How to invite users to a group in the "Contact" social network

You are an entrepreneur and you have something to offer, have you opened your own business or have you decided to do it? Naturally, you want to know how to attract interest in your proposal. Today, promoting your business on the Internet is very popular, so everyone who is thinking about developing their own business has a website.

how to invite to a group in contact
By yourself or using the services of specialists, you have created and filled your site with everything that, in your opinion, should be of interest to potential consumers and be in demand. The only thing left is to attract customers or buyers. How to do it? Here groups on social networks will come to the rescue. Surely you have an account in some popular social project, for example, VKontakte. If not, it’s worth creating, preferably in a few. Such a move will undoubtedly expand the circle of your communication and help spread the word about the proposal. So, in the social network VKontakte there is your page where you will chat with friends and share information. Create a group that will correspond to the direction of your activity, fill it with relevant information and be sure to include a link to the site. Now you need to invite to the group those who are interested in your proposal.

How to invite to a group in "Contact"?

invite to group
You probably have friends who know about your business and buy goods, use services. Find them on social networks through the search and send an application to add as friends. Then you can invite all friends to the group who will receive information there, comment on posts, express their opinion. To do this, go to the group and select the “Invite Friends” function, after which a list of your friends will open to whom you can send an invitation. In order to increase the number of visitors to your site, you need to increase the number of group members. How to invite new members to a group in contact? Fill it with interesting posts daily, in addition to information about your product or services, hold promotions and publish news about special offers.
invite all friends to a group
Information should be relevant so that your friends can share it on the wall of their page. Keep track of those who like them and send them invitations to add to your friends.

There are still options for inviting to a group. In "Contact" you can advertise your community. The group has the option "Advertise community", using which you can express yourself for a specific target audience. You can advertise not only in this social network, but also on the sites of your partners. All conditions for creating an advertisement can be found by selecting the appropriate function. Make your VKontakte group open-type, make it attractive, use advertising to promote it, and then the question of how to invite to the group in "Contact" will not bother you. Your users will be added themselves, read your posts, visit the site, order services or make purchases, and with the help of feedback you can improve the pages of the site and created communities to successfully promote your business.


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