Luxurious blond: cool, fashionable shade

Blond hair, which has long become a beauty trend, will never go out of style. And men, as they say, always preferred blondes, whose appearance arouses, at a subconscious level, the desire to take care, as if about capricious children. Such girls are forgiven for little nonsense, their features look very cute, and the beauty herself is associated with tenderness and gentleness of character. And no matter how many jokes they tell about blondes, the number of women who want to get a platinum shade of hair without the slightest tones of yellowness does not decrease.

Who goes platinum?

The color "cold blond" with a bright silver sheen is popular regardless of age. Unfortunately, few people got this shade of hair by nature, so the most modern technologies in the field of dyeing come to the aid of beautiful women.

It is believed that for girls with fair skin and green-blue eyes, platinum curls go the most, although recently the famous socialite Kim Kardashian refuted this opinion. She changed the usual image of a fatal brunette, lightening the dark-chestnut shade of her hair to snow-white strands, which caused a huge resonance among her loyal fans.

blond cold

Part of the audience hostile to the new look of the star, believing that girls with a pronounced eastern appearance do not go so extreme coloring. Other people sincerely admired the dramatic change in image, noting that after the experiment, Kim transformed for the better.

Shades of cold hair

Many consider purely subjective all the recommendations regarding who the blond is going to. The cold hair color, reminiscent of platinum, is universal, and with the help of various professional dyeing and toning agents, various shades can be achieved. The palette of cool white shades looks like this:

  • Ash - with a grayish undertones.
  • Light brown is a dark blond, but without yellow, as if burnt strands.
  • Silver - with a noble shade of light gray hair.
  • Pearl - mother-of-pearl with a rose.

color cold blond

Professionals refer such shades to moonlight, they are contrasted with a warm palette of blond hair, which is called sunny for the appearance in it of honey, caramel and wheat tones.

Glamorous beauty requires special care

Cold shades are often associated with Hollywood actresses from the beginning of the last century. Snow-white, delicately laid curls and red lipstick have long become symbols of the glamor of the 20s, and still this image is often exploited on stage and in life.

cool shades

However, all professionals agree that such a shade of hair requires special care: constant lightening of the growing roots, care for maintaining a healthy glow, maintaining a uniform color. And the biggest problems for all blondes are associated with leaching of platinum, since a certain amount of warm pigment is always observed in the hair, which gradually begins to dominate.

All cold shades with time acquire an ugly yellowness and a dull color, giving snow-white hair an untidy and unkempt look. However, it is possible to resist the appearance of an undesirable effect: professional products with a purple pigment that neutralize yellow strands have been created specifically for blondes. Silver shampoos and hair balms help to slightly prolong the radiance of the β€œblond” color, the cold shade of which eliminates the presence of an extraneous palette.

For luxurious color - for professionals

There is another very important point that all experts in the field of the beauty industry mention - it is impossible to get a beautiful cold blond at home. Paint from a regular supermarket will not help to give your hair the desired color, it is best to contact a professional salon for it.

cold blond paint

Modern techniques of staining and blonding allow you to gradually clarify curls, without violating their structure. A combination of several shades will only enhance the depth of the cold color, giving it a rich diamond shine.

The biggest fan of such a fashionable dyeing technique has long been Jennifer Aniston, who has chosen a blonde that suits her. The cold shade of hair, which has become her signature style throughout the film career, combines silver and gray colors at the same time.

Beautiful and dangerous shade

Young ladies adore him. The purest shade is also considered the most dangerous, it may not best emphasize imperfect facial features and poor skin. Nevertheless, many girls try in different ways to get a cold blond. Reviews about the shade depend on the initial hair color and the selected paint for lightening.

cool blond reviews

Owners of dark hair can not achieve a snow-white cold shade the first time, in this case the coloring process is stretched to several stages. And the fair-haired girls in the hands of experienced professionals will quickly get what they want - a platinum blonde. A cold shade often requires special knowledge in the field of colorization and the subsequent neutralization of unwanted pigments by tinting.

Fashionable Cool Blonde

He is always in trend. Every year, the ranks of bright blondes replenish, the girls are not afraid of the prospect of long and thorough hair care, maintaining the original luxurious color. Actual platinum will always be at the very peak of fashion trends, and a good professional master will help not to make a mistake with the shade, with the help of which natural female beauty will sparkle with new bright colors.


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