Liquid fertilizer: names, application. Plant growth stimulants

One of the most effective ways to stimulate the growth of cultivated plants is the use of mineral fertilizers. This group is represented on the market of agricultural products in several forms of delivery. Granular products are considered the most convenient and popular, but liquid products also show a very noticeable result. The fact is that the separation by delivery forms and methods of application is determined not only by the requirements for the conditions for the direct use of the product. As a rule, liquid mineral fertilizers have features of the structure of the active substance that make it possible precisely this way of applying to the soil. Along with this, the distinctive consumer qualities of this type of fertilizer are determined.

liquid fertilizer

General Information on Liquid Fertilizers

The class of liquid fertilizers is based on a mineral base and is available in different compositions. Moreover, all representatives of this group differ in the content of ammonia and nitrogen in certain quantities. The most common fertilizer of this type is the carbide – ammonia mixture (CAS), but ammonia solutions, growth regulators, complex additives and ammonium sulfate are also found . The practice of application shows that ammonia-based products are characterized by mobility in the soil, long-term action and, most importantly, do not produce harmful fumes. As for the effect that these fertilizers provide, it is primarily worth talking about the recovery function, growth stimulation and supply of nutrients. It is noteworthy that such additives are not only in form, but also in character of action similar to ordinary water, only in enhanced form.

growth regulators

Forms of nitrogen in the liquid fertilizer group

There are three main forms of nitrogen, which are used in different types of liquid additives. First of all, these are nitrate components, which contain liquid fertilizer based on lime-ammonium nitrate. The advantages of such nutrition include the rapid achievement of results and mobility in the fertile formation. Also, this type of nitrogen-based fertilizing elements is easily washed out with excess moisture, which is not always beneficial. The following form is represented by ammonium nitrogen. Such applications are easily absorbed by plants, however, due to adsorption in the soil structure, their duration is reduced.

The third, amide form cannot be applied in the traditional way through the root system. In this case, sheet nutrition is used, and in the process of development, the substance passes first into the ammonium form, and after that into the nitrate form. By the way, KAS fertilizer is the only one in its class that can include all of the listed nitrogen forms.

liquid fertilizer application

Features of the urea-ammonia mixture

This fertilizer is characterized by many features that have a beneficial effect on the practice of its application. In the process of interaction with microorganisms, CAS is able to take the optimal form, which is suitable for assimilation by a specific plant. That is, regardless of the set of nitrogen components with which the urea-ammonia mixture is used, one can count on the successful supply of the crop with the necessary nutrition. At the same time, it must be understood that CAS is a liquid fertilizer that acts as an auxiliary tool to support plant development. In any case, this is how agricultural technologists view it in the context of their use in highly efficient agricultural production.

Characteristics of liquid ammonia fertilizers

fertilizer kas

Liquid ammonia additives are characterized by a high nitrogen content. As already noted, this element can be presented in several forms, but its concentration in any case will be higher than in other fertilizers. In particular, the nitrogen content in anhydrous ammonia is 82%. As for ammonia water, this ratio is only 24%. Also, the UAN fertilizer is characterized by a pungent odor, which is just caused by ammonia vapors. The mass and concentration of a substance in practical use are calculated based on its pressure and temperature. In this case, regardless of the form, the ammonia additive is well soluble in water.

During transportation and when handling fertilizers, it is desirable to provide for the tendency of the substance to weather. This feature explains the loss of nitrogen components during transportation. In addition, measures should be provided for the protection of non-ferrous metals interacting with the elements of the mixture. The fact is that ammonia-based liquid fertilizer provokes corrosion, although this does not apply to aluminum.

Humate fertilizers

Agricultural technologists have long been developing the concept of soil nutrition from their own resources with balanced reinforcement of biomass remaining from plants. The development of this direction was the release of humic acid from the soil, which was converted into sodium salt. On the market today, this additive is represented by the Humat fertilizer, which stimulates the growth of crops. Another important function of this additive is protection against all kinds of poisons and heavy metals.

humate fertilizer

At the same time, experts noted the features of the interaction of decomposition products with water. Increased effectiveness of the substance is observed only in conditions of optimal soil moisture. With this in mind, the potassium-based Humate fertilizer was developed. This component is produced by processing peat by extracting active enzymes from its composition. Among them, the same nitrogen, phosphorus and other trace elements can be noted. This type of liquid fertilizer is mainly used for soaking seeds, seedlings and other planting materials.

Application Rate

Liquid additives, in addition to their direct functions of influencing vegetation, also differ favorably with the possibility of uniform distribution over the working area. In the process of spring top dressing for winter crops, it is recommended to apply about 35–40 kg of fertilizer per 1 ha. This applies to the first feeding, but in the future the active substance should be diluted with water 1: 2 and make no more than 30 kg to the same area. For spring crops, the optimal rate rises to 80 kg per 1 ha, based on presowing treatment. Each subsequent fertilizer procedure should already consume 20 kg. For vegetable crops, the application of liquid fertilizers depends on the specific type of plant. For example, potatoes are supplied according to the scheme of 60 kg per 1 ha. Indoor plants are also suitable for this kind of nutrition, but each variety has its own individual requirements for dose formation. Use the compounds should be in the evening or in cloudy weather - compliance with this recommendation will eliminate the risk of burns.

liquid complex fertilizers

Trade names for liquid fertilizers

On the market, liquid additives for plants are strictly segmented, although there are many universal products. Especially for indoor plants and, in particular, for flowers, it is worth recommending products of the brand "Flower Paradise", intended for decorative and deciduous plants. If we consider liquid complex fertilizers, then the Ideal line will come to the fore. The composition of such products includes macro- and microelements, including nitrogen, and in nitrate and ammonium forms. Also, some modifications contain humic acids. Universal fertilizers include Rainbow fertilizers, presented in liquid forms both for nutrition of indoor vegetation and for field crops.

On what soils is liquid fertilizer used?

The advantages of this kind of additives include the undemanding to the conditions of use. That is, on any soil, the fertilizer will provide an effective impact, whether it be nutrition through leaves or the root system. But, of course, the highest rates of growth and recovery of supplements are demonstrated in cultivated and humified soils. If liquid fertilizer is used for seedlings, then you should initially focus on complex additives with the inclusion of humic acid. In this combination, the nutrient base will ensure rapid growth and health of the root system.


liquid fertilizer for seedlings

Liquid ammonia fertilizers have many advantages, including: ease of application, high penetration, relatively low cost, and quick results. Largely due to these qualities, additives are in demand in a professional niche. But ordinary farmers are not so willing to use liquid growth regulators, since they also have serious disadvantages that cannot always be overcome. In particular, the storage and transportation of such fertilizers requires the creation of special conditions. The process of introducing some mixtures of this group is not complete without connecting special equipment. Many private agronomists are also disappointed in this way of eating, observing the negative factors of chemical effects on plants, due to violations in dosages.


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