Existing flax seed contraindications

The first association that occurs when we pronounce the word β€œflax” is a natural lightweight fabric. She sews clothes and bedding. However, flax has long been used as a food product. Our great-grandfathers ground the seeds of this plant. The resulting flour was used to make bread and tortillas, which were an integral part of the diet.

flax seed contraindications
The benefits of a herbal product

Modern people have the opportunity to take advantage of the richness of linen culture in their lives. The pharmacy network sells oil obtained from the seeds of the plant, and the seeds themselves. Used as food additives, these products are a real storehouse of useful elements necessary for humans.

Get flax seeds reviews as a means of gently cleansing the intestines. Such an action of the plant product becomes possible due to the presence of indigestible fibers in its composition. Getting rid of harmful substances, the body stabilizes the digestive process on its own.

Flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids. This element guards the health of the brain and heart. Regular intake of flax seeds reduces the risk of vascular and myocardial muscle pathologies, as well as age-related dementia. These acids are also beneficial for joints. Their presence in the human body helps to eliminate the inflammatory process and restore cartilage tissue.

The composition of amazing seeds contains unique substances - lignans. These elements greatly reduce the risk of breast cancer.
The benefits of flaxseed are manifested thanks to the vitamins and minerals that are in their composition. Their list includes manganese and magnesium, amino acids and potassium, vitamin E and antioxidants.

flax seeds use contraindications
Flax seed contraindications

A plant product can bring a person not only benefits, but also harm. In the event that flax seeds are used, contraindications lie in their excessive use. The fact is that cyanogenic glycosides are present in the plant product. These components in small quantities contribute to proper metabolism. When flaxseed is consumed in a volume of more than fifty grams per day daily for a certain period, these glycosides accumulate. This contributes to poisoning the body and the appearance of side effects. Eliminates the health risk when cooking a plant product. This is possible due to the fact that cyanogenic glycosides decompose when exposed to heat.

Contraindications of flax seeds relate to use during pregnancy. Women expecting a baby are not recommended to consume a large amount of herbal product due to the fact that this issue has not been fully studied.

Flax seed contraindications exist for patients suffering from pancreatitis, cholecystitis and colitis in the acute stage. Careful use of a plant product is necessary if stones occur in the bladder or gall bladder. This is due to the strong choleretic effect of a natural remedy.

flax seeds reviews
Contraindications of flax seeds also occur with improper storage of the product. At the same time, it oxidizes, releasing cyanide, which is a toxic substance. High-quality flaxseed looks shiny. It should not show signs of mold, mildew or plain dampness. Storage of seeds must be carried out in a dark place, in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38463/

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