Use of recreational land. Recreation and tourism area

Land recreational purposes are used to organize tourism. Tourism is understood as a type of recreation in which a person temporarily changes his location and during this period does not search for work. The maximum duration of tourist trips is 1 year. The man himself is called a tourist, visitor or traveler. In a broader sense, tourism is any trip to another locality for a period of less than a year, with the exception of cases with employment. This definition is given in Wikipedia.

Recreation and tourism

Tourism is a fairly profitable area of ​​the economy, despite the lack of production. This is mainly a commercial activity. It is based on the functioning of the tourism industries. These industries are closely related to transport, construction, trade, food and other industries. There are various types of tourism, for example, industrial, environmental, urban, beach, etc.

green tourism

In the modern world, an exit type of vacation is widespread. Many want to change the situation, get away from the annoying everyday bustle. Someone prefers quiet types of outdoor recreation or in a sanatorium, others choose sports or entertainment. However, the ultimate goal for everyone is about the same - to relax, regain strength and get an impression away from home.

According to the reports of the World Tourism Organization, in 2017 the total number of such trips abroad reached 1 billion 323 million cases.

Types of tourism

There are 2 main categories of this type of activity: recreational and business. Recreational is the main type of tourism. It can be wellness, sports, educational, amateur, spa and so on. There is also the so-called green tourism (it is also ecological). Business tourism is trips related to the implementation of professional activities.

Tourism history

Tourism, as an independent type of activity, arose at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, when this term appeared. However, certain forms of such activities have existed since ancient times. The first objects of tourism were taverns where travelers could spend the night and have a bite to eat. Pilgrimage, sometimes sport, was still widespread. Trade also increased the mobility of citizens. In the Middle Ages, religious tourism developed.

Mass tourism appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, when the first upscale hotels were built. In recent decades, a large number of new entertainment and recreational facilities. Ecological and sports tourism has spread.

Economics of modern tourism

Currently, the tourism market is a well-developed, high-income industry. Its development is facilitated by an increase in financial well-being, a decrease in the length of the working day, the desire of people to get new impressions and thrills, and an increase in life expectancy. Tourism gives a share of 30% of the total turnover of services in the world. Tourism activities account for up to 7% of global capital, and its share in world GDP reaches 10% and is growing rapidly. This is comparable to the volume of oil trade. Many countries live off of recreation. Tourist information centers are being created.

recreational facilities

Main components

Modern recreation requires four components: recreational resources, capital, technology and personnel. But the main one, of course, is a suitable territory or object that could attract the attention of vacationers. Attempts to build tourism on an β€œempty” place have few prospects. However, if there are suitable places, tourism can become a very profitable type of business. If the territory is a natural place, then the organization of leisure will be the cheapest, which means that capital costs will be minimal. This is one of the reasons why nature is so important.

Recreational resources

They mean everything that can be used for commercial tourism. Given the increasing flow of tourists from year to year, they are becoming increasingly important. Different countries possess them to varying degrees. They can be natural or artificial. Natural - this is the sea, forests, mountains, rivers, animals, lakes, caves. Artificial - these are historical and architectural monuments, museums, reservoirs, parks, sports facilities, abandoned mines, factories, mines, airfields, etc. All of them must have the ability to somehow attract visitors. Climatic conditions, accessibility, significance are also important.

recreational areas

Resource Types

Natural recreational resources are divided according to the following criteria:

- Typological: forest, water, climatic, etc.

- Functional: educational, wellness, sports, family.

- By the degree of renewability. Renewable: water, animals, plants. Non-renewable: mud, cultural heritage sites, rocks, caves, etc.

- By limited resources. Inexhaustible - water, sun, air. Endangered: animals, fish, forest litter, plants, etc.

Artificial recreational resources are divided into:

- Historical and cultural objects. These include historical and cultural monuments, estates, museums, architectural complexes, temples, cinemas, philharmonic societies, theaters, etc.

- Culturally-interesting places, districts.

- Resources of an economic nature.

Tourism ecology

Different types of tourism activities affect the state of the environment in different ways. The most negative view is the so-called industrial tourism, in which the transformation of the landscape is maximized. The development of skiing contributes to landslides, avalanches, soil compaction, water pollution in rivers and the destruction of forest ecosystems. It also implies the construction of high-rise buildings that fit poorly into the landscape and consume a lot of energy. The situation may be aggravated by the use of reagents for freezing or creating artificial snow. This is a very noisy and crowded form of recreation, scaring away wild animals. Ski tourism has become one of the main environmental problems of mountainous areas. Due to global warming, ski resorts are experiencing more and more weather related problems.

ski slopes

Ecologists are also not pleased with some other types of modern recreation, for example, jeeping, beach tourism, fishing and hunting tourism. For conservation, such species as hiking, horseback riding, ecological, sightseeing and some types of sports tourism are optimal. With these types of land, the territory used to locate infrastructure facilities (for example, a camping area) has a small area and fits into the natural environment. In such cases, the resulting effect for nature may even be positive: a reduction in felling, grazing, housing development, etc. From an environmental point of view, it is better to create a camp for children in the forest than a multi-story boarding house.

