How to choose a belt for the back. Orthopedic belt for the back: reviews, prices

The use of supportive, corrective and warming devices for the back has been known since the Crusades that took place in the Middle Ages. Then they were used mainly by those who, on duty, had to experience all the hardships of military life. A belt for the back made of hard leather bands allowed soldiers dressed in heavy, shackling armor movements to make long transitions on horseback or on foot.

The variety of shapes of belts for the back

Modern medicine has adopted such an invention, useful in all respects, as a belt for the back, supporting the lower back. On its basis, many devices have been developed that allow not only to fix the spine in an upright position and reduce the load on it, but also to correct the curvature. There are several varieties of medical belts: the classic form, corsets, bandages. Many believe that products of this type cannot be used to correct posture or treat various ailments, but this is not entirely true. The back belt has long established itself as a fairly effective means of preventing spinal injuries, as well as one of the most effective means of rehabilitation and treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Now you will not surprise anyone with a magnetic, warming or stretching massage belt. However, few people understand what kind of orthopedic belt is designed for the back. Wrong selection of medical accessories, which include belts and corsets, can provoke an aggravation of an ailment, and in some cases completely deprive a person of the ability to move normally.

back belt

When you need to use belts for the back

Due to the fact that in recent years, industry has stepped forward, representatives of the human race have the opportunity to free themselves from most of the tasks associated with the application of physical effort and making movements. Because of this, problems with the spine caused by physical inactivity often occur. Here are just a few diseases that can be eliminated with an accessory such as a back belt:

  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • hernia of the intervertebral disc;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • sciatica and lumbago;
  • spinal cord injuries;
  • congenital pathology of the spine.

This is not a complete list of diseases in which a back belt supporting the lower back will not only help in restoring the normal position of the vertebrae, but will also help to eliminate pain and other symptomatic manifestations of spinal diseases.

Belt classification

Before making the final choice and buying an orthopedic belt for the back, it is important to know at least in general terms which of their varieties are currently being produced. Supporting belts are considered the most common, which are used as a device that provides restoration of the spine due to operations performed on it. As a rule, the supporting belt for the back is made of strong and rigid material, and its width is at least 25 cm. Sports options that are used by weightlifters can also be attributed to this group of accessories.

orthopedic belt for the back

With intervertebral disc hernias, it is better to purchase a stretching belt, which will contribute, firstly, to straightening the spinal column, and secondly, to increase the distance between each of its segments. These properties of the belt can reduce the compression of the nerve roots by osteophytes, reduce pain and restore the normal density of the intervertebral discs.

And finally, there is a whole group of belts, which, in addition to supporting functions, performs a number of physiotherapeutic tasks. Firstly, these are warming belts made of the wool of various animals. Secondly, these are products with magnetic inserts. And thirdly, the belts that contribute to the breakdown of fatty tissue and weight loss. So, we will consider all the options in more detail and find out which characteristics are most significant when choosing these medical accessories.

What to look for when choosing a belt

Choose a belt for the back should be based on the following criteria:

  1. Material. Many manufacturers use compressed paper as the basis for supporting belts, which, when exposed to the human body for a long time, can absorb fluid released by the skin. Because of this, there is a loss of elasticity and rigidity of the "skeleton" of the belt, as a result of which it fails. An ideal material for a support belt is a whalebone, carbon fiber or leather. Magnetic and woolen belts are often completely fake, made of artificial fibers and without magnetic inserts. Such belts are better to buy from trusted manufacturers.
  2. Convenience of operation. When buying a belt, it is important to try it on to make sure that it does not press or rub in the area of ​​the ribs, pelvic bones, or spine. Self-respecting manufacturers always take into account the anatomical features of potential buyers, therefore they produce many different sizes of belts. If after trying on a convenient model could not be found, it may be worth thinking about ordering a belt according to your individual standards.
  3. Finishing, fittings. Particular attention should be paid to inspecting and checking the quality of the seams and fasteners of the belt. This will provide the bulk of the convenience of its operation. The edges of the belt should be covered with a double-seam edging. The clasp should ideally be metal in the form of one or two buckles, as this helps to make it easier to fit the belt around the waist. Velcro is also convenient, but they quickly fail due to contamination with pile.

