Energy Efficiency of Buildings and Structures

We all want to live in a comfortable house, where it will always be warm, despite the weather outside. But few people know that this depends on the energy efficiency of the building, which is determined even at the stage of compiling project documentation. In recent years, the state has been striving to develop new requirements for this indicator, which should significantly reduce the amount of energy consumed for the livelihood of a particular structure. The fact is that this factor can be called determining when we, in the global sense of the word, talk about the environmental situation in the country and the world. For decades, many states have been working to improve the energy efficiency of buildings of all categories of purpose. Our country, for some time, remained aloof from this process, but gradually it also began to be included in it. Today in the article we will talk about the energy efficiency of buildings and structures in principle, as well as measures to improve it.

energy efficiency of buildings and structures

We study the terminology of the question

Not every layman understands what exactly is meant when we talk about the energy efficiency of a building. Most often, this term is confused with the concept of energy conservation. And although in fact they are quite close in meaning, they still represent different definitions.

The energy efficiency of buildings and structures is usually understood as the ratio of the expressed beneficial effect of the expended energy resources to their quantity necessary to obtain a similar result.

We can say that with the highest class of energy efficiency of energy resources, the minimum amount is spent. Some experts call this term also the appropriate use of available energy.

In order for the reader not to confuse this definition with energy saving in the future, let us clarify that energy saving implies a reduction in energy consumption for the same requests. That is, for people this is associated with certain restrictions, while the high energy efficiency of the building makes it possible for its residents to function in the usual mode, but to receive much greater returns.

Energy Efficiency Situation Today

For almost fifty years, the world community has been trying to introduce new standards of energy efficiency. Some states adopt special programs that can significantly increase this ratio. However, until now, world industry consumes about half of all energy resources. Moreover, a side effect of this process is the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which numerous associations of ecologists are trying to control. Today, international organizations have adopted a single standard that includes items on energy efficiency.

There are three states in the world whose economy is completely based on the consumption of a large number of energy resources. The external gross product depends entirely on this factor. Among the three powers falling into this category, besides China and the United States, is our country. She takes third place in this list.

It can be clarified that our industry, together with residential buildings, consumes more than half of all energy resources of the Russian Federation. This figure is disastrous, and the situation has reached such an extent that it needs to be addressed immediately. In this regard, the state is developing a number of measures and standards that will regulate the energy efficiency of industrial buildings and the residential sector. We will talk about them a little later.

building energy efficiency certificate

The category of buildings covered by the new state regulations

The following buildings fall under the code of rules (SP) for energy efficiency of buildings:

  • residential sector (multi-story construction in cities and other settlements);
  • buildings related to objects of social infrastructure;
  • storage facilities (the temperature regime in them should be set at the level of twelve degrees of heat and above);
  • buildings intended for storage and repair of equipment (area from fifty squares);
  • apartment buildings whose height does not exceed three floors.

It is noteworthy that all adopted standards regulate the calculation of energy efficiency of buildings not only at the stage of creating design documentation. The set of rules controls the entire construction process up to the commissioning of the building. Thus, increasing energy efficiency turns into a certain strategy, however, it does not establish exact indicators that builders and designers should focus on.

energy efficiency of industrial buildings

Buildings not covered by the state energy efficiency law

The legislation provides for buildings that cannot be regulated in any way by the above-mentioned codes of practice and standards. These include the following properties:

  • buildings of religious significance;
  • monuments of history and culture;
  • temporary structures that can function no more than two years;
  • residential buildings falling under the category of individual construction (the number of floors should not exceed three);
  • country and garden houses;
  • buildings in the category of "auxiliary use";
  • constructions that stand separately from others and do not exceed fifty squares in area.

Today, all the listed categories of buildings can be commissioned regardless of their energy efficiency. Public buildings and residential structures included in this group should not contain any information on energy efficiency in their design documentation. Moreover, this will not be an obstacle to obtaining a permit for the construction or operation of premises.

building energy efficiency

Building energy efficiency classes and benchmarks

This term refers to the energy efficiency of a building or equipment during its operation. Information of this order is usually included in the energy efficiency certificate of a building or equipment.

To date, it is customary to apply seven classes of energy efficiency of the structure. They are indicated in Latin letters from โ€œAโ€ to โ€œGโ€, where โ€œAโ€ is the highest indicator and โ€œGโ€ is the lowest of all available.

In recent years, subclasses have been separately identified. You can determine the energy efficiency class of a building from them, if you look at the design documentation. For categories โ€œAโ€ and โ€œBโ€, there are two types of subclasses: โ€œ+โ€ and โ€œ++โ€. All these nuances must be considered when buying any equipment or in the process of building a building.

It is noteworthy that all modern appliances and various objects must have a marking indicating the energy efficiency class. It is put by the manufacturer or the commission that accepts the design documentation for an industrial or residential building.

Calculations and determination of the energy efficiency class of a building occur according to a certain formula. It takes into account deviations in normative and specific values, while it is worth bearing in mind the basic values. The calculation of the energy efficiency of a residential and industrial building always begins with a baseline. It is customary to take class โ€œCโ€ for him.

building energy efficiency

Energy efficiency certificate of the building

We could not ignore this important document that is directly related to the topic of our today's article. If you have something to do with construction, you should know that this important document is necessary in order to put a residential object or industrial structure into operation.

It confirms the fact that the building fully complies with all accepted standards and requirements, and is also equipped with the latest generation of energy meters. It is known that thanks to this passport you can even get property tax benefits. Only those objects that receive the highest energy efficiency class fall into this category.

