VRK - what is it? Value

To succeed in the modern world, a person needs to have time to solve various issues at once on several fronts. And in order to do this as efficiently and timely as possible, abbreviations and abbreviations are used more and more in oral and written speech.

Let's look at a way to decrypt one of them. It's about the WRC. This word, some 20-30 years ago, was associated in most with just one concept. However, to date, there are several more ways to interpret this abbreviation.

The revolutionary significance of the WRC

For our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers (who lived in the USSR), the WRC is an abbreviation for the name of the battle groups of the party organizations of the Bolsheviks. They were called military revolutionary committees and specialized in the preparation of rebellions.

Russian revolution 1917

The first VRK was organized in St. Petersburg in August 1917. Paradoxically, the goal of its creation was not to prepare an uprising at all, but, on the contrary, to defend the capital of a decaying empire from the troops of General Kornilov. This commander sought to restore order in Russia with the help of a military dictatorship and remove the Bolsheviks from power. However, his plans were not destined to materialize.

In October of the same year (after the suppression of the Kornilov rebellion), a threat again loomed over Petersburg in the person of German troops. In order to prepare the city for defense on October 16, a resolution was adopted in the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet on the formation of the first military revolutionary committee.

Initially, the members of the PvRK really worked to strengthen the defense capabilities of St. Petersburg. However, very quickly they began to use the power they gained to achieve their own goals. And 10 days after the creation of the forces of the All-Russian Revolutionary Party, they seized the city and deposed the Provisional Government.

After the capital of Russia was in the hands of the Bolsheviks, they began to send their commissars, emissaries and campaign workers to other major cities of the country to organize local military revolutionary committees. It was their close-knit, thoughtful, and most importantly, quick work that made it possible to seize power in most of the empire in a fairly short time.

In total, there were about 40 WRCs. In addition to their immediate task, they also played the role of temporary emergency organs of proletarian power on the ground. In the future (when the work of the administrative apparatus of the Bolsheviks began to improve), such organizations were abolished, which happened in the spring of next year.

It is interesting that, by modern standards, the classic military-industrial complex is a terrorist organization that aims to seize power in the country.

Subsidiaries of Russian Railways

In modern Russia, the abbreviation being studied has a slightly different meaning, and it is associated with the railway sphere.

railway transport

As you know, its activities in the Russian Federation until 2003 were supervised by the Ministry of Railways. However, from October 1, 2003, these functions were transferred to the Russian Railways Open Joint Stock Company.

However, over several years of operation of this AO, it turned out that it is not capable of independently effectively solving absolutely all the problems that arise. Therefore, in 2011, the Structural Reform Program for Rail Transport was created.

In accordance with it, 3 subsidiaries of Russian Railways were organized: VRK-1, 2 and 3. This was done in order to entrust them with control over the segments of Russian Railways that are in the market sphere. In the future, it was planned to sell part of the shares of these companies, which ensured the influx of investments in this area.


This organization is a vertically integrated company with a wide geographic presence. Its 4 branches employ more than 9000 people.

"VRK-1" owns 41 car repair enterprises. Of which 15 are car-wheel workshops.

The main field of activity of this subsidiary is a full range of services for the repair of any freight cars and spare parts for them.

Wagon Repair Company-2 OJSC

The second OJSC "VRK-2" specializes in providing the following services:

car repair
  • Modernization of rolling stock.
  • Capital / depot / current repair.
  • Production and repair of components and parts.

This company serves 23.8% of the entire railway sector in the country.

In the ownership of "VRK-2" - 38 depots.

For 2014, this joint-stock company was estimated at 9.18 billion rubles.

Wagon Repair Company-3 OJSC

Like the organizations mentioned above, VRK-3 also specializes in providing various services for the repair of freight cars.

The main ones are:

  • Overhaul / depot repair of all types of freight cars. Their modernization with the possibility of extending the service life.
  • Medium / current repair of wheelsets, including with the replacement of elements (if necessary).
  • Carrying out current uncoupling repair.
  • Partial / full coloring of the body of the rolling stock.
  • Cutting freight cars.

This joint-stock company serves 3 representative offices: Central, Siberian and Ural.

He owns 40 car repair enterprises, of which 35 are car repair shops.

According to 2014 data, the company's value is estimated at 7.18 billion rubles.

What is "ACS VRK"?

Among other things, the abbreviation under study is included in the name of an integrated system for automating the accounting and management of enterprises of almost any scale, aimed at ensuring increased business profitability.

organization of the enterprise

This is the so-called automated control system for the car repair complex. As you can see, in this sense, the WRC is connected with the railway sphere.

This program is more effective and less expensive than traditional manual accounting. It allows you to more quickly solve various organizational problems.

The "ACS VRK" has the following features:

  • With its help, automation of accounting is carried out.
  • Creation of an electronic document management system with the possibility of using a legally significant electronic signature.
  • "ACS VRK" allows you to create a single standard for paperwork taking into account the wishes of the customer.
  • Also, this system helps resolve personnel issues.
  • With its help, it is possible to carry out planning of production needs and control its material and technical support.
  • "ACS VRK" is able to oversee compliance at the enterprise with the requirements of the technological process of repairing freight cars.
  • In addition to all of the above, it is possible to use this program for planning and controlling the financial system of an enterprise.

JSC "Maintenance of company registries"

The abbreviation under study is also the name of the Russian company "Maintaining company registries."

records management

The central office of JSC "VRK" is located in Yekaterinburg. In addition, there are branches in other cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo and Kurgan.

This organization appeared in the first half of the nineties. It was during that period that the widespread transformation of municipal and state enterprises into joint-stock companies, which were supposed to keep a register of their shareholders, began in the Russian Federation. Moreover, they could perform this function both independently and entrusting it to a selected specialized organization.

In 1994, on the basis of the investment company TEXI-STOCK LLC, AOKT VRK was opened, which assumed the function of maintaining the aforementioned registers.

His work was so effective that the organization quickly took a leading role in the Ural region.

In 1997, "Maintaining company registries" became a member of PARTAD (Professional Association of Registrars, Transfer Agents and Depositories), which includes most Russian institutions specializing in maintaining registries.

Since 2000 , JSC “VRK” began to perform the functions of an authorized registrar of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation and an authorized registrar of the government of the Sverdlovsk Region.

In this regard, in the same year, the scope of the company was expanded. In addition to storing registries, she also focused on improving the quality of service for registered persons (introducing electronic document management), and also began to provide services for consulting issuers on various corporate issues.

"All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition"

In addition to all of the above, VRK is also the name of the All-Ukrainian Civil Organization "All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition".

advertising business

It was founded in 1997 with the goal of developing and streamlining the advertising market of Ukraine.

The basic goals of this organization are as follows:

  • Protecting the interests of companies and individuals (who work in this area on the territory of Ukraine) in situations where their rights as subjects of the advertising market are violated or may be violated.
  • Improving the professional level of advertising in the country.
  • Promoting the effective interaction of the advertising business and the state. As well as participation in the creation of harmonious legislation for this area.
  • Organization of mutually beneficial cooperation between various Ukrainian and international advertising associations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38589/

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