Rimini earthquakes in 2012: how it was

Rimini is a popular resort town in Italy. Charter flights from most countries, especially Russian carriers and tour operators, regularly go there. In the spring of 2012, all news feeds were full of headlines about the earthquake in Rimini (Emilia-Romagna region).

earthquake in rimini

What is an earthquake and what does it come from

An earthquake is a natural phenomenon when, as a result of the movement of the earth's crust, vibrations, tremors occur, which have different destructive forces. Such force is estimated on the Richter scale: from 1 to 12 points:

  1. At 1-2 points, it is impossible for a person to feel the seismic movement, only a special device can fix this.
  2. A strength of 3-4 points is palpable: objects, trees and buildings are swinging.
  3. At 5 points, the plaster begins to crumble and cracks form on the buildings.
  4. 6-7 points - objects fall, glass windows break.
  5. At 8-9 points, walls, bridges, buildings collapse, even cracks appear on the earth's surface.
    earthquake in italy rimini
  6. 10 points - destructive force, landslides, landslides occur, pipelines are destroyed.
  7. 11-12 points is a terrifying phenomenon when in a split second cities disappear from the face of the earth, mountains are destroyed, water bodies disappear, the landscape completely changes.

The first earthquake in Rimini in Italy in spring 2012

On the night of May 19 to 20, a seismic shock of 6 points on the Richter scale occurred in the Emilia-Romagna region, and in the afternoon there was a repeated push with a power of 5.1 points. Many people were forced to stay on the street, as many buildings and houses were damaged, and the fear of a recurrence of the earthquake prevented people from returning to their homes. The victims spent the night in tents, and some needed medical help. Rimini was seriously affected by the earthquake: more than 50 people received injuries and injuries of varying severity, 7 people died, buildings were damaged.

rimini after the earthquake

Many architectural and historical monuments in Italy were damaged. According to the Russian Embassy, ​​the citizens of our country were not injured. According to Italian experts, the earthquake in Rimini - the northern part of the country, turned out to be the most serious in the last 10 years.

According to experts, this will not affect the Italian tourist resorts. If the flow of people willing and decreases, then this will be an insignificant figure, not more than 1-2%.

Repeated seismic movement in the town

As soon as the Italian town recovered from seismic shocks, after only 10 days, on May 30, 2012, Rimini again suffered from an earthquake. This time, the fluctuations were estimated at a magnitude of 5.8 points, the central part of the city was affected, and the nearby settlements felt slight fluctuations.

earthquake in italy rimini

The event occurred at 9 am local time. Despite the fact that this time the force was slightly weaker, there were no casualties: 10 people were killed, they were found under the collapsed buildings. Train traffic was suspended, many were evacuated.

According to tour operators, coastal areas are not affected, as are tourists. Experts confirmed that the situation was calm in the resort area.

Was there another earthquake in Rimini? This question caused surprise among tourists, so, according to vacationers, excursion routes were carried out, and evacuation actions were not taken, as well as no tremors were felt.

Opinion of tourists about what happened

Many tourists did not notice anything this time. Many learned about the earthquake in Rimini (in the northern part) only from local news, since the seismic shocks did not affect the tourist areas.

Those who were sleeping at the time of the earthquake did not even feel any noticeable changes, while those who were awake referred to the slight vibrations of the earth.

was there an earthquake in rimini

A local Russian guide working in Rimini confirmed the words of eyewitnesses. Everything was as usual: there were buses, excursions were conducted, all roads were intact.

Rimini after the earthquake

A series of earthquakes that struck the seismically calm place of Emilia-Romagna plunged the tourists, residents and president of the country into fear. The consequences that the city suffered are serious: many buildings suffered, people died.

An earthquake is a natural occurrence that cannot be foreseen, and its consequences are frightening. Since this is a resort area, making a profit from the funds of the tourism business, many tour operators were forced to lower prices for this destination.

Earthquake Safety Instructions

If you find this natural disaster indoors, you have very little time to make serious decisions on which your life and health depend. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions below and follow its instructions:

  1. Sit on the floor so that you can hold on to something.
  2. Take refuge: under a table or furniture, but away from windows and doors. If there is no such shelter in front of you, then sit down in the corner of the room.
    rimini suffered from an earthquake
  3. Hold on to any surface, covering your head from possible hits from falling objects.
  4. If you find yourself in bed during the oscillations of the earth, stay in place, covering your head with a pillow.
  5. Do not leave the building at the time of the earthquake. Only after the aftershocks can you go outside, as you can be trapped, and a ladder or other serious object can fall on you. It is forbidden to use the elevator - it is life threatening!
  6. Stay away from objects that could fall on you.

You may never have a reason to use this instruction, but you must know it. Since in unforeseen cases you can save not only yours, but also the lives of loved ones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38445/

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