Moral exhaustion: signs, treatment options, medications, advice from psychologists

The modern rhythm of life is so intense that a person often feels himself exhausted and tired of it. It is impossible to control everything that happens. Unpredictability leads to stress, which affects both the physical and mental state.

lack of physical strength in a woman

The impact of the problem on human life

A lot of people suffer from moral exhaustion. It manifests itself through various symptoms that violate a personโ€™s life and reduce his labor productivity. Often because of emptiness, important relationships are destroyed.

Moral exhaustion in psychology is called nervous. But the terminology has little effect on the essence of those processes that occur in the body during prolonged stress. It is not so important how many problems still have to be solved. Despite the mountains of affairs, it is necessary to give the body and mind a timely rest. Otherwise, labor productivity and the ability to solve problems will decrease all the time, until all this results in chronic fatigue syndrome or psychosomatic illness.

moral exhaustion

Why is nervous exhaustion dangerous for the body?

In a stressful situation, internal regulatory systems obey the orders of the nervous system. For example, if a person lives in a tense family environment, during each conflict the adrenal glands are ordered to produce hormones - adrenaline and cortisol. Moreover, their release occurs in increased quantities. This affects the body as follows:

  • Immunity is suppressed. A person becomes more susceptible to flu, colds.
  • This affects his blood pressure. It rises or, conversely, decreases.
  • Increased amounts of adrenaline and cortisol affect the activity of neurons, which causes sleep disturbances. Also, memory, attention worsens.
  • The production of testosterone is reduced, which leads to a decrease in sexual desire.
  • Cortisol in large quantities adversely affects muscle cells, decomposing them into simpler components. Therefore, a person loses muscle mass and gains fat.

Cortisol and adrenaline thus affect the body only if they are produced too much. These hormones in normal amounts are involved in the regulation of many metabolic processes within the body. They mainly affect carbohydrate metabolism. But their increase, as well as lowering, is detrimental to health.

Signs of exhaustion: insomnia

One of the first bells that signal the presence of moral exhaustion is sleep disturbance. Due to stress, a person in this state cannot fall asleep even with severe fatigue. But a full sleep is vital. Therefore, those who are faced with this problem, at least it is useful every day to properly prepare for rest. To do this, you can meditate, remember something pleasant.

woman in a state of insomnia

Asthenic manifestations

The feeling of fatigue, dizziness, weakness - all this indicates the need for physical rest. The body does not withstand this amount of stress. If you have these signs, you need to think about self-healing.

physical exhaustion

Sometimes there is a pain syndrome, the origin of which is unknown. A person conducts specialized examinations, but doctors do not reveal anything. Pain can be localized in the head, muscles, abdomen. Chronic diseases can also worsen.

The desire to quit

One of the clear signs of moral exhaustion is that the person no longer wants to take responsibility. He feels that on his shoulders lies a huge load, which he does not have enough strength to carry.

A similar desire can periodically arise in a healthy person. But on the other hand, if apathy does not go away for a long time, it can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break as soon as possible, to get in shape.

Feeling of detachment

A person in a state of moral exhaustion does not feel involvement in external events. None of what is happening interests him anymore. He describes his condition approximately like this: โ€œI donโ€™t care what is happening around me. I'm not good and not bad. โ€ The physical body exists as if without emotion.

apathetic girl

Anxiety, depression

A frequent symptom of moral exhaustion is constant anxiety. Anxiety is caused by the most ordinary things. An ordinary discussion of oneโ€™s work with a supervisor may cause concern over a possible dismissal. This condition in itself provokes stress.

depressed woman

A person suffering from moral and emotional exhaustion often has tearfulness, a depressed state. His self-esteem is declining. He loses faith in himself, considers himself a failure. Concern over imaginary or real failures leads to high fatigue, sleep disturbances.


A person suffering from moral exhaustion begins to notice increased aggressiveness. The slightest reason can hurt him, unbalance him. Often observed and impatience. If you need to wait a while, it also leads to irritation.

Treatment options

There are several methods of therapy after nervous exhaustion:

  • Drug treatment.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Do-it-yourself measures: regulation of sleep patterns, good nutrition, exercises on mental discharge.
  • Spa treatment.


To prevent possible complications, it is important to identify symptoms of nervous exhaustion in time. Treatment with drugs with suspected disorder is prescribed only by a doctor. Usually these are the following medicines:

  • Drugs that help to dilate blood vessels, relieve migraines, strengthen cerebral circulation. Usually these are analogues of Mexidol or Tanakana.
  • Medications that accelerate the metabolism in brain tissues - Nootropil, Piracetam, Ceraxon.
  • Soothing remedies - tincture of valerian, "Fitosedan".
  • If there are symptoms of depressive states, antidepressant drugs or lung tranquilizers are prescribed - Valium, Diazepam, Amitriptyline.
  • Homeopathic remedies are also used - Anacarium, Magnesia, Kali Fos.
preparations for asthenia

Treatment with drugs of nervous exhaustion is possible only as directed by a specialist. The listed medicines have contraindications. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.

Psychologists' recommendations: the need to give yourself the opportunity to relax

To cope with the symptoms of moral exhaustion, it is important to remember a timely rest. Often workaholics suffering from this disorder justify themselves with the help of folk wisdom - โ€œCause time, and fun time.โ€ Psychologists advise not to forget that if there is no fun, then it will not work out. Either the forces will run out completely, or the body will be depleted so that a person becomes sick or "pays" with an anxiety-depressive state. Therefore, rest and entertainment should not be taken as something interfering with work - rather, this pastime is the key to the successful fulfillment of one's duties.

Getting tired in the evening and on weekends is completely normal. Fatigue is an indicator of the need to rest. If signs of moral and physical exhaustion are found, vacation is the best way to restore strength. After high stresses (for example, the threat of dismissal from work, serious family conflicts), it is recommended to rest for at least 10 days.

The importance of good sleep

Often, in addition to the depletion of the internal reserves of the nervous system, one also has to deal with insomnia. To overcome these disorders, you must follow the following rules for healthy sleep:

  • A few hours before a night's rest, it is not recommended to eat heavy food, alcoholic beverages.
  • The room should be dark. All light sources are eliminated: gadgets must be turned off, the lamps must be turned off. If possible, wear a sleep mask.
  • It is useful to have your own special ritual of going to bed. For example, brushing your teeth - yoga - changing clothes - sleeping.
  • If there is such an opportunity, it is useful in the evening to take a little walk in the air.


Vitamins and minerals are needed not only to maintain the body in optimal condition. They are extremely important for the effective operation of neurons - brain cells. Therefore, it is important to consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables during periods of exhaustion.

good nutrition

During prolonged nervous tension, nutrition must certainly include a greater amount of vegetable proteins and fats. Proteins are useful for getting from dairy products containing bifidobacteria. Good sources of protein include fish, meat, and seafood.


"What to do with moral exhaustion?" - ask themselves those who no longer have the strength to perform everyday work and household duties. Often this question is already asked at a time when a person has no strength whatsoever. The best way to avoid this condition is to prevent it from occurring. It is necessary not only to make plans for tomorrow, but also to feel whether there is enough strength to realize them.


Any type of massage has a positive effect on the state of the body, helping to relax. Relaxation is the second most important in the recovery process. In particular, attention should be paid to the muscles located in the collar zone.


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