What first - dye your hair or cut?

You wanted to radically change or update your image - you decided immediately to cut and color. And then, in general, a logical question arose: first dye your hair or cut it? You will be surprised, but even a professional will not give you a definite answer! This is a very individual question. We invite the reader to find the answer to it together.

What about the haircut?

Do you dye your hair or cut it first? First of all, the answer depends on which haircut you have chosen for yourself.

If we turn to the trends of recent seasons, we will see that more and more fashionistas choose multilayer, "ragged" hairstyles. And complement them with a gradient, multi-tone coloring. Therefore, it is not easy for a specialist to figure out whether to dye his hair first or to cut it.

And what is a haircut? If you turn to the dictionary, this is the process of shortening the length of the hair while giving the hair a predetermined shape. How to express it in other words? The ability to model your hair according to your own taste, according to fashion trends. This is a unique opportunity to emphasize the most expressive features of your face. And also hide flaws in appearance. Surely you have repeatedly noticed how skillfully made a haircut in the literal sense can transform a person.

how to dye your hair photo

What are haircuts?

Let's look again at the theory of hairdressing. Experts share the whole huge variety of haircuts strictly into several groups:

  • With smooth edges.
  • With "torn" edges.
  • Cascading.
  • Layered.
  • Avant-garde.
  • Classic.
  • Asymmetric.

There is such a simple separation of haircuts:

  • For short hair.
  • On hair of medium length.
  • On long.

By the way, according to this gradation, hairdressers usually set a price for their creation. A haircut for short hair is cheaper than manipulating with long curls. However, we do not compare the most creative examples.

Whether the master will first dye the hair or cut it, thus, depends on the technological features of the haircut itself. Here is a striking example: you came to a salon with long blonde hair to the waist. And your desire - a haircut "under the boy" and painting in black. Of course, itโ€™s very illogical for a master to dye long hair so that he can trim it later. And for you, this procedure will be very uneconomical.

But this is a very obvious example. Further we will analyze the tricky nuances of hairdressing.

how to dye your hair with paint

Simple haircuts

If the haircut is simple or the client just asks to cut the ends, then the hairdresser will definitely take the scissors first, and only then proceed to dyeing.

The fact is that the ends of the hair are the driest and most vulnerable part of them. When exposed to oxide, they are easily damaged and split in the future. Therefore, the master will immediately remove the damaged tips so that the clientโ€™s hairstyle remains well-groomed and beautiful longer.

It is also worth considering that dyeing is best done on unwashed dry hair protected by skin fat. But it is easier to cut wet strands.

Major hairstyle changes

If the client wants to significantly change the shape or length of the hair, the professional will first remove the extra length or make a basic haircut. This will also allow you to not waste the dye. Then staining is carried out. And after that, the ends of the hair are cut off, the hair is given the final shape.

dyeing after cutting

Asymmetry and Vanguard

If the client chooses a creative haircut, then the master will definitely act with scissors first, and then he will deal with dyeing. Especially if the latter is complex or involves the use of several tones.

If you do the opposite, then you can easily make a mistake with the arrangement of color accents and spoil the whole result.


And again a little theory. Dyeing is defined as a change or correction of the natural color of the hair. At all times, it was not a useful procedure. Coloring agents dry hair, damage the scalp (up to a chemical burn), spoil the appearance of hair - curls become dull, brittle and lifeless. In particularly sad cases, poor-quality products can cause massive hair loss.

Of course, progress does not stand still. World brands produce professional paints made according to a special formula with a gentle effect on the hair. Ammonia-free products are also popular. But this, as they say, is a double-edged sword. Paint without ammonia in the composition is unstable and quickly rinses off. Persistent products for bright and saturated stains will necessarily contain ammonia.

If we turn to the experience of hairdressers, we will see that specialists carry out dyeing after cutting, and cutting before dyeing. Again, only a professional will not get confused in the sequence. He analyzes the desire of the client, the complexity of coloring and hairstyles, the impact of active substances. After that, he decides: what to do first - dye your hair or cut.

what do hair dye or shear first

What can be staining?

