Folk fun - literball. This is our way!

On warm summer and harsh winter evenings, people gather at home and in yards with bottles of something strong, and the competition begins. There are leaders and outsiders in it, there are rules and penalties. Experienced fans of this sport can even figure out from the crowd those who are doping. Loves people to play literball. This is not only Russian, but also world-wide fun, the name of which appeared with someone’s light hand. Let's try to delve into the story.

drunk games

The rebellious Russian soul

Our people are very different from other people on the planet. It is not for nothing that Russians are immediately visible at any resort, at a reception or an important presentation. We love to be the center of attention, to “open feathers” and to amaze in a big way. However, we are not poets and not at all selfish. The broad Russian soul is an inexplicable phenomenon, since our generosity knows no borders, and it takes the ingenuity of the city. In any sport, we try to take the upper hand, and even leave no places on the podium for other countries. Alas, because of the perfectionism of our enemies we often make money. But how can a Russian person move away from painful experiences? The tried-and-true folk option helps - hit into drinking alcohol.

master of sports in literball

When did it start?

This is a difficult question, since they always drank in Russia, and they did it with pleasure and pleasure. It should be noted that this does not make us a godlessly drinking country, but only speaks of our sincerity. Yes, we often have feasts and drink. That's because we love to drink about and in good company. It was these aspects that made us think that drinking alcohol in Russia is not just fun, but real art. Or a sport. First began to mention literball at the beginning of the "zero" in the conversation about beer marathons. Then the conversations became more serious and longer. And after that a set of rules appeared, a self-respecting “athlete” simply would not risk violating.

We play literball!

This is not just doing nothing, but a science that not everyone can comprehend. Schoolchildren of the 7th-8th grade are already starting their “introduction” to sports. Of course, they don’t pull on the masters, but they learn the basics with ardor. Schoolchildren can sell only small volumes; often they have enough light beer or wine in order to feel like "athletes". But literball is a science with development and complication, and therefore already at the university you have to conquer new peaks, boarded fortified wines, liquors, cocktails with vodka and pure vodka itself. Literball students are often elevated to the rank of a great culture and give themselves to it without a trace. Hence their dented appearance, uncleaned teeth, bloodshot eyes. An unprepared body can not cope with the effects of drinking and can respond to poor health, heartburn or nausea. By the way, an increase in the degree rarely does without dizziness and even hallucinations. Experienced players are advised to drive the disease out of smoking. It is worth warning that most often the recommendation does not work and the novice athlete goes to bed right where he was standing.

drinking alcohol

Crazy-crazy world!

Sometimes literball is not only a sport, but also really fun. For example, at a friendly party it is hardly worth setting records for a drink, but arranging a tasting of drinks will be very helpful. Let’s figure out what “drunk games” will be really interesting for guests. The most common fun just like a sports game. On the table we arrange glasses with the same servings of the drink. We go back a few steps and try to get the ping-pong ball into the glass. If we fall, we empty the glass. Who overturned more glasses, he won. Amateurs warn: excessive enthusiasm for the game is dangerous to your health and your coordination. The most gamblers can try the game "Bear has come!". In it, all the players sit at the table and put a bill next to the glass. The leader after each toast says “the bear has come!”, And those present climb under the table, and when they get out, put a new money on the table. The game lasts until one person remains on his feet, and all the rest peacefully fall asleep under the table. The winner, accordingly, takes all the money on the table.

literball is


And finally, you need to talk about the fact that in ballball, as in any sport, there is a classification, and the title "Master of Sports in Literball" must be earned. If a bottle of beer with a roach and a loyal attitude to jokes is enough for the third youth category, then for the second category the amount of drink should be at least three times as much. For the first youth, you need to master 6 bottles of beer, but the CCM is already switching to vodka and interfering with beer. This trick, by the way, will not be possible for a new person. Only those who master 0.8 liters of vodka and 4 liters of beer at a time can become a master. In the morning, the master should be able to go to work! The upper level of the literball is an international master of sports. He easily consumes 1.2 liters of vodka, as well as 5.5 liters of beer. Sometimes without a snack. After such a shake, he should only survive!


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