Laptop screen repair and replacement

Nowadays, technological progress has affected everyone. Now, devices like computers, mobile phones, tablets have become familiar to everyone. They are created using the latest technology and over time become more and more complex structure. And, of course, like any other mechanisms or equipment, these electronic devices can undergo various breakdowns and malfunctions. This article will cover in detail such a topical issue for many as breakdowns, as well as replacing a laptop screen. Why such troubles arise, how to avoid and eliminate them?

Packard Bell Laptop Screen Replacement

About the laptop screen device

Laptops themselves, regardless of model and manufacturer preferences, always have a similar design. They consist of a screen and a panel, inside which is the entire electronic "filling" of the device. At the top of this panel is a keyboard.

The laptop screen also has a rather complicated structure. Its basis is a matrix, which reproduces the main graphic image. In addition, the screen device also includes special loops connecting the matrix to the motherboard, video card and a number of other nodes necessary for normal functioning. The matrix is ​​protected from external influences by the laptop case, as well as coatings, which are now made mainly of transparent plastic. But even such a robust design can be broken. There are several reasons for this.

Why is the screen broken?

Laptop screen replacement

So, what are the most common causes of laptop screen breaks? First of all, such troubles are associated with mechanical influences. This can be a blow, a device falling onto a hard surface, a consequence of careless handling. In any case, it is precisely such effects that harm the matrix the most. As a result, you may need to repair or replace the laptop screen.

Another reason is exposure to adverse conditions. Such unfavorable factors as moisture, high or low temperature of the air or the device itself, voltage drops and surges, short circuits belong to this series . They can harm primarily the electronic component of the matrix and the accompanying microcircuits, loops and nodes. Therefore, it is very important to protect the laptop from all these adverse effects, and damage may not occur at all.

Signs of a broken screen

Laptop Repair Screen Replacement

Evidence that something is wrong with the screen can be quite different manifestations. The screen can transmit a distorted image, reproduce it in fragments. In some cases, there are delays, for example, when watching movies that are not dependent on other circumstances. It often happens that the screen does not show any “signs of life” at all, even if the laptop is turned on normally. It is such disturbing events that say that it is time to replace the screen.

Breakdown still happened

What to do if it was not possible to save the laptop, and the image is either abnormal or completely absent? In this case, urgent repair or replacement of the laptop screen is required. First of all, you need to learn that independent attempts to fix it will not lead to anything good. The complex device and many details sometimes confuse even experienced repairmen, to say nothing of amateurs. Therefore, as soon as possible, it is necessary to take the broken device to the nearest workshop specializing specifically in working with computer equipment.

One of the most easily eliminated problems with the screen is the failure of the backlight. Their malfunction is indicated by the darkening of the image, especially along the edges of the screen. Often the image takes on a certain hue and does not change. In this case, you don’t have to spend a lot of money, because there are abundant lamps in every service center, and they cost a penny (compared to more complex components).

Laptop Repair: Screen Replacement

Samsung laptop screen replacement

Since the matrix is ​​a technologically very complex device, it must be replaced only if its repair is impossible, for example, due to mechanical stress. In the service center, these facts are taken into account first. In general, the repair procedure includes many difficult steps. It:

  • Complete analysis of the laptop or (in some cases) the cover of its screen.
  • Further laptop diagnostics. It is carried out using sophisticated equipment. It helps to identify such problems when screen image noise is not always associated with the matrix. In rare cases, this can be caused by problems with the video chip or loops, as well as bridges.
  • If the root of the problem is still in the matrix, then the most suitable replacement is selected. Usually, important parameters such as dimensions, mounting methods, and screen resolution are taken into account .
  • Then the installation of the new matrix is ​​performed directly. This process may vary depending on the model and manufacturer of the laptop.
  • After the matrix installation process, the laptop is subjected to rigorous testing using specially designed programs and devices.

In many ways, this process can slow down some features. The very diversity of manufacturers, product lines and separately sold laptops implies a great experience of the master in working with electronic devices. At the same time, manufacturers, trying to cater to fastidious customers, install absolutely different matrices in their structure and characteristics on devices of the same model range. And the prices for them significantly fluctuate depending on rarity. For example, replacing the screen on an Asus laptop may necessitate the search for components that are unique to this manufacturer. But, as a rule, there are no problems with popular brands.

Replacing a screen on an ASUS laptop

As an example, it is worth considering such well-known brands as Packard Bell and Samsung. Each of these manufacturers has its own approach to manufacturing equipment. Therefore, their matrices can be very different.

Screen Replacement Specific Requirements

For example, replacing the screen of a Packard Bell laptop can be quite expensive, since now it is difficult to find their products on the market, the situation is similar with accessories for them. But since the company is part of Acer, many parts of their laptops are interchangeable. Directly for matrices, these are details such as hinges of the lid. Basically, these laptops are matrices produced by LG (15.6 inches).

If you need to replace the screen of a Samsung laptop, then you need to take into account that all the matrices produced by the company are controlled by their own brand, which makes them albeit of high quality, but nevertheless having minor flaws that generally do not affect the operation of the laptop. One of these may include a tendency to overheat, but this rarely happens if the necessary rules are observed.


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