Supporting belts, selection criteria

Fixing or supporting belts are used to eliminate curvature of the spine (with scoliosis), as well as during rehabilitation after surgery on the spine. Their main task is to ensure relative immobility and stability of the spine when a person performs various movements. A support belt for the back should meet the basic quality criteria, and also fit exactly in size. Too wide a belt can constrain movements, and a narrow one can not fulfill the functions assigned to it. Do not buy a support belt that is too small, as excessive compression can cause circulatory problems in the back and abdominal organs. If you choose the right support belt for the back, reviews about it will be only positive.

back belt reviews

According to those who have been using a support belt for a long time, this device allowed them to solve problems with lower back pain. However, respondents noted that constant wearing of the belt can provoke an attack of pain after they stop using it.

Posture Correction Belts: How to Choose?

To date, several types of belts are available for posture correction. Products of this group are medical, so their choice must be agreed with the attending physician. Depending on the stiffness, the corrective belt for the back can be:

  1. Lightweight - made using soft leather or fabric.
  2. Medium - made using inserts from a strong, but elastic and fairly soft material (leather, plastic).
  3. Strong - made using rigid plastic or metal inserts.

To prevent the development of stoop, you can independently choose and purchase a soft belt, and to correct a sufficiently strong curvature, you will have to buy a hard belt, but only after consulting a specialist.

back belt Price

To choose a corrective belt for the back that is really useful in all respects (reviews talk about this), you need to pay attention to the width of the straps, as too narrow rub shoulders and collarbones, as well as the armpits.

The choice of a stretching belt: how not to make a mistake

In most cases, there is no need to choose a belt for the back with a hernia on your own, since this disease involves the participation of a specialist in the selection of treatment options. Based on the anatomical structure of the patient and the degree of disc reduction, the production of belts by individual sizes is performed. According to patients, the most effective products were hand-held air pumps, since they allow more precise control of the spinal tensile strength.

How to choose a magnetic belt

Magnetic belts are used as an additional therapeutic agent for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as to reduce or adjust weight, normalize the work of organs located in the field of action of magnets sewn into it. When buying a magnetic belt for the back, you should not give preference to too cheap products, since they are most often made using conventional metal inserts rather than magnets, therefore, as a rule, they do not have a therapeutic effect. Magnetic belts, according to the reviews of those who purchased them, it is better to buy from trusted suppliers of medical equipment.

back support belt

The choice of a warming belt made of wool

For arthritis and arthrosis, many experts recommend using a back belt made of wool. These products perform a dual function: they prevent cooling of the lower back and carry out micromassage, which improves blood supply to the affected segments of the spine. The line of these products is quite diverse. Belts differ, first of all, by the type of wool used in their manufacture. The most effective are those made of yak wool. Belts made of badger and dog hair have a slightly lesser effect.

Reviews of warming belts suggest that in some cases an allergic reaction in the form of itching may appear. In addition, their thickness was named as a significant drawback of such products: in most cases, such products cannot be hidden under clothing.

Choosing a Slimming Belt

Belts for weight loss are common, the action of which is based on the effect of the sauna, and with massage functions. In the first case, the products are made of multilayer textile materials or rubberized latex, in the second - from the same materials, but with built-in vibrating mechanisms. It is not accepted to consider these products as therapeutic and preventive, since they do not play a role in maintaining normal or correcting impaired posture. The choice of such belts is often based on the cost or appearance of the product.

Cost of a belt for the back

The cost of items determines their quality - this axiom is known to everyone. The same applies to a subject such as a belt for the back. The price for them is based on the purpose of the belt and on what materials and technologies were used to create them. The most expensive is considered to be an orthopedic belt for the back, made by individual standards. Such belts often resemble corsets, and in their manufacture only high-quality materials and special equipment are used. The cost of such medical corsets is about 5000-12000 rubles.

wool back belt

The middle price category includes light belts for posture correction and supporting ones. This is due to the fact that they are manufactured by standard standards. Relatively inexpensive can be considered belts for practicing power sports and for weight loss. Relatively cheap are woolen and magnetic options, produced in large batches. The cost of such products starts at 200 rubles.

Regarding wool belts, it can be said that the quality and origin of their β€œfilling” plays a fundamental role in shaping the price of a belt. The most expensive are those belts that are not just stuffed with it, but sewn from animal skins. In this case, when putting on the belt, the fur comes into contact with the back. The cost of these products ranges from 550-2500 rubles.

hernia back belt

Choosing the cheapest belt from a variety of options, you run the risk of acquiring a low-quality product, which in the best case will have no effect. Therefore, before you buy a belt, you should learn more about those manufacturers whose products you are going to buy.


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