Fiery red hair: description with photo, natural color, review of hair colors and instructions on how to choose your own shade

The owner of fiery red hair will not go unnoticed in the crowd. Girls often choose the paint of these shades in order to stand out and show their temperament. Owners of a natural shade should always maintain brightness and color saturation with the help of special cosmetics.


There are a huge number of shades of fiery red hair:

  • copper;
  • dark red;
  • light red;
  • fiery;
  • brown;
  • golden;
  • amber.

They differ from each other in brightness and saturation, and not every one of them will adorn the image of a girl. Not every woman will have shades of red on her hair, but with the right choice you can find your own color.

Who will suit

When dyeing hair, it is very important to responsibly approach the choice of red color. To do this, it is recommended to measure several options for wigs and choose a more suitable one. But there are several criteria that are guaranteed to be combined with a fiery red hair color (photos confirm this):

Who suits the red color
  1. Natural shade of hair - from light brown to black.
  2. Green, blue and gray eyes.
  3. The presence of freckles.

Girls who fit these criteria can dye their hair in most shades of red. Brown-eyed women need to be more careful in choosing the tone of the paint.

Not suitable

The fiery red hair color will not adorn the appearance of a girl whose skin is prone to irritation, allergic reactions and redness. It will more strongly emphasize the redness on the face and create the impression of a tearful appearance.

Also, professional stylists do not recommend dyeing hair in a similar shade to mature ladies. Hair of this shade attracts a lot of attention to the face and adds age. But there are exceptions, so be sure to responsibly approach the choice of color.

Shade selection

In order for the hair color to be combined with the appearance and complement the image of the girl, it is necessary to choose the right shade. Light skin in combination with green, gray and blue eyes are perfect for light colors.

Shades of red

Fiery red hair will adorn the appearance of girls with fair skin or one that has a light tan, as well as owners of a bright eye shade. You can also choose a golden or pink color. For swarthy, brown or copper shades will be excellent options.

Olive skin is complemented by a natural red color. It is important that the hair and eyes become a bright accent after dyeing. If you follow this advice, it will be easier to choose a shade.

Paint selection

The cosmetic market has a huge number of brands that produce hair dyes. According to buyers and professional stylists, when choosing this tool, you should pay attention to the following brands:

1. Estel. Professional paint that is suitable for use at home. It dyes hair fairly quickly, and it contains a large number of nutrient components.

2. Loreal. Pretty popular paint among customers around the world. A huge palette of red shades makes it easy to choose the right one. The kit has an excellent mask for hair care, which nourishes, moisturizes and gives saturation to the shade.

Paint loreal

3. Schwarzkopf. Fast action paint that absolutely does not damage the structure. Girls with fiery red hair quite often give preference to this brand.

4. Concept. A professional brand that produces a huge amount of hair products. Coloring products allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

5. Wellaton. A budget option that qualitatively dyes hair in a fiery red color. Buyers note that the paint has an excellent composition and creamy texture, which provides ease of application and distribution.

Wellaton paint

The palette for coloring hair in a fiery red color makes it easy to choose the right tone, and the procedure will not damage their structure. To obtain a natural result, you can use henna, but the exposure time of the composition on dark hair can vary from 3 to 7 hours. The best option is to buy a fiery red hair dye, the brightness of which can be controlled during the coloring process.


Professional stylists do not recommend dyeing hair at home, but a good result can be achieved by observing several rules. After acquiring a shade of paint, it is necessary to choose a suitable oxidizing agent to obtain the desired result.

How to get a fiery red hair color? For natural blondes, you need to choose a tinting agent. For coloring brown and chocolate hair, you should choose a 6% or 9% oxidizing agent. In order to obtain the effect of tinting, you can use 3% oxide and reduce the duration of the staining procedure to 20 minutes. The hair will acquire a natural and beautiful shade of red, and it will not be necessary to carry out preliminary clarification.

Hair coloring

After that, it is necessary to prepare a container for diluting the mixture, gloves, a towel on the shoulders, a brush and a comb. Dilute the pigment and oxidizing agent in a ceramic or plastic dish and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Spread the paint evenly through the hair and leave for 20-40 minutes, depending on the saturation of the desired color.

For fiery red hair, the paint should be left for 45-60 minutes. Thus, the shade will be very bright and intense. After that, the hair is thoroughly washed with water and shampoo and a nourishing mask for dyed hair is applied.

Natural shade

Girls with fiery red hair, which they inherited from nature, need to maintain the brightness and saturation of the shade. To do this, you need to use high-quality cosmetics that will enhance the intensity of the natural pigment in the structure. An excellent option is to care for dyed hair with a huge amount of nourishing and moisturizing components.

Natural red hair

In the photo, the fiery red hair of a natural shade looks incredibly beautiful and impressive. Most often you can find golden, copper and fiery colors from nature. Oils in the care of a natural shade allow it not to fade under the influence of sunlight and remain intense.

You may notice that the natural color of fiery red hair can vary depending on the season: in winter it is darker and more saturated, and in the summer it is light and bright. Therefore, it is very important to constantly care for your hair and protect it from sunlight.

Other types of staining

If a girl has no desire to radically change her image, then partial hair coloring can be done. This will help not only to renew the shade, but also to understand whether fiery red hair is suitable. Ombre staining is a simple and affordable option. The selected shade of paint is applied from the basal zone to the middle of the length, and the ends are left untouched.

Red ombre

Adding bright highlights to a natural red color is a technique that resembles highlighting, but the number of colored strands can vary. Glare looks great on fiery red hair and emphasizes the brightness of green eyes.

Ultra bright redhead

Incredibly bright shades of red attract the attention of everyone around. This option is suitable for courageous and confident girls. Many palettes present extreme shades of apricot, carrot, orange and even bright orange. You can achieve this color with the help of tinting agents, which will gradually go off the hair.

Flushing red

Female representatives are prone to frequent changes in hair color. After staining in fiery red hair, it is quite difficult to return to a natural shade. Because modern paints contain quite rich and high-quality pigments that penetrate deeply into the structure. To do this, it will be necessary to use the washing and brightening systems used in professional beauty salons several times .

Fiery red stain

This procedure is best carried out in the cabin, so that the color does not stain and the harmful effects of the chemical composition are reduced.


Both in life and in the photo, the fiery red hair color looks incredibly impressive and attracts a huge amount of attention. It is necessary to choose a suitable shade, follow the instructions for use, and also care for both painted and natural shades of red. This is important to maintain brightness and color saturation and reduces the likelihood of harmful effects of dyes on the hair.


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