How to disable sticky keys on Windows 7, 8, 10: a description of the methods

Sticky keys belong to the accessibility category. With it, users who have difficulty working with the keyboard can freely use combinations that use several keys simultaneously. You can press one key in order instead of pinching them at the same time.

This option often bothers ordinary users, since it is enabled by default. Most often, gamers encounter inconvenience by activating the sticking function by using Shift five times. Let’s figure out how to disable sticky keys on Windows 7 10 in different ways.

How to disable sticky keys on Windows

Easiest option

The fastest way to get into the settings window for this function is with a special sticking call. To do this, quickly press Shift 5 times in a row or hold the key for a few seconds. In this case, the system will emit a characteristic sound, and a dialog box will appear on the desktop. If you are going to turn off sticky keys on Windows 7 in games, we recommend that you pause or protect yourself from enemy attacks (if we are talking about an online game in which there are no pauses). This is necessary because the operating system automatically minimizes all running applications when a stick is called.

A window will prompt you to enable the function. You can agree or refuse. Since we need to completely disable this option, follow the link beginning with the words "Disable this keyboard shortcut ...".

After that, you will be taken to the "Accessibility Center", where the check mark next to "Enable Sticky Keys" is removed. Below you can also set detailed parameters of the function, if you still decide to use it.

If you use the "eight" or "ten", then when you go from the dialog box, the "Settings" application will appear. Here it is necessary to put the parameter noted in the screenshot below into the "Off" position.

Now we will consider each option of inclusion / shutdown which is available in Windows operating systems, in more detail.

How to disable sticky keys on Windows

Search string

In order not to go through several OS menus, you can use the standard search bar. To do this, just enter the "sticky keys" query, and then run the application that appears. This option is most relevant for the G8 and Tens.

"Control Panel"

The method allows you to disable sticky keys on Windows 7, 8 and 10. However, if there is an alternative in the "eight" and "ten", then in the "seven" this option is the only one (in the case of using the graphical interface). To use the method, follow the instructions:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" (search bar, "Start", the "Run" application).
  2. We find the subsection "Accessibility Center".
  3. Here we select the "Change keyboard settings" button.
  4. Next, uncheck the box next to "Enable sticky keys." To change the parameters of this feature, you should go to the settings section, which is located slightly lower.
  5. To completely turn off the option, you also need to uncheck the box next to the inclusion functions by pressing Shift five times.
How to disable sticky keys on Windows


This option is suitable for versions of Windows 8, 8.1, and 10. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Parameters" window (via "Search", through the context menu).
  2. Go to the "Accessibility".
  3. Here we select the subsection "Keyboard".
  4. We look at the right side of the window - the necessary parameters are located here. To completely disable the option, you need to rearrange all the settings to the Off position.
How to disable sticky keys on Windows

Disable accessibility features in the registry

If the previous methods did not help, then you can turn off sticky keys on Windows 7 through the registry. To do this, use the provided guide:

  1. Start the registry editor using the regedit command in the Run window.
  2. Open the StickyKeys branch, which is located in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER directory, then the Control Panel, followed by Accessibility.
  3. Open the Flags parameter and change its value to 506.
  4. Now in the same branch, open Keyboard Response and again find the Flags parameter. But now its value needs to be changed to 122.
  5. The last change must be entered in the ToggleKeys branch. The Flags parameter should now get a value of 58.
  6. After saving all the changes, restart the computer and check the result.

Sticking options

If you want to configure a special feature in detail, go to the settings window using one of the above methods. The user can separately disable or enable the following options:

  • entering key combinations by pressing in turn;
  • enable the option when you press Shift;
  • displaying warnings in the form of a dialog box and sound;
  • disabling the function when simultaneously pressing two or more keys from one hot combination;
  • displaying an icon on the taskbar.

Now you know how you can turn off sticky keys on Windows 7, 8, and 10. If you are unable to do this, then try to restore the operating system from the control point, check the hardware drivers, or download the latest updates.


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