How to regain your hair color after dyeing

Very often, after an incredible amount of hair dyeing experiments, a girl or woman realizes that the most appropriate shade for her is her natural. How to return your hair color if it has long disappeared under countless layers of bleaching and dye?

The simplest and least traumatic way is to wait for new ones to grow to cut off the painted ends. This begs the question: how to grow your hair color in order to cut it off as soon as possible? This can turn out to be a rather slow way, since it will take a rather long period of time, and most importantly, the natural shade can differ significantly from the color of the dyed hair, which makes the hairstyle look untidy and neglected.

If you are seriously concerned about the question "How to restore your hair color", then you should resort to a gentle color, choosing a shade that is most suitable for your natural color. In the event that you change your hair color so often that you can no longer remember how natural it looked, you can look at your eyebrows or wait until your hair grows a little. In this case, it is worth choosing a paint suitable for the roots of the hair.

Of course, this method is perfect for brunettes and brown-haired women, but the question arises: how to restore the natural color of hair to blondes who dyed their hair in dark colors for a long time? Their path to returning to a natural ash or golden hue may be too complex. Re-staining is unlikely to give the desired result, since it is necessary to carry out the transition from dark to light tones. Not everyone is able to afford a short haircut, because it is a pity to part with curls due to an unsuccessful experiment with color. To return blond hair in this situation, you can use one of two methods. The first option is simple, you need to contact the salon, where you can wash off the dye using a special procedure. Of course, this procedure is similar to bleaching, which causes considerable damage to the hair, however, a professional master can reduce the harm of this process to a minimum. After that, bleached hair will be dyed in a tone similar to your natural.

The second way to return blonde hair is the gradual periodic highlighting of hair, dyeing with light feathers. This method is very time-consuming, but it is less harmful to the hair follicles and scalp. Even the most persistent dye is gradually washed off, so highlighting here is designed to make the transition from your natural color to dyed hair softer. While the light roots will grow back, it is necessary to make an increasing number of light strands, which will gradually replace a darker tone with a light one.

How to get your hair color back

Many women begin to dye their hair in order to change themselves, and then they want to restore their native color. Let's dwell on the question: how to return your hair color with a wash? There are drugs used by professional hairdressers that are designed to restore their own hair color if the client is unhappy with the result or she is already tired of this option. The concentration of the wash can be different, with a successful selection of concentration, it is able to destroy the artificial pigment, restoring the natural tone of the hair.

Washes can be natural, discolouring and acidic. The master selects the type of wash depending on the initial hair color and the shade in which they are dyed. A bleach wash is designed to wash off dark tones, it is very harmful to the hair. Two to three sessions allow you to achieve the desired result. An acid wash can remove the coloring pigment from the hair, such a wash is not so harmful, but many sessions will be required to achieve the result. After washing, it is imperative to treat the hair with balms and masks.


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