It is interesting that all new buildings and buildings that have undergone reconstruction or major repairs should receive a passport. The document is based on project papers and calculations, as well as on-site inspection of the building. It includes thermal imaging. Thanks to her, you can always clearly see in which places the building is losing heat. In this regard, recommendations are made to eliminate the identified problems. If it is impossible to solve them, then a decision is made on assigning the energy efficiency class of the building.

Any passport is issued according to the established standard, it is listed as a form under the number thirty-five and was approved approximately three years ago.

Documents required to apply for an energy passport

In order to put the building into operation, you will need to apply for a passport. We already mentioned this in the article, however, it should be borne in mind that this document cannot be compiled without the provision of a large number of papers. Most of them are included in the design documentation.

First of all, the commission will be interested in the architectural part of the plan. It includes floor plans, basements and wall sections. In this case, it is required to indicate the thickness of the materials and their full characteristics. Most often, this information is contained in full in the design of the building approved before construction.

In addition to the data listed, the commission will need copies from several sections of the project. All of them will relate to energy consumption and savings. Specialists will consider issues of ventilation, heating, water supply, sanitation and electricity.

If the developer initially provides all the documentation in full, then the deadlines for issuing a passport are significantly reduced. The approved document can be contacted by higher authorities in order to put the facility into operation.

Tax reduction based on energy efficiency class

If the energy efficiency of a residential building commissioned by the organization meets the highest standards, the company has the right to receive tax benefits for three years. This period is counted from the date the building was commissioned.

To obtain benefits, it is necessary to provide all the design documentation and the energy passport of the building. It should be borne in mind that only those buildings that are assigned the following energy efficiency classes can apply for tax reductions: โ€œBโ€, โ€œB +โ€, โ€œB ++โ€, โ€œAโ€.

In order for the commission to make decisions faster and easier, a table was developed and approved in accordance with which decisions are made on the energy efficiency of multi-apartment buildings. It includes almost all classes and their names. We will give it in the form of the following list:

  • Very high class. It is indicated by the letters "A", "A +" and "A ++". This category implies that the deviation of the unit of account from the standard is measured in the range from forty to sixty percent with a minus sign.
  • Tall. The designations "B" and "B +" indicate that the deviation is from minus fifteen to minus forty percent, inclusive. Typically, these indicators can be achieved through economic incentives for the regions.
  • Normal. We already wrote that class โ€œCโ€ is taken as the basic standard, and the marking โ€œC +โ€ and โ€œC-โ€ can also be attributed to it. The deviation in this case varies in the range of plus and minus indicators: from minus fifteen to plus fifteen. This class of energy efficiency should correspond to most buildings.

All these classes are applied in cases of construction and design of new buildings, as well as reconstruction of existing ones.

When it comes to existing buildings, the following energy efficiency classes are acceptable for them:

  • Reduced. It is indicated by the Latin letter "D", and in this case, the deviation is from fifteen to fifty percent in plus. Such buildings consume a large amount of energy resources during operation, therefore, in accordance with Russian law, it is customary to reconstruct them.
  • Low. If you see in the documents the energy efficiency of the building, indicated by the letter โ€œEโ€, then know that the deviation exceeds fifty percent with a plus sign. Such structures, if necessary, can be reconstructed, but most often they are demolished.

In accordance with the above data, each developer can determine whether he will receive tax benefits.

Energy efficiency calculation

To draw up project documentation, the developer must make certain calculations on the energy efficiency of industrial buildings and residential facilities. They consist in determining the amount of heat energy consumed in order to create conditions for the life support of all buildings. It is measured in kilowatts per square meter in one year. It is noteworthy that buildings for various purposes fall under three categories of energy consumption.

They can be listed as:

  • Normative. This level implies the energy consumption of buildings when applying standard thermal protection of external fences.
  • Comparative. He is a kind of averaged option. To derive this value, data on the energy consumption of different buildings of the same purpose are usually taken.
  • Estimated. This level is determined during the design process of the building. It is based on information about the equipment that will be used during the operation of the building, the modes of operation of the building and the like.

It is noteworthy that if the design documentation provides for the use of different types of energy resources, then calculations will have to be made for each category separately.

energy efficiency of industrial buildings

Improving energy efficiency: general recommendations

At the state level, a program has been adopted to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, which includes several levels and points. Moreover, their implementation should take place at different stages of construction, in addition, the stages of reconstruction, as well as commissioning, are taken into account.

In general, energy efficiency can be improved by reducing heat loss. Usually they are quite significant. For example, in the cold season, about forty percent of the energy goes into heating street air. If we take this amount for one hundred percent, then the walls contribute to the loss of forty percent of the heat, and another twenty percent can be equally divided into door and window openings, roofing and ventilation system together with basements.

In order to minimize heat loss in buildings, measures have been developed to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. They can be summarized in a list:

  • installation of an energy-saving profile;
  • equipping premises with radiators with an individual control system;
  • creation of an inextricable insulation loop;
  • selection of durable heat-insulating system;
  • the use of specialized entrance doors with a heat-insulating profile.

In addition to all of the above, innovations are annually introduced, which allow several times to increase the energy efficiency of residential and industrial buildings.

determine the energy efficiency class of a building

Innovative Energy Efficiency Suggestions

Today, various conferences are held in Russia at which young companies and their already internationally recognized competitors present their developments aimed at reducing the heat transfer of buildings. As a result, upon receipt of an energy passport, the building has every chance of getting a higher energy efficiency class.

Some developments are ignored, while others are successfully introduced into production. A similar story happened once with energy-saving window profiles, which are now widely used in construction. Sometimes they are even built into the panel at the factory, which eliminates improper installation, and, consequently, heat loss.

Interestingly, in recent years, a proposal has been considered to take into account environmental indicators in the process of assessing the energy efficiency of a building. For example, many companies are replacing lead stabilizers on window profiles with others made of safer materials.

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