Profession "Veterinary Paramedic": job description

In the agricultural sector, many professions are in demand. One of them is a veterinarian paramedic. This specialist monitors animal health. Every farm should have this professional. Read more about the specialty in the article.

Demand for the profession

This specialty will always be needed while people are in contact with animals. And since there are many agricultural farms working now, the profession is in demand. At the same time, you can work not only there, because there are other places of work:

  • veterinary clinic ;
  • circus;
  • zoo;
  • stable;
  • fur farm;
  • poultry farm;
  • SES.

veterinarian paramedic

Responsibilities in each organization may vary, but overall they are similar. In any case, professionals are required who do their job well.


Veterinary paramedic is a specialist in the fight against animal diseases. The main activity includes the implementation of veterinary measures for the prevention of diseases and treatment of livestock. Also, a specialist performs an examination of animal products, quality control of feed.

The duties of the veterinarian paramedic are as follows:

  1. Performing diagnostics, prevention, treatment of animal diseases.
  2. Implementation of veterinary sanitary examination of products and raw materials.
  3. Conducting planning and organization of veterinary work, determining optimal solutions in non-standard cases.
  4. Product quality control.
  5. Safety precautions.

These are the main responsibilities of the veterinarian paramedic. Their list can be expanded depending on the specifics of the enterprise. Moreover, the employee must fulfill his duties qualitatively. In case of evasion or poor performance, liability is provided. That is why the profession requires attentive and accurate people.


Veterinary paramedics should love animals. Important qualities are physical endurance, accuracy and attention. To work, you must have:

  • observation, a good eye;
  • good eyesight and hearing;
  • quick response;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • the ability to notice changes in the studied objects;
  • analytical thinking.

veterinarian feldsher training

Such qualities will allow you to competently carry out your work. Moreover, it is important to love your profession, because without this you will not get a qualitative result.


To work in the profession "Veterinary Paramedic" is not allowed people:

  • with lung diseases;
  • tuberculosis
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • chronic ailments of the kidneys and nervous system;
  • endocrine diseases.

With such ailments there will be a denial of employment, even if there is a professional education. After all, then it will be difficult for a person to do his job qualitatively.

Professional training

profession veterinarian paramedic

It is important for a veterinarian to know:

  • about the main documents and terms in the activity;
  • the basics of creating livestock products;
  • zoological and veterinary standards of keeping animals;
  • medicines and disinfectants, the rules for their use;
  • disinfection rules, livestock production standards.


The job description of the veterinarian feldsher says that a specialist should be able to perform such work as:

  • conducting prophylaxis, treatment, veterinary and sanitary measures;
  • clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment;
  • selection of pathological material and samples for laboratories;
  • quarantine and isolation of sick animals;
  • monitoring the veterinary and sanitary state of the premises where animals are;
  • control of feed, pasture, places of cattle watering;
  • record keeping, record keeping.

Working conditions

Specialists can work independently and in a team. Paramedics carry out professional duties indoors and outdoors. Sometimes they have to leave.

duties of a veterinarian paramedic

The manual tools and modern technical means are used to perform diagnostics and analyzes. Veterinary paramedics need special clothing. When working with infected animals, personal protective equipment is needed.


The veterinarian paramedic can:

  1. Notify management of identified deficiencies in the organization's activities and propose improvement measures.
  2. Request information, documents from other specialists.
  3. Get acquainted with draft management decisions.
  4. Make suggestions for improving performance.
  5. Attract specialists to solve professional problems.
  6. Demand help from executives for duties.


job description of the veterinarian paramedic

The paramedic has a responsibility:

  1. For poor performance of duties.
  2. Legal violations.
  3. Causing material damage to the enterprise.

Secondary education

To get an education, you need to be trained in the profession of a veterinary paramedic. Colleges and technical schools offer evening, full-time and correspondence courses. After the 9th grade, in order to receive a document, one must master the program within 3 years 10 months. And after grade 11, education decreases by 1 year.

Typically, for admission, you must pass the exam in mathematics and the Russian language. In the classroom, future specialists get acquainted with the physiology and anatomy of animals, birds, study Latin and learn how to treat diseases.

In addition to the theory, a practice is necessarily held, during which the animals are examined, biomaterials are collected and analyzed. Popular institutions include the Kolomna Agricultural College and the Volokolamsk Agricultural College. After training, you can continue to study at the university.

Higher education

Education at the veterinary paramedic is also carried out in higher educational institutions. Only after receiving such a diploma can one practice. To large institutions include MBA them. K.I. Scriabin, Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev and PFUR.

veterinarian paramedic

Full-time students will have to study for 5 years, and part-time students will have to study 6. If a secondary special education has been previously obtained, then usually the term is reduced by 1-2 years. After receiving the document, the specialist can do his job.


An important condition for professional growth is the development of such specializations as:

  1. Methods of operative surgery.
  2. Cardiology.
  3. Features of pathologies.

Given that the pharmacological and technological markets are developing very poorly, and annually produce new drugs and devices for treating animals, thanks to regular training, the doctor can use effective methods of diagnosis and therapy.

Courses usually last 70 academic hours. Duration and price are determined by the complexity of the topic and the teaching staff. Usually the cost starts from 10 thousand rubles. Courses are conducted by higher and secondary educational institutions, as well as veterinary clinics and centers.

After choosing a course, you must:

  1. View the program.
  2. Rate relevance.
  3. Pay attention to teachers.

Typically, training is provided by doctors of science, professors, academics, or heads of veterinary clinics. It is important that the institution has a license to carry out its activities. After graduation, a certificate, certificate or diploma is provided.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other job, the paramedic has its pros and cons. Advantages include contact with animals. Typically, such a profession is chosen by people who love them very much, and therefore are ready to work with them a lot. For them, helping cattle will be a joy. Moreover, such works favorably affect the general mood of a person. The profession is socially significant.

college veterinarian paramedic

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the risk of contracting diseases from animals. But with a professional approach to their activities, it will be possible to minimize this probability.

Thus, the veterinarian paramedic is a sought-after job. If a person received a quality education, then he will easily find a suitable place for employment. The specialist has a career opportunity in the agricultural sector.


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