Environmental problems of tourism in Russia (case study of the Southern Federal District)

In our country, the Southern region was and remains the most recreationally significant area. Every summer, a huge number of vacationers flock to the Black Sea coast. In winter, crowds of winter sports and skiing enthusiasts flock to the ski resorts. As a result, the load on nature is very high. The most affected are coastal areas and places where ski tourism is developed.

Krasnaya Polyana

In recent years, the environmental situation in the region has deteriorated sharply. This is largely due to the policy pursued by the federal authorities in the field of recreation and sports, aimed at the development of industrial forms of tourism to the detriment of environmental ones. In the Soviet period, on the contrary, developed hiking and sightseeing tourism.

Another problem was the massive and chaotic development, especially on the coast. As a result, it becomes too crowded, too hot (in the literal sense of the word), the amount of greenery and free space decreases. Visitors complain about high prices, poor quality food, and infection.

Although in theory tourism development and deforestation are not compatible with each other, this rule is often violated in our country, and the load on nature is further aggravated. The geography of logging is expanding, as well as their intensity. New power lines, pipelines, roads are being laid. Less and less space remains for wild animals.

Additional factors were the infection of boxwood with a moth butterfly and the spread of tree pests. The occurrence of such problems can be closely linked to global climate change, which is why it is not cold enough in winter and too hot in summer. The most severe warming is observed in the Krasnodar Territory, which is the main victim of natural environmental misfortunes.

Recreational land

Land for recreational purposes - these are land plots intended for organizing leisure, tourism, sports and recreation of citizens. They should be located in an environmentally friendly area and be attractive for recreation. The use of recreational land is regulated by law. In particular, it prohibits the construction of enterprises, residential buildings, business centers and other facilities not related to the purpose of recreation. Such territories cannot be transferred to private individuals to satisfy their personal needs. In the case of finding a valuable recreation area in the ownership of an individual, the state may rent or withdraw it by force. On such lands you can create camp sites, camps for children, a house for hunters and fishermen, etc.

In case of violation of these requirements, administrative and, in the most severe cases, criminal liability may be applied.

Tourist sites in the Russian legislation

The definition of recreational land is given in article 98 of the Land Code. According to this definition, recreational lands include lands that are intended and used to organize recreation, sports and recreational activities, and tourism. They include sites occupied by various infrastructure objects: campsites, boarding houses, rest houses, camp sites, fisherman and hunter houses, sports camps, etc.

The territory of suburban green spaces is also referred to recreational land in the Russian Federation. There are no specifics in the law regarding the legal regime of lands occupied by leisure and tourism facilities.

The opportunity for the construction of recreation facilities on the lands of the forest fund is also prescribed in the legislation. It is provided on the basis of an agreement on the lease of land plots of a forest fund, a forest or logging ticket, and a contract for gratuitous use.

The right to use water bodies is possible with the agreement of local authorities.

In accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the creation of recreation areas within the territory of settlements is provided. These include parks, beaches, forests, gardens. In such places, the construction of any urban facilities not related to recreational activities is prohibited.

What are recreational areas

This term is most often used in recreational-geographic studies. The following features are inherent in recreation and tourism areas:

  • It has a social orientation, as it provides relaxation and health for people, contributing to the relaxation of social tension.
  • The main products of these areas are recreational services. They are not capable of accumulation and can be used only at a specific time and in a particular place.
  • The four-component composition: production, consumption, exchange, distribution.
  • Seasonality caused by natural and social rhythms. The main profit from recreational activities comes in the period of mass holidays, weekends or holidays, school holidays.
beach vacation

Attractiveness of the area

The most important indicator of a recreational area is its tourist attraction. It depends on such factors as nature, socio-economic structure, history and cultural development, economic development, ethnic characteristics, the number and significance of recreational facilities. The best option is a favorable combination of these factors, which allows you to use one area for different categories of tourists and at different times of the year. Such tourism clusters will provide a steady annual income.

Area Classification

The districts are divided, depending on the level of development of tourism infrastructure, into 3 categories:

  1. Areas with developed infrastructure.
  2. Areas with medium infrastructure.
  3. Low infrastructure areas.

Depending on the specialization, recreational areas are divided into:

  1. Areas of spa and wellness widows recreation.
  2. Areas of sightseeing and educational tourism.
  3. Historic tourism areas.
  4. Religious tourism areas.
  5. Science tourism areas.
  6. Areas of rural tourism.
  7. Areas of nostalgic tourism.
  8. Areas where you can develop children's tourism.

However, there are often mixed options. The development of leisure infrastructure gives an impetus to the economic development of the region. Transport, trade, construction, services, folk crafts, etc. are being activated. The development of the information sector is associated with the creation of tourist information centers.

recreation and tourism area


Thus, tourism is one of the most important industries in the modern world. It is most advantageous to develop it in those places where there is no other economic activity (except when it is a sightseeing object) and there are opportunities for the development of various types of recreation. The tourism market in terms of capital circulation and GDP is already comparable to the oil one. As the reserves of natural territories are exhausted, the value of such areas will only increase. Russian legislation spells out general rules for the use of recreational areas. However, in reality, everything is done randomly, without taking into account environmental and social norms. As a result, the environment suffers, and rest becomes uncomfortable.


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