How to become a free person?

Everyone wants to be happy. And despite the fact that everyone has a different idea of ​​happiness, people agree in the common opinion that you need to be free in order to feel all the charms of life. How to become free? Read about it below.

Get rid of the complexes

become free

Life can only be enjoyed by one who loves himself, and does not despise. How to become free? Get rid of the complexes. There are no perfect people in the world. Admit to yourself that you will never achieve the ideal. And so let go of all thoughts that you are too fat, unsympathetic, slow, or dim-witted person. You need to accept yourself as you are. This does not mean that you should stop in development and love yourself for your shortcomings. It is always important to strive for something. But you must love the path you are following, and not just the goal looming somewhere ahead.

What benefit will get rid of complexes? Invulnerability. Why? A person is always offended by the truth, especially when it sounds from the lips of others. Recognizing your inferiority in some aspects, you will not be offended by truthful comments, which means you will become free from unnecessary thoughts, misunderstandings and difficulties in relationships.

Stop worrying about what others will think

how to become a free man

People often wind themselves up because they cannot understand the reaction of others to their words and actions. How to free yourself from such thoughts? Will it become easier for you if you know that someone thinks well of you? From this, self-esteem can rise, but only for a short period of time. In fact, all people worry in vain. Stop thinking that you are being condemned and debated. Even if others are really doing it, you should not pay attention to it. Gossip only those who can not come up with a more intelligent occupation. And do you really need to know what they think of you?

Remember that you will not please everyone. Therefore, do not try to secure the approval of your entire environment. Live the way you like and do what pleases you. Do not regret your mistakes and do not grieve that your failures will be widely discussed. Gossip like this should mean one thing to you. They say about you, that means you are really worth something.

Look for your goals, not imposed by someone

Not sure how to become free? Then take a closer look at your goals. Everyone wants something. Think what you want. Everyone has different dreams: someone wants to sing, someone wants to draw, and someone wants to program. The desire of the soul is true desire. But the illusory ideas of a person about a beautiful life are often mixed in with them. Similar pictures are imposed on people by advertising. For example, the idea that life will be better if a car or a house by the sea appears in it is nonsense. Marketers have imposed the opinion that without a personal car you will not be an authoritative person.

Before you make a dream come true, think about whether it is true. Let’s take an example of a car. Want a big luxury car. Why do we need a car? It’s more convenient to go to work by metro, and the journey to work takes a total of 15 minutes. You rarely go to picnics outside the city, but prefer traveling by plane when traveling. So why do you need a car? For status. All colleagues have a car, but you do not. With the purchase of a car, a person will not become happier and freer, since the implementation of imposed goals only frees business owners who were able to successfully apply good advertising.

Do not get attached to things and people

become free fast

"I want to be free!" - such a phrase can be heard from a girl who drove herself into the framework. A modern person who depends on his own things and surroundings cannot be free. Why? A person shakes over the phone and is afraid that a scratch will appear on it; buys a car for his savings and then cannot sleep at night, worried if they will steal it. Such people will not be free, as they depend on their things. Property forces them to be tied to one place.

But do not always keep things. A person can become attached to people. Friends, lovers and parents are the closest social circle that will not allow you to feel your freedom. You need to understand that all people in life are a temporary phenomenon. You should establish contact with yourself and pay more attention to yourself, because in the end a person is always left alone.

Habits do not give you complete freedom. This is especially true for harmful ones. Cigarettes, alcohol, love of series - everything that gives pleasure, adversely affects the psyche. Without these habits, life seems gray and dull. But this is not so. You need to purify your consciousness and not clog it with attachments.

You always have plenty of opportunities.

I want to become free

A person must understand that he lives here and now. There are always opportunities to carry out their most daring plans. How to become a free person? You need to stop putting off life for later and look for the best moment to make your dreams come true.

A person may long wish to become a writer. He will read a lot, go to seminars, sit at boring office work, but at the same time do not find time to sit down for creativity. One has only to read any biography of a creative person to understand: the absence of ideal conditions is not an obstacle to creativity. You can find the time for everything you want. Planning to learn how to draw? Sign up for courses. No money to pay for courses? Buy paper and inks and watch a tutorial online. Everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential, but few use it.

Freedom is self-control

become a free citizen

Many people have the wrong concept of what freedom is. A person believes that he will live happily only when there are no prohibitions. Now imagine such a state. A man goes out into the street and does not know how to cross the road, because all the drivers drive the way they want. And in the evening, the person will be afraid that they would not expel her from the house, because the neighbor may like his friend’s mansion more than his own. And no one bothers to take property by force.

Laws are needed so that people can coexist peacefully with each other. So what does the phrase “become a free citizen” mean? Such a saying reminds of self-control. Only that person who can be aware of his own actions, as well as impose bans on himself, will be free. Does such a discrepancy seem strange to you? In order not to depend on other people's opinions, as well as on bad habits, you need to limit yourself. And sometimes, to comply with all restrictions, very strong self-control is required.

Financial freedom

Do you think money will help to quickly become free? Nothing like this. Whatever condition you have, it will not make you happier. A person with money can be much harder and morally constrained than one who works for a penny. The personality imposes all restrictions on himself. Nothing will help you feel better than openness, honesty, and the ability to do what you want. Have you ever seen a millionaire who does what he wants? Not. Such people always live under the sights of television cameras. They cannot live the way they want, because they protect their reputation.

Leave the past in the past

become free fast

You can become internally free only after you release the past. A man must not forget his mistakes, but he must not live on memories. Accept your actions and understand that you are not in your power to change them. What happened cannot be returned. Do not collect grudges.

Life goes on, and you must live it so that you don’t make mistakes. Experience will help you not get into trouble in the future. Freedom of action is determined by freedom of thought. And you can achieve freedom only by thinking about the present.


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