How to become a leader: psychologist's advice

Want steel leader? This is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first. All you need is to gather willpower into a fist and begin to act. A leader is a person who can lead people, he can motivate himself and his supporters. How to become a leader? Look for tips below.


How to become a leader? A person who inspires confidence in other people should look solid. Think clothes matter a little? This is not true. For you to start seeing off the mind, you must first be met. And itโ€™s better that you immediately make a good impression. In this case, it will be easy to support the first impression with words. But convincing people after a bad first impression is difficult. All people have different reasons to become a leader. Therefore, they must choose a different image. But still there are general tips that suit everyone. If you want to look solid, do not wear a dress in rhinestones or a shirt with flowers. Try to stick with classic things. If you prefer casual, then do not choose trendy culottes or shortened skins. Bet on straight-cut jeans. And yet, you will not lose if you complement any look with a jacket.


how to become a leader

Not sure how to become a leader? You probably have low self-esteem. How to find out? Are you confident in your abilities and always believe in your undertakings? If this is not the case, then you have a problem with self-esteem. People who are afraid to change something and are very dependent on the opinions of others always live with low self-esteem. How to overcome internal complexes? To resolve the investigation, you need to understand the reason. Sit at the table and write on the sheet all those beliefs that prevent you from living. For example, one person thinks he is too stupid, the other is sure that he is not communicative, the third has problems communicating with the opposite sex. When you find a problem, it will need to be fixed. Are you afraid to approach a person and talk to him? So you need to learn how to do it. You should meet five people on the way to work. You can start a conversation in public transport, in line or at a bus stop. If you think you are uneducated, sit down for textbooks. When you overcome internal complexes, self-esteem will increase automatically.

Learn to go against the tide

become an innovator 5 habits of leaders changing the world

It is impossible to become a leader if you do trivial things all the time. Only when you go beyond the usual framework of your thinking, you will be able to rise above others. Want to become a leader? Look at your life. Is she as good as she seems? There are probably things in your daily routine that can be done easier and faster. For example, you can save yourself a ton of time if you plan tasks on the phone, rather than on paper. Even if your superiors write everything in a diary, do not think that this is the only sure way. Always try to reinvent the wheel. At first, this should be done even where it is not needed at all. Look for a new route to work, think of a different way to peel potatoes, mop floors or do your job. An original approach to household things develops the creative thinking that a leader needs. After all, a leader is an innovator by nature.

Learn to love loneliness

how to become a leader in a team

Do you take long walks? And when you drive from work, do you listen to the radio? Ever thought that a person who is a leader loves to be alone? The fact is that in private with yourself you can think about those things that can not be discussed with others. Some may say that they are bored with being with themselves. But think, how can others be interested in those who are bored with themselves? If you decide to become a leader in the team, start by cleaning the otherworldly noise that surrounds you daily. What could it be? When going to work, do not turn on the TV when you are driving somewhere, do without a radio. If you are alone at home, do not rush to call a friend. Try to be with yourself and entertain yourself with something. If you're bored, talk to yourself. You need to ensure that loneliness does not cause you discomfort.

Communicate more

how to become a leader in a team of 5 simple

Why are they becoming leaders? Because people have many friends. You can convince your friends of anything, and they will gladly agree to follow you. But the problem of many people is that they do not know how to make acquaintances. And here we have in mind not just dating on the street, but just friendships with the people you need. Of course, if you think so, the help of each person can come in handy. But believe me, the governor of the city can help you in development more than a car mechanic. Therefore, at every opportunity, do not hesitate to meet people who are higher than you in status. Believe me, big businessmen, people from the administration and directors of companies are ordinary people. They will gladly agree to have dinner with you and share their knowledge. They do not mind them. And at the first stage, in order to overcome the fear of communication, you need to make acquaintances as often as possible. Perhaps every fifth or tenth will be useful.

