"Twelve". Block. Summary of the poem

twelve block summary
Blok's poem The Twelve was created immediately after the revolutionary pogroms of 1918. It reflected real events (cold winters, bonfires at crossroads, Red Army patrols on city streets, speech typical of those times), and views on what was happening by the author himself. And they were very peculiar. The writer took the revolution as a destructive force, which replaced the long-obsolete reality. The images in Blok’s poem “The Twelve” eloquently testify to this approach of the author to events. “Bourgeois”, “lousy dog”, “ladies in a karakul” - these are all symbols of the old world. The reader associates twelve with the apostles. They also went out into the world with their "mission" - to kill. And Christ, walking in front, rather resembles the Antichrist. But according to the logic of the then Bloc, the destruction of the outdated (even in this way) is a good deed. Soon, the writer will see that the revolution did not live up to his expectations. Until his death, he will not write anything more substantial, worthwhile.

"Twelve". Block. Summary of 1-3 chapters

block poem twelve
The street is very cold, windy. Passers-by constantly glide on the ground sprinkled with snow. A poster is drawn between the two buildings, on which the next Soviet slogan is displayed. An old woman passing by is perplexed: why waste such an amount of matter in vain, because something more useful, such as baby clothes, could be made from it ... She is sure that the Bolsheviks will drive the whole country into a coffin. A certain long-haired type, most likely a writer, also screams about the death of Russia. One lady complains to the second that they had to shed many tears. She, like many passers-by, slips and falls. A strong wind carries the talk of prostitutes. They discuss their meeting, at which they decided who to take with whom. Stooped over, an embittered tramp walks down the street. Twelve people armed with rifles are discussing Vanka, the "bourgeois" who used to be with them, and now has fun with Katka in a tavern.

"Twelve". Block. Summary of 4-6 chapters

Katka and Vanka rush along the road in the span. The scar under her breast is still fresh. Previously, Katka and officers walked in, dressed smartly. And now - with the soldier I went for a walk. Twelve attack a couple. Vanka manages to escape, leaving the dead Katka lying in the snow.

"Twelve". Block. Summary of 7-9 chapters

As if nothing had happened, they move on. And only one of the twelve - Petruha - is not his own. It turned out that Katka is his ex-girlfriend. At first they console him, and then they remind him that the time is different, and no one will babysit anyone. Petruha immediately became cheerful and tuned in to robberies and a gulba. There are no more city streets on the streets.

images in a block poem twelve
"Twelve". Block. Summary of 10-12 chapters

Such a blizzard is played out on the street that you can’t see anything in a few steps. Petruha recalls God, seeing such a bad weather. The rest laugh at him and remind him that now that his hands are in Katka’s blood, there is nothing to turn to the Lord. Twelve go on. They have nothing sacred in their souls and are ready for everything and for everything. Twelve continue to walk through the blizzard. Having noticed someone on the way, they order to stop, shout that they will shoot, and then execute a threat. So they go in a harmonious step, behind a hungry dog ​​mince, and in front - the invisible and unharmed Jesus Christ marches with a bloody flag.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38464/

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