A part-time job for a teenager of 15 years: work options

What can be a side job for a teenager of 15 years? To answer this question definitely will not work. Indeed, in the modern world, even minors strive to earn money to one degree or another. So, there are enough vacancies. But which options are best for a teenager? There is a generally accepted unspoken list of vacancies that may interest a student. What should I take a closer look at?

For summer

Mostly children are interested in part-time work in the summer. Adolescents 15 years are happy to take for temporary employment. It is enough to look closely at the proposals that are found in newspapers closer to the summer season.

part-time job for teenager 15 years

The most popular option is the rides operator. Or cotton candy / popcorn seller . Such a side job requires a medical book for the child. Without it, many employers simply do not consider candidates. And this is right: in the field of catering, as well as in the entertainment sphere, it is forbidden to work without evidence of health.

Such a side job for the summer for teenagers 15 years old is in demand in all cities. After all, on attractions or in specialized tents you can work mainly in the warm period. A kind of temporary income. But some minors are looking for work on an ongoing basis. What can they offer?


The next scenario is the work of the promoter. A common vacancy among schoolchildren. Does not require a health book (only in exceptional cases). No special skills are needed either. Typically, the job of a promoter is to distribute leaflets. Payment is hourly.

Such a summer part-time job for teenagers 15 years old may well become permanent. Distribution of leaflets is usually necessary for companies all year round. The duration of labor can be negotiated. For example, work for 2 hours. Then the student will be able to earn extra money even during training.

part-time teenagers in the summer of 15 years

Nanny / accompanying

Another type of job is a nanny. This vacancy is suitable mainly for girls. As practice shows, often teenagers are allowed to look after children for a fee from about 16 years old. But also as a side job for a teenager of 15 years, this option is suitable. Many parents require a medical record. This is a fairly common request, which should not be surprised.

An alternative is to work as an attendant. The task of the teenager is simple - to meet the baby in one place and bring him to another. For example, you can entrust a minor student to accompany the child to one or another circle.

Nanny work is often paid by the hour, but attendants are paid directly for the implementation. Such a side job for a teenager of 15 years is not stable, but is in demand.

Sim card seller

Not a single job was to your liking? Then you can pay attention to other options for the development of events. What else can a teenager do in the summer? And not only in the summer.

Another popular side job for a teenager of 15 years is the seller of SIM cards. Or, as they are also called, distributors of telephone products. The task is simple - selling SIM cards, as well as other services of a particular operator. Earnings consist of salary for output +% of sales.

part-time summer job for teens 15 years old

A job requires training - a potential employee is introduced to the operator’s proposals. This process does not require any fee. A similar side job is well suited for the summer, and at any other time. Active, friendly teens do a great job of her.


What else is a side job for teens 15 years old? Moscow and other cities offer minors work in a cafe. Now the work as a waiter is popular . It is in demand among girls, but boys do not neglect it.

Payment for posts is hourly, requirements are serious, without fail they ask a medical book from adolescents. But with conscientious work, this brings a good profit. Especially due to tip.

It is worth remembering that adolescents cannot work at night. The good news is that there are always enough places to work as waiters. This vacancy is suitable for active and hardy, neat and friendly, responsible people. Otherwise, the position will not generate income.

part-time job for teenagers 15 years Moscow

Work on order

Part-time job in Minsk for teenagers of 15 years old is almost no different from offers that are in other cities. It should be noted that all of the above vacancies often require formal employment. But there are several non-standard types of work.

For example, writing essays and homework. This type of work can be called freelance. Teens very often help each other for money with homework, quizzes, essays and presentations.

This part-time job is particularly successful during school hours. This is a kind of earnings on their own knowledge, skills and abilities. Only hardworking can succeed in this area.

Public catering

Of course, the most popular and common part-time job for a teenager of 15 years (at any time of the year) is work in a fast-food cafe. Now many minors work in such places. Jobs a lot, the requirements are different everywhere. Basically, it is enough to have a medical book and undergo specialized training.

Depending on the type of cafe, the requirements for employees will change. Payment is hourly. This work attracts with its prospects. After all, adolescents are promised career growth, a full social package and official employment. Lunch is provided, but there are no breaks per se.

summer part-time job for teens 15 years old

Among the population, work in a fast food cafe is not considered prestigious. But as a source of income for minors is considered very often. Many remain in such places even in their student years.


You can also find an operator in a call center. This vacancy is universal, it does not require any serious skills. Suitable for summer part-time jobs, and for permanent work. Often the task is to promote products over the phone. Or advising clients.

Communication skills are encouraged. Remuneration in this position mainly depends on the amount of work performed. Well suited for those who intend to work long hours, and not just earn extra money. Operators work not only adolescents, but also adults. The main thing is to get a little training. This is not so difficult.

With animals

And here is a few non-standard and original work. It is perfect for teens of any age. It is about providing dog walking services. A good way to earn money, especially if the teenager has his own pet.

This vacancy is found mainly in large cities, where residents do not always have time for four-legged friends. Walking dogs for money - mostly a summer part-time job. But at other times of the year you can work in this way.

part-time job in Minsk for teens 15 years old

Payment, it is not difficult to guess, is for walking. This work is suitable for people who love dogs. Teenagers are easily trusted to walk four-legged friends. This vacancy does not require any skills, only the availability of free time is important.

In general, a part-time job for a teenager of 15 years does not end with this list. There are many job options. It all depends on the skills and desires of the minor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38457/

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