Learn to delegate tasks

a leader to become or be born

People who become leaders rarely do all the dirty work on their own. Yes, they know how to do it and, on occasion, can cope with the task themselves, but if it is possible to delegate it, they will do it. Those persons who cannot transfer part of their work to another will not achieve much. It is impossible to become a true leader in a large team if the head is constantly clogged with paperwork. But in the world there are those who will bring such work pleasure. You just need to find such a person. Do not be afraid to shift your tasks. Of course, one does not need to abuse it and shift oneโ€™s responsibility to others. But you do not need to try to do or control all the processes from and to. This takes a lot of strength and energy that can be directed in a different direction.

Do not be afraid to refuse

You do not want to offend people and therefore you have to agree with everything? It is so stupid. You spend a lot of your time on things that are uninteresting and unpleasant to you. Well, why do you have to agree to work extra for a colleague, if you have other plans for the evening? And, does he have an important game of his team today? Yes, the reason is to some extent respectful, but if you do their job for your friends, you simply will not have important business.

Wondering if you can become a leader or need to be born already with a certain set of qualities? Of course, you can become. And one of the skills that you need to develop in yourself is to give up everything that you are not interested in. Yes, perhaps they will be offended. But on the other hand, all those who are used to sitting there will come off your neck. And once you feel freedom, you are unlikely to agree to do someone else's work again.

Sign language

ways to become a leader

If you decide to become a leader in the team, 5 simple rules will help you figure out how to do this.

  • Study the behavior of people. To get to know a person better, you need to look at him. Many people behave too constrained. This shows their insecurity. Others, on the contrary, pretend to be important, thus trying to hide their excitement. Take a closer look at the interlocutor. You can talk about the weather on the machine for a few minutes without really getting into a conversation, but this time is enough for you to learn a lot about your opponent.
  • Learn gestures. There are wide gestures, but there are narrow ones. What is the difference? To understand the internal state of a person, you need to carefully study his gestures. If your interlocutor widely waves his arms and at the same time supports his movements with words, then you have a confident and liberated personality. If the hands do not participate in the conversation, then the person is not very friendly and secretive.
  • Look at non-verbal signs. Often peopleโ€™s gestures diverge from their words. And it can be imperceptible. But if you learn to simultaneously listen to the interlocutor and follow him, then the lie will not slip away from you. For example, a person may nod affirmatively, while he will refuse the offer. It is clear that he has already internally agreed to your terms, but he wants you to persuade him.
  • Learn how to mirror. A man always likes when his interlocutor is similar to him. So learn to mirror the actions of the person with whom you are talking. If a person sits with one leg over the other, you should do the same. Remember that you need to copy not only the movements, but also the intonation of the interlocutor.
  • Do not shut yourself off from the world. Taking closed poses, you cause suspicion from others. People think that you are uncomfortable in their society. So be careful not to cross your arms and legs.

Learn to manage emotions

One way to become a leader is to learn to play. Of course, you do not need to be an actor and portray a lot of all kinds of emotions. But what you really need is to learn to hide your feelings. Many may not understand why you need to hide emotions. The fact is that you can offend people with your reaction, and this does not always play into your hands. You must be able to restrain yourself. You should not always blame people openly, but you can praise. But do not scatter flattery. Play, but don't replay.

Set goals

reasons to become a leader

To lead people, you need to become an innovator. 5 habits of leaders that change the world, or, more precisely, skills:

  • The ability to plan. You will be able to dispose of other people's actions and lead people only when you know for sure what each of your followers will expect tomorrow.
  • The presence of long-term plans. For people to listen to your opinion, you need to tell them what you can give in the long run. You must have a detailed plan for at least the next 5 years.
  • The ability to quickly deal with force majeure. Troubles will accompany any human endeavor. Your task is to learn how to respond quickly and eliminate the cause of the problem.
  • Ability to achieve goals. You must not only set a goal, but also be able to come to it, and in the shortest way.
  • The ability to motivate people. People should burn all the time. You must be able to motivate your followers so that they do not turn off the chosen path.

Do not be afraid to take responsibility

Weak people love excuses. But leaders are not afraid to take responsibility. Yes, sometimes it can come sideways, but laurels also go to the most decisive. When assuming responsibility for a complex event, you must understand that anything can go wrong. In this situation, you do not need to coward and run away from the battlefield. Frankly admit that your plan of action was wrong and now you should try to give life to another concept.


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