The benefits and harms of a hop drink, are there vitamins in beer

The benefits of beer were known in antiquity. Miraculous properties were attributed to him and called nothing more than a healing drink. The mystery of beer has been deciphered by modern scientists. As it turned out, there are no less vitamins in beer than in milk, and in terms of the content of some elements it far exceeds it. A hoppy drink has a number of other advantages, which should be discussed in more detail.

Beer types and origin history

Types of Hop Drink

Archaeologists claim that the first beer appeared in the VIII century BC. However, the mass production of the hop drink began only in the Middle Ages. With the development of trade, brewing also developed rapidly. Even then, England, Germany and the Czech Republic stood out among the leading countries. These countries are still considered the most "beer" on the European continent.

This drink can be divided into 4 categories, depending on its strength:

  • The most popular is light beer. He has an average strength of 7%.
  • Strong has a bitter taste and 12% strength.
  • In a draft drink, the alcohol content ranges from 1 to 2.8%.
  • The smallest percentage of strength is found in plain beer.

Unfortunately, many people cannot determine the measure of the drink they drink and therefore often overdo it with the dose. If you do not abuse it, then you can get tremendous benefits for the body, because there are a lot of vitamins and minerals in beer.

Mineral composition

This hop drink contains alcohol, approximately 4.5% carbohydrates, less than 1% nitrogen-containing substances, and water. Among the trace elements are the following:

  • A huge amount of potassium. A half liter bottle of beer contains 200 mg of this beneficial element. Potassium strengthens the muscles of the body, including the heart. The lack of this trace element leads to convulsions and problems with the nervous system. It regulates the acid-base balance and helps to remove excess water from the body. Potassium is involved in many metabolic processes and does not allow cholesterol plaques to form on the walls of blood vessels.
  • By the amount of calcium, beer differs little from milk, but unlike it, it practically does not contain fat and is perfectly absorbed.
  • A lot of beer has such an important trace element as zinc. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the genital area, both men and women. It enhances the action of antioxidants and is one of them. Without zinc, it is impossible to build the immune system, and its lack affects the protective functions of the body. It affects the condition of hair, nails and facial skin. Drinking enough zinc daily can help prevent acne and blackheads.
  • There are phytoestrogens in this hoppy drink. They extremely positively affect the human body and fight some types of cancer. Continuous use of phytoestrogens can prevent the occurrence of cancer of the breast, prostate and colon.

Phenolic acids and polyphenols get into beer thanks to malt and hops. These substances are actively fighting the first signs of osteoporosis. Polyphenol is a powerful antioxidant, which also has antithrombotic and antivenom properties.

What are the vitamins in beer?

Vitamins in beer

This drink contains only water soluble vitamins. Therefore, to the question: is there vitamin D in beer, the answer is no. It does not have fat-soluble A, D, K, E and C.

But beer contains almost all the vitamins of group B. There is especially a lot of biotin in it, which is responsible for the health of hair and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). What is good for beer is the huge amount of important B2 element. It strengthens the nervous system, and its lack leads to muscle relaxation and anemia. B2 is also necessary for the vision and structure of red hemoglobin.

In short, vitamin B is widely represented in beer. One liter can provide 50% of the daily intake of vitamin B1 and B2. In addition, the bioactive substances of hops have a calming effect, and carbon dioxide stimulates muscle activity and blood flow in the lungs and liver. Citric acid contained in this drink acts as a diuretic and thus prevents the appearance of kidney stones.

What is useful?

Beer is different

Beer has many useful properties that many people are not aware of. For example, from natural light you can lose weight even though it is quite high in calories. Indeed, thanks to the presence of beneficial bacteria, the digestive system starts up and the intestines are cleaned. In addition, carbon dioxide stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

Fans of the intoxicated drink are less prone to senility and remain with a clear memory for a very long time. Not without reason have people recently started talking about the fact that beer can prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Due to the huge content of trace elements such as calcium, potassium, silicon and magnesium, bone tissue is significantly strengthened, and vitamins in beer only enhance their properties.

Beer harm

Beer Festival Competitions

This drink, in addition to good, can bring harm. If you drink more than 1 liter daily, you can get the following problems:

  • Beer is able to suppress male sex hormones.
  • Due to the presence of female hormones, this drink is not recommended to be abused by women at any age. It can cause some types of cancer related to the female genital area.
  • It makes the heart work in an enhanced mode. There is even the concept of a beer heart.

Modern scientists have discovered the negative impact of beer on the psyche. If from any alcohol a person becomes aggressive, then from beer it is simply incredibly cruel. No wonder beer parties often end with murders, violence and fights.

How to drink?

Food under beer

The flow temperature should not exceed 12 degrees. Dark varieties are consumed in winter, and light varieties are consumed in summer. For cool summer beer, nuts, cheese and shrimp are great. At the same time, it is preferable to drink dark beer with meat or fish. It does not like rush. After the first sip, you should take a short break and relax. Then gradually finish the glass to the end.

A hoppy drink is recommended to be used from glass or porcelain mugs, wooden and ceramic glasses. Plastic dishes can spoil the taste of even the best "live" beer. So that the drink does not run out of steam, the glass should be slightly narrowed up. Dishes are not specially washed with detergents, but only rinsed with hot water.

Doctors do not recommend drinking more than 1 liter per day. From a healing drink, it easily turns into poison. For the same reason, you can not mix it with vodka or other drinks. It is not recommended to drink both dark and light beer at the same time.


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