Whey protein isolate: what is it and is it necessary?

Everyone knows that protein or protein is the main and main building material for muscles, which must be supplied in sufficient quantities with food. But athletes use a variety of protein-containing supplements, which include whey protein isolate.

whey protein isolate
How to get it?

Whey is a by-product of the production of cheese, which is released in large quantities and subsequently processed. The latter is a long technological process of ion exchange and microfiltration. The initial product eliminates animal fats, lactose and bad cholesterol, leaving pure milk protein in the end. Moreover, it is better to use the one that has passed the filtration than the additives obtained by ion exchange, because this method involves exposure to high temperatures, which by no means favorably affects the final product. Whey protein isolate can not be compared with other sources of protein (meat, cottage cheese, eggs), since its biological value is many times higher, not to mention the quality. Its main feature is the content of a huge amount of BCAA amino acids, which, in fact, are involved in the synthesis of muscle mass and in maintaining its tone.

best whey protein isolate

All bodybuilders and other people who want to build a physique know how important protein supplements, especially whey protein isolate. It not only provides all the necessary muscles for their construction, but also has a very beneficial effect on the body's immune system due to its glutamine content. But still, its main action is to stimulate the growth of muscle tissue. Taking even the smallest portions of whey protein, you can achieve good results, but only with daily strength training.

Dosage and contraindications

whey protein isolate Price
Whey protein isolate is recommended at a rate of 1-2 grams per kilogram of weight. It is possible and less, but they no longer advise, if only divided into portions and drink 2-3 times a day. Too large doses of the drug can lead to congestion in the liver, and therefore, to a deterioration of the result. It is very convenient that whey protein isolate is sold, the price of which depends on the manufacturer, in the form of a powder. It remains only to add what you like best (juice, milk or water) or prepare a cocktail and drink during the workout. It is absorbed very quickly and begins to work, increasing anabolism. Another noteworthy feature of this supplement is the absence of harmful lactose in its composition, which can cause allergies. If you have one, in no case should you dilute the powder with milk or other lactose-containing fluids. Whey protein isolate is perfect for those who just want to maintain their muscle tone, then the dosage should be chosen 25-30 g per day.


There are other types of such additives, more effective or vice versa. Mostly they differ in price, but do not forget about the positive effects on the body. The best whey protein isolate is hydrolyzate. It is obtained in the same way, but then subjected to hydrolysis, which ultimately leads to an increase in the rate of assimilation. Such an additive is much more expensive. Whatever protein concentrate you choose, you should first consult a person competent in this matter.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3848/

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