Potato peelers industrial: description of popular models, reviews

Dishes prepared from potatoes, there is simply a huge amount. This root crop is boiled, stewed, fried, cut into soups and borscht. Peeling potatoes to prepare a small number of servings is easy and manual. But in various kinds of cafes, canteens and restaurants, the peel from this root crop is more convenient to remove using special equipment. Potato peelers are nowadays produced by many companies. Most of the models available on the modern market are distinguished by sufficiently high performance, quality and reliability.

Types of equipment

On sale today there are only two main types of industrial potato peelers:

  • continuous action;

  • periodic action.

The first type of equipment is most often used in very large enterprises. In cafes, canteens and restaurants, periodic machines are usually installed.

Design features

Potato peelers are industrial units made of metal with a large bowl. The walls of the latter are lined with special abrasive material, responsible for peeling. There is a hole at the top of the chamber for loading potatoes. At the bottom there is a tray for removing peeled tubers. The bowl rests on a strong metal frame.

Also on sale today are industrial knife potato peelers. In addition to a bowl with an abrasive inner surface, their design includes such an addition as a disk with sharp edges. Equipment of this type provides the highest quality root crop treatment. All modern potato peelers, among other things, have a convenient control panel.

industrial potato peelers

Principle of operation

Self-cleaning of potatoes occurs during the rapid rotation of the chamber. Moving inside the bowl, root crops come into contact with its abrasive walls. As a result, the peel is simply peeled off from them. When loading potatoes into the chamber, a certain amount of water is usually added. It is necessary for washing tubers during processing and removal of the removed particles of the peel.

industrial electric potato peeler

Some modern industrial potato peelers have a very convenient function for washing root crops. Water is not poured into such units when loading. Already during the installation process, machines of this type are connected to the water supply.

What to look for when buying

When choosing a potato peeler for your restaurant or cafe, you should first pay attention to its characteristics such as:

  1. Performance.

  2. The volume of the working chamber.

  3. Dimensions of equipment.

  4. The weight of the device.

  5. Brand of the manufacturer.

Most popular models

There are many companies producing equipment intended for installation in cafes and cafes. Of course, these firms and industrial potato peelers make. Descriptions of the most popular models will be presented to your attention later in the article. The best reviews from the owners of catering enterprises have deserved such models of potato peelers as the IOC and Gastrotop HLP-15. Fama FP and SIRMAN cars also enjoy a good reputation. Units of these manufacturers are distinguished by reliability, quality of performance and operational efficiency.

industrial potato peelers descriptions

Technical characteristics of the IOC 300M machines

Equipment of this brand, if necessary, can be used to process not only potatoes, but also other root crops: carrots or beets. In the table below, you can see what technical characteristics an industrial potato peeler MOK 300M produced by Torgmash (Belarus) has.




750 watts

Mains voltage required

380 V


300 kg / h


650 mm


1000 mm


450 mm

Body material

Stainless steel


47 kg

Quantity of simultaneously loaded product

10 kg

As you can see, this equipment has many advantages. A certain disadvantage of it is that it is connected exclusively to a three-phase network, and therefore, unfortunately, it may not be installed in all dining rooms.

Reviews about the IOC 300M potato peelers

In general, consumers have a very good opinion about the equipment of this manufacturer. First of all, he is praised for his very high performance. Not every modern model can clean 300 kg of root crops. This brand has earned good reviews for its not too high cost. You can buy such equipment for about 30-35 thousand rubles.

industrial knife potato peelers

Models of the brand Gastrotop HLP-15

It is also quite high-quality and reliable industrial potato peelers with very good technical characteristics.




750 watts

Quantity of simultaneously loaded product

15 kg

Required voltage

220 V


410 mm


533 mm


1085 mm


61 kg


300 kg / h

The industrial HLP-15 stainless steel potato peeler is made. A loading hatch is mounted in the molded plastic lid of the chamber. This model, like the previous one, is intended for cleaning not only potatoes, but also other root crops. It connects to both the sewer and the water supply simultaneously.

It is convenient to work on it thanks to the presence of a special timer that allows you to adjust the work cycle. Included with this model is a special mesga trap designed to prevent clogging of the sewer.

Customer Reviews for Models Gastrotop HLP-15

There are also very good reviews about the equipment of this brand. Such machines cost slightly more than the IOC 300M models with similar performance (about 50 thousand rubles). However, they can be connected to a 220 V household network. Moreover, the equipment is reliable and of high quality. It earned good reviews, including for the spacious roomy tank. Downloading 15 kg of potatoes at the same time is, of course, very convenient.

industrial potato peeler hlp 15

Brand models Sirman

The equipment of this manufacturer is in a high price category. There is an electric industrial potato peeler Sirman about 100-150 thousand rubles. The Italian company of the same name makes these designs. The motors of the devices are equipped with a specially designed ventilation system, and on their cover there is a microswitch. The bottom and the chamber itself can be easily removed for flushing. Also, the operator of such a potato peeler has the ability to quickly replace abrasive materials. The advantages of this model, among other things, include the ability to automatically unload the camera and height-adjustable legs attached to the floor. Technical characteristics of the equipment are presented in the table (using the PPJ 10 SC 1F model as an example).




470x544x910 mm


41.5 kg

Working voltage

220 V


735 watts


170 kg / h

Simultaneous loading

10 kg

Sirman Model Reviews

Ease of use is the main advantage that characterizes these industrial potato peelers. Reviews about Sirman models are good primarily because loading root crops into them and taking them out already peeled is very easy. An excellent opinion of these machines has developed due to their ease of maintenance. During operation, the operator has the ability to quickly access absolutely all parts and components of the device. The only drawback of Sirman potato peelers is, of course, their rather high cost. However, many owners of cafes and restaurants prefer to pay more and at the same time get at their disposal the most reliable equipment of European quality.

industrial potato peelers reviews

Potato peeler electric industrial Fama FP

Models of this brand are equipped with a special digital control system, have a transparent cover and adjustable legs. Below are the characteristics of one of the most popular modifications of this brand on the market - Fama FP 100.




530x660x950 mm


500 kg / h

Simultaneous loading

18 kg / h


900 watts

Working voltage

380 V


45 kg

Fama FP Model Reviews

The advantages of the equipment of this manufacturer, the owners of restaurants and cafes include the presence of such add-ons as a digital timer and a filter for cleaning. Also, the advantage of these models is the ability to connect to the water supply for washing the treated root crops. The disadvantages of Fama FP potato peelers include their high cost. For the FP 100 model you will have to pay, for example, more than 100 thousand rubles.

potato peeler industrial mock 300m

Almost all potato peeler models available on the modern market are reliable and quality. Described above are the most popular. But, of course, if you wish, you can purchase any other brand of equipment of this type. The most important thing when choosing is not to save and not to buy dubious equipment from little-known manufacturers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38435/

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