How to rinse the linen, it will be useful to know every housewife

Any woman once comes across the question of how to rinse clothes. Girls and schoolgirls do not care about this issue. Each family usually has a washing machine, which makes this process easy, which does not require a special application of physical force. With age, this problem becomes important. When girls become mothers and wives, they have to show care and attention to their family in this way.

rinse clothes


First you have to re-sort dirty things. Remember: white linen is washed separately from dark. Remember to remove all contents from pockets. When washing in the washing machine, you need to fasten all buttons and zippers.

Light linen is usually washed in hot water, and things that can molt are washed in cooler water. Before washing, heavily soiled clothing should be soaked. Only in advertising do they show that stains can be easily removed with a laundry detergent, which is rare in life. If you notice stains from grease, fruit, paint, coffee, blood - soak things in powder with a stain remover.

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laundry detergents
If the thing is new and you don’t know whether it fades during washing or not, you need to do the following: add a powder or soap to a bowl of warm water, then put a piece of cloth on it for 5-10 minutes. After time, rinse your clothes in cold water. Set it aside for about 15 minutes, then dry thoroughly and iron it. Color has not changed? Fine, that means you can wash a new thing and not worry that it will ruin others. But if you do not have the desire or time to conduct such an experiment, contact the nearest dry cleaning.

Before you start washing, decide which washing method you use this time. Carefully inspect the thing, if it was worn only once and there were no spots of various etiologies on it, it would be enough just to hang it on the balcony to ventilate. Clothes that have a dry cleaning tag are washed by hand. Wool and silk - in cold and warm water.

If you decide to use a washing machine

It may seem to you that using such a machine to wash clothes is very simple. It is necessary to fold the laundry into it and add various laundry detergents. But you have to grieve, there are certain instructions under which things will be washed better.

When choosing a powder, be guided not only by price. There is no particular difference between expensive and cheap means. The cost depends on the popularity of the manufacturer and brand, but this does not affect the quality at all. The rinse is selected according to the same criteria. You will be surprised, but sometimes inexpensive powder eliminates stains better than expensive. So buy only proven and high-quality powder. Please note that there is an icon on the packaging for the automatic machine.

Rinse aid

How to rinse clothes

Well, your laundry was washed, now you need to rinse it thoroughly in several waters. Perform this manipulation until the water is clear. To begin with, use hot water so that washing substances and dirt are washed off the fabric fibers. If you rinse your laundry in cold water, particles of detergent will remain on it. It will look washed, but it will get dirty very quickly. During the last rinse, you can add some salt or vinegar. This will give the fabric brightness and fix the paint. If you are washing silk items, to prevent yellowness, add hydrogen peroxide, which you can buy at any pharmacy. Do not keep things wet for a long time, colors will suffer. All these simple tips will help housewives cope with washing without spending a lot of time.


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