect for DX touch digital cameras. The range of focal states here is 25-82 mm. Aperture, as the name implies, is f / 2.8. In this case, it does not matter what kind of lighting actually is. Due to the elements made of glass of the ED standard, optimal contrast and clear light transmission are ensured.
  • Nikon 50mm f / 1.4G AF-S Nikkor. The camera is designed so that it can easily work in any conditions, both indoors and outdoors. It is not so important what kind of lighting or weather. Pictures will always be bright and clear. As for focusing, here speed and quality are ensured by the SWM drive. And thanks to some functions, you can make an interesting art photo.

The main advantages of the company

Nikon camera instruction
When buying expensive professional equipment, everyone thinks about the question: β€œWhy this particular model and this manufacturer?” And the answer can be influenced by both subjective and objective factors. Nikon has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • History, reputation and traditions. So many years of leadership have been stamped on every model released under a well-known brand. Nikon is a digital camera with proven technology and proven technology over the years. In addition, the requirements to maintain a reputation do not allow manufacturers to use low-quality materials.
  • Competitive value for money. Many have proven that the budget versions of this company are much better than the same counterparts as, for example, Canon. Once, at the dawn of its history, Nikon took all the best from German experts and continued its development.
  • Improved technical features. Here, the work with the flash, the auto-ISO algorithm and exposure metering are more correctly and rationally organized. This allows you to perform many manipulations, change the shooting conditions without loss of quality. The Nikon camera is constantly being improved and competes with Canon.

Mirror technology

Canon's main competitor has almost always been Canon. Therefore, it is worth comparing the products of this company from the position of the lineup of its main rival. Unlike Canon, Nikon does not have such clear series. The lineup is a bit blurry here. And clearly separating the amateur and professional series will be quite difficult. But here you can highlight some of the most typical models and directions.

Which Nikon camera is better
For example, the D3 series, which includes D3S, D3X, etc. These are high-precision professional cameras with a full-format matrix and a protected case. With the advent of this technology, all world news agencies have changed the arsenal of Canon cameras to Nikon. The series is almost universal in the hands of a professional. Simpler models include the Nikon D300 professional camera. This is a more budgetary and unsophisticated option.

Already amateur cameras of the D80 and D90 series can be called. The functionality of these models is much weaker: lower is the class of memory cards, bit depth, burst speed and the shutter speed range itself. Even simpler are the D40, D60 and D300 cameras. They are quite lightweight, compact and easy to manage. At the same time, they have many automatic settings.

Another interesting camera for trained buyers is the D7000. It is positioned as a semi-professional option with advanced settings features.

Nikon Coolpix

This brand stands apart from the rest of the products of a well-known company. There are no longer those famous SLR cameras. These are fairly simple devices with a small but absolutely working set of functions.

The first cameras of this brand appeared at the turn of the millennium - in 1999. Initially, these were exclusively digital models. Three Nikon Coolpix series are known and sold today:

  • L (Life). The simplest Nikon camera is Coolpix. It was created specifically for those who do not bother with the settings. The devices from the series are affordable, compact and easy to use.
  • P (Performance). This series is intended for demanding users who are already quite familiar with the art of photography. There are many manual and automatic settings, as well as a fairly powerful aperture.
  • S (Style). A series where the main emphasis is on the appearance of the device. Moisture-proof and shockproof models are also presented here. There are even children's models. These cameras are affordable, lightweight and have a pretty nice look.

Nikon setup features

Nikon SLR camera reviews
For those who are first faced with professional and semi-professional equipment, it is simply necessary to learn the basics and basic techniques of shooting such devices. Nikon is the brightest representative of such products in the world. And even an experienced user will not be able to immediately understand all the possibilities and nuances. Therefore, the first document that should be studied by the person who bought the Nikon camera is an instruction.

Exactly here you can find comprehensive information about the main shooting modes, shutter speed and aperture settings. So, Nikon cameras can find the following programs:

  • P (Program auto). Beginner Mode. The camera automatically adjusts the shutter speed and aperture settings necessary for the situation.
  • A (Aperture priority). Aperture priority mode. This option is loved by many photographers. Here you set the desired aperture range, under which the shutter speed is adjusted.
  • S (Shutter priority). Shutter priority mode. The principle is the same as with option A.
  • M (Manual). Completely manual installation of all options and parameters. Requires significant skills and knowledge on how to set up a Nikon camera.

Customer reviews

If we talk about the popularity of Nikon cameras among ordinary users, the vast majority are satisfied with the work of even outdated models. Among the main complaints, one can find only dissatisfaction with the configuration, lack of external storage media and printed instructions in Russian.

It is also worth noting that the Nikon SLR camera, reviews of which are generally very positive, shoots video rather poorly. There is some grit in a dark room, and sometimes some streaks appear.

Otherwise, you can find only enthusiastic reviews that speak about quality, simplicity and ease of use.


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