We replenish our vocabulary: gastronomy is ...

What is gastronomy? For many, this is simply the name of the department in the supermarket. In this article we will talk about whether the meaning of the word is limited to this alone. In addition, we analyze its phonetic and morphological characteristics.

Gastronomy is

To find out all the meanings of the word we are considering, you can turn to explanatory dictionaries for help.

Gastronomy is

Gastronomy is the generalized name for all foods. In addition, the so-called subtleties of cooking. However, cooking is only a small part of this science.

Morphological features, declination

"Gastronomy" is a common and inanimate noun of the feminine, the first declension.

CaseQuestionSingular noun examples
NominativeWhat?Alexei, do you know who coined the word "gastronomy"?
GenitiveWhat?In old age, Khavronya Kharitonovna Anikeeva was fascinated by the interesting art of gastronomy.
DativeWhy?Nicholas treated gastronomy with reverence and reverence or, as the old journalist used to say, with reverence.
AccusativeWhat?I do not want to waste time on this gastronomy of yours.
Instrumental caseThan?Gastronomy is sometimes called the entire community of food.
PrepositionalAbout what?At today's seminar we will talk about gastronomy as a science.

The word "gastronomy" has plural forms: gastronomy, gastronomy, gastronomy, gastronomy, gastronomy, gastronomy, but these forms are rarely used in colloquial speech.

Gastronomy: Accent

The noun "gastronomy" consists of eleven letters and twelve sounds. There are more sounds than letters, because from the letter "I" we get two sounds [th] and [a].

The word "gastronomy" has five vowels, therefore it can be divided into five syllables: gass-tro-no-mi-i.

Gastronomy: Accent

The correct setting of stress is very important. In the word we study, emphasis is placed on the third syllable.

Compatibility with other parts of speech

Often at school you have to come up with sentences or phrases with a given word. To do this, you need to learn with what parts of speech this word is combined. So, with what words is the noun "gastronomy" combined?

What can be gastronomy?

Meat, fish, dairy, French, Moscow, Parisian, Italian, good, bad, local, domestic, foreign, import, domestic, unacceptable, excellent, unusual, original, ordinary, extraordinary, first, second, twenty-seventh, that, this , ours, her, such, sort of, some, no.

Phrases with the word "gastronomy"

How many gastronomy can be?

One, two, seven, ten, twenty seven, one hundred, one thousand, one million.

What can gastronomy do?

Reign, amaze, attract, carry, inspire.

What can be done with gastronomy?

Love, learn, understand, understand, rewrite.


Let's try to make as many short words out of the noun "gastronomy" as possible: din, thunder, grotto, makeup, kettlebell, anthem, ace, astronomy, army, dignity, camp, haystack, moan, banner, throne, tom, tier, shooting gallery, draft , horn, growth, rum, cassock, crust, leg, nose, burrow, mage, mat, bridge, pestilence, instant, peace, meat.

Playing anagrams with the word "gastronomy" is very exciting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38595/

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