We suggest that you simultaneously understand what coloring can be in modern realities. The following varieties are distinguished:

  • Toning.
  • Persistent staining.
  • Lightening

To understand why hair is dyed first and then sheared, we will consider each of them individually.


This is the use of tint shampoos, gels. The most gentle way, since here for the most part non-ammonia products are presented. They are able to give your hair a certain shade without harmful bleaching.

You should not expect great results from such paints: the color changes to tone, does not last long. Most likely, he will leave you after 1-2 shampoos. Toning, of course, dries hair, but does not destroy its structure.

You can use this method of coloring both before and after the haircut (including at home).

what to dye your hair or cut it first

Persistent staining

This is a change in hair color on how many tones - from one to 3-5. Not only dye is used here, but also an oxidizing agent. The task of the component is to introduce the pigment as deep as possible into the structure of the hair shaft. This is how the paint will be washed out more slowly, and the color will please its owner with brightness and saturation as long as possible.

The effect of the oxidizing agent, of course, negatively affects the structure of the hair. You can weaken it by using paints with special gentle technologies, providing colored strands with proper care - nutrition, moisturizing with masks, essential oils, special balms, shampoos and conditioners.

What do they do first: dye their hair or cut their hair? In the case of resistant paint, professionals are advised to first dye and then cut. After all, the tool extremely negatively affects the ends of the hair, making them subsequently brittle and split. Therefore, it is logical to immediately cut off damaged ends immediately after staining.


This is a procedure that can lighten your hair a few tones. The effect is achieved by exposure to a large amount of oxidizing agent of high concentration. Modern technologies allow you to gradually become a burning blonde from a burning brunette! But at what cost ... Your hair is guaranteed to be spoiled. Without proper (and very expensive) care they will have only one fate - to look like a lifeless "straw".

If nevertheless you decide to become an unnatural blonde, remember that the clarification procedure will haunt you all the time while you are the owner of light curls. Depending on the speed of hair growth, it is necessary to tint the roots every 3-6 weeks.

What do hairdressers do in this case? As with persistent staining, the curls are first clarified, and then the tips damaged by the oxide are removed.

why dye your hair first and then cut it

Staining of the roots

There is complete freedom for creative flight. If you want to combine staining the roots with a new haircut, then these procedures can be easily interchanged. The color of the roots does not affect the ends of the hair, so you can make a haircut before and after it.

Home staining: is it necessary?

First of all, we recommend that you weigh the pros and cons of home staining. Of course, any beginner will cope with a change in color by one tone, using a tint gel. If there is experience, a layman can also tint the roots on his own. But complex creative coloring is still worth entrusting to professionals. In most cases, error correction came out to "experimenters" at times more expensive than this procedure in the cabin. And then full recovery is not always possible.

If you do not want to visit the master every month, we recommend that you dwell on such staining options as shatush, ombre, balayazh. They do not need correction for 2-3 months. Of course, such staining is somewhat more expensive. But this is a more impressive result, and saving your time.

first dye your hair or cut

How to dye your hair with paint?

So, you still decided to start home dyeing. Imagine the advice of hairdressers - how to dye your hair (photos and videos are attached to the article):

  • If you use two colors, then coloring is first done with a dark shade, and then light.
  • Remember that toners and tint shampoos can only darken and not lighten the natural color. Even to lighten one tone, you will need an oxidizing agent.
  • With home lightening, you can get an ugly yellow hue. You can get rid of it with the help of periodic shampooing with special tinted shampoos (with the formula "against yellowness").
  • Home dyeing is best done a few days after the haircut. Especially if it is difficult - highlighting or balayazh. Wait for the hair to settle and the hairstyle will take its final shape.
  • If you painted with dark paint, but then suddenly decided to become brighter, be sure to wash before new painting! Otherwise, the old color will affect the new one, and the result will be very unexpected.

What do hairdressers do: first dye their hair or cut their hair? Now you know that there is no definite answer - it all depends on the specific haircut, the specific coloring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38548/

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