How to achieve the goal: practical recommendations, effective ways and reviews

Success depends on many factors, such as a successful combination of circumstances, environment, knowledge and skills in certain areas of activity. However, one of the most important components is the ability to set goals correctly and make every effort to achieve them.

Goal setting

A clear understanding of one's own desires is the first step towards translating aspirations into reality. To understand the direction of action and determine what specific steps need to be taken in the future, the first thing to do is to precisely formulate the goal and develop a plan. For clarity, it is better to write down, formulating the desired first-person result in the present tense. That is, as if at the moment it was already possible to achieve what was intended. Another important point is to describe in detail the progress of the plan, to divide it into stages, approximately noting the timing of each step on the path to success. Then it will be possible to make changes as necessary. No matter what methods of achieving goals are chosen, the beginning of the path is identical in all cases: the correct formulation and understanding of exactly what you want.

reach the goal

In addition, there are various techniques for self-regulation and confidence in their own abilities:

  • Visualization. Psychologists recommend visualizing the desired result. This helps to tune in to the wave of success and increase motivation.
  • Meditation. It helps to balance the psychological state, reduce nervous strain, get rid of fatigue, increase creativity and unleash potential.
  • Affirmations are often repeated positive statements.

Of course, the above techniques cannot completely replace the main actions on the path to success. They only help tune the subconscious mind to the right frequency.

There are also various techniques that teach how to correctly formulate and write down desires, draw up a plan and achieve goals.

how to achieve the goal ways


Proper motivation is the most important engine on the road to making dreams come true. Moreover, this is an indicator indicating the degree of importance of a desire. If the intention is not strong enough, it is worth considering whether the planned is really so important? Will the quality of life change after achieving the desired? Or perhaps this goal has arisen under the influence of others. Almost any dream requires certain costs: effort, time, money. If the degree of significance of desire and the amount of effort required are unequal, the likelihood of success will be called into question.

This issue is easier to understand with a specific example. Suppose a person sets himself the goal of mastering English, but cannot begin to regularly devote time to a foreign language. First you need to figure out what was the motive. Is this really vital? Perhaps the desire is dictated by the widespread belief that it would be good to know a foreign language. For someone who, for example, ended up in another country, the question of the appropriateness of obtaining such knowledge will not arise at all, and all doubts related to language skills will disappear. Learning will be a priority, mobilizing the latent possibilities of the brain, and a new system of thinking and transmitting information will be mastered in a short time.

ways to achieve goals

If there are no such external motivating factors, then you have to show willpower and artificially create conditions for advancement.

Strength of will

Poorly developed willpower can significantly degrade the quality of life. A person who is not able to overcome negative habits becomes a slave to his weak will. This is precisely the reason why people sacrifice long-term prospects for the sake of short-term pleasures, and natural personal aspirations are defeated by instincts and momentary impulses.

Willpower can be developed regularly by performing actions aimed at self-development. It can be anything: learning a foreign language, playing sports, reading cognitive literature, playing musical instruments, chess, acquiring new skills in any field.

One of the most important conditions regarding how to achieve your goals is the ability to set priorities and concentrate on the priority task, discarding all that is superfluous. These actions will be easier to perform if you find the right incentive and focus on what you want. It is recommended to set no more than two goals at a time. Otherwise, dispersal and the desire to succeed in several areas at once can result in collapse.

goals and objectives achieved

Procrastination is the enemy of success

The reason for constantly postponing important matters for the future lies in the contradiction between the unconscious zone responsible for short-term pleasures (limbic system) and the prefrontal cortex, which controls planning and long-term prospects. There are two ways to overcome this negative habit: increase motivation or reduce resistance.

Common causes of laziness and procrastination:

  • self-doubt;
  • lack of knowledge;
  • fear of failure;
  • fear of working hours;
  • wrong habits.

How to cope with self-doubt?

Disbelief in one's own strengths, in turn, can cause a permanent delay in action. The only way out is to overcome uncertainty and begin to implement the plan. For an objective assessment of any question, you can use the method known as the "Cartesian square":

What will happen if the plan happens?What will happen if the plan does not happen?
What will not happen if the plan is implemented?What will not happen if the plan does not happen?

Usually, most people consider this or that problem from only one side: what will happen if the plan is implemented. Looking at it from different angles, one can foresee possible benefits and impending losses. Awareness will add confidence and help get rid of most doubts.


Another reason for the uncertainty in their own capabilities is often the lack of information.

achieve the following goals

In this case, there are several solutions:

  • Find a teacher. This may be someone from a friend or a famous person. Role models often help achieve goals by following the same path.
  • Start self-study and learn about the question of interest as much as possible.
  • Find helpers and delegate some of the work. Surrounded by like-minded people who are always ready to help, it is much easier to achieve a goal.

How to overcome the fear of failure?

This is the most common enemy of success. Fear is closely linked to uncertainty and is often the cause of it. The mechanisms for dealing with such fears are almost identical to working with a lack of faith in one's own strengths. To protect yourself from a possible failure, you need to consider all the ways and solutions. In addition, you should understand what criteria will measure the level of success. Sometimes the reason for the seeming failure is the excessive demands on themselves.

help to achieve the goal

Those who managed to overcome fears, doubts and insecurity will be much easier to achieve the following goals.

Fear of working hours

To solve this problem, it is necessary to divide a large amount of work into stages. Each time, proceeding to the next segment, to focus only on what is important at the moment. It is best to think about the next problem after the previous goals and objectives have been achieved. This method will help to do more, save energy, and perform any work efficiently.

Another good way to overcome fears and doubts is to recall those moments of your life when you were able to easily achieve your goal (or goals). Pleasant memories can inspire confidence and help you look at the situation from a positive perspective.

Wrong habits

All life is built from petty deeds that we do daily, most of which are already in the habit. If for years you have not been able to build life according to your own desires, perhaps you should think about the appropriateness of the actions performed.

A habit is formed due to the repeated repetition of the same action for some time. This is due to the fact that the neurons used simultaneously form a network. Therefore, many actions are performed automatically, and attempts to perform something new at first cause difficulties. Thanks to this, throughout life, not only habits are formed, but also a certain attitude, as well as ways of responding to various kinds of environmental stimuli. That is, depending on the set of repeated actions, a person creates a certain perception of the world.

how to achieve your goals

If a person has a program of a negative attitude towards everything that happens, it is most likely that any desire to succeed will fail. You can change this program by getting rid of destructive attitudes and developing positive thinking. In addition, it is important to introduce habits that will later help you get closer to what you want. Certain regular actions aimed at self-development and changes in the quality of life in general will further change the attitude towards the better. You can start small. For example, to replace the daily two-hour viewing of the TV show with reading cognitive books, both general educational and narrowly focused, allowing to deepen knowledge in their professional field. Or learn something new that will help unleash creativity.

Non-standard methods exist for changing the usual way of life. For example, to look for new ways of doing the same work, change the sequence of everyday activities, develop ambidextria - become a person who can perform certain actions equally well with both hands (for example, write).


There are many techniques and techniques on the topic "how to achieve the goal." The methods are very diverse, and everyone chooses for himself the most suitable ways. Most importantly, a person’s sincere intention to change the quality of his own life and understand his strengths. Numerous reviews on the Internet indicate that courses and programs that develop the ability to quickly achieve goals really work.

Of course, the methods for achieving success differ depending on which area of ​​activity is being discussed. There are general principles that will help get rid of the enemies of success and become stronger. However, this path is not suitable for those who seek to achieve the goal without much effort.


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