Flux treatment at home: traditional medicine recipes

Such a concept and diagnosis as flux in the terminology of physicians does not actually exist. This is the colloquial name for swelling on the cheek due to a diseased or already dead tooth. Flux, that is, swelling of the cheek, is a consequence of periostitis - purulent inflammation of the body of the periosteum or jaw. Often, such a problem can occur if infection occurs after tooth extraction.

Since the flux is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, swollen cheeks, aching pains in the jaw that can give into the ear, it causes a lot of trouble to the patient. Toothache prevents you from concentrating and falling asleep, and a changed face shape makes it impossible to go out. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately seek qualified dental care, then you can try to treat flux at home with the help of alternative medicine. So at least you can alleviate your suffering. But with a visit to the doctor, try not to delay!

So, the first and very important recommendation on how to cure flux at home. Self-medication should in no case involve any warming compresses. Heat is an ideal environment for pus to actively spread throughout the tissues further and further.

Home Flux Treatment : Rinses

1. Dilute a tablespoon of an alcoholic solution of chlorophyllipt (sold at any pharmacy) in a quarter liter of warm water.

2. Traditional rinse with water and sea salt.

3. Make a soda-salt solution. Dissolve in a boiling water a teaspoon of soda and salt. Cool to room temperature. Rinse your mouth every couple of hours with this solution.

4. Pour boiling water (200 ml) calendula (1 teaspoon). Let stand under the lid and cool completely. Then you can start rinsing your mouth. Instead of calendula infusion, you can use chamomile infusion, prepared in a similar way.

5. In order to carry out the treatment of flux at home, you can prepare a simple but effective herbal collection. To do this, take St. John's wort (4 parts), oak bark (2 parts), sage (3 parts). Mix all the herbs, and then sprinkle part of them (3 tbsp) and pour boiling water (1 l). Let it brew and cool completely. Rinse your mouth at least ten times a day.

Home Flux Treatment: Compresses

1. Attach the cabbage leaf cooked for three minutes to the inflamed area.

2. Mix a teaspoon of clove oil with a tablespoon of any other vegetable (for example, sunflower or olive). Moisten a cotton wool in an oil solution and attach to a place that hurts.

3. Finely grate the onion, squeeze the juice. Dampen a cotton swab in onion juice and attach to a tooth that is sick.

4. Put a teaspoon of baking soda in the middle of a gauze cloth, lightly moisten with water and attach to the problem tooth.

If you intend to do the treatment of flux at home with compresses, then get sterile bandages, cotton wool and gauze napkins.

Home Flux Treatment: Ointments

1. Pour sunflower oil (250 ml) into an enameled saucepan and place on a small fire. There, put a piece of beeswax box-sized wax , egg yolk (pre-cook it hard-boiled). Mix the contents of the pan, remove from heat (do not bring to a boil) and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain, and when the ointment cools, put it in the refrigerator - there it will thicken. Such an ointment is effective in the event of any inflammatory processes.

2. Mix 3 ointments: ichthyol, streptomycin and streptomycin in equal parts and apply the composition to the flux.

3. Stir in the butter (50 g) and dried grass powder called dried mash (10 g). Apply the resulting ointment to the flux with a thin layer and gently rub. Such a procedure is recommended twice a day.

Do not take flux lightly. Swelling of the cheeks is only the beginning of the disease. Then it can develop into an abscess and, as a result, the formation of phlegmon. The latter is accompanied by an uncontrolled spread of pus already throughout the body, which can trigger a fatal outcome.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38517/

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