Glass greenhouse in a summer cottage

Every second summer resident always has the idea of โ€‹โ€‹building a greenhouse with their own hands. This is, of course, the simplest thing on the one hand, but if you look on the other, it raises a lot of questions. Especially when I already got down to work.

The purpose of the greenhouse

A greenhouse is an opportunity for a summer resident to grow early vegetables or flower plants that are applicable either for decorating a house, or terraces, or lawns. Often the focus is still on growing food.

The design decisions of greenhouses are different. This is a wooden model, and plastic, round or square, in the form of a house or a small hangar. It all depends on the scope of future garden greenhouse work. Someone just sows cucumbers for themselves in order to enjoy them early, and someone is engaged in the cultivation of early vegetables for profit, then the greenhouse, of course, has more impressive overall dimensions.

Glass Greenhouse Advantages

Professional summer residents, working for more than one year with greenhouse constructions, noticed such a feature that vegetables and flower plants grown in a glass greenhouse are more generously rewarded with crops than other planting options. Why is this happening? And the thing is that glass transmits sunlight very well, and it is just the most necessary growth factor for plants, and, of course, constant watering and heat.

From any angle, the glass does not refract the sun's rays, so the plant receives a sufficient level of lighting and develops in accordance with all the standards of the biological clock.

The disadvantages of a glass greenhouse

Almost the only drawback of a glass greenhouse is its complicated design and the weight of the glass material. But if the project is planned efficiently, the weight fades into the background. After all, glass can last a very long time.

How to build a greenhouse on your own?

A greenhouse made of glass with your own hands can look like this. This design is more like a greenhouse and is suitable for growing seedlings of vegetables.

glass greenhouse

There is a more durable option, but it also serves more as a greenhouse.

glass greenhouses
But this option is a real greenhouse in which you can grow early vegetables until they ripen. Such a glass greenhouse can also be used to grow beautiful plants and flowers.

DIY glass greenhouse
Very many summer residents chose the two-in-one option - both the greenhouse and the greenhouse - of such a plan. This is the Victory greenhouse made of glass. The Pobeda glass brand is a hardened, durable material that is not afraid of either overheating or sudden temperature changes.

greenhouse victory made of glass
The Pobeda greenhouse made of glass can have both an arched design and the one shown in the photo above. The main emphasis here is on the brand of glass used in the construction.

For independent work you will need a shovel, building materials for the construction of the frame (wooden beams or metal arches or profiles). Experienced summer residents still prefer wooden carriers. A glass greenhouse is a massive structure, so you need to take care of durable fasteners (screws, bracket holders). Well, of course, do not forget about the most important thing - the purchase of glass, which will be needed at the last stage of construction.

Creating a project and choosing the location of the future design for growing seedlings

Before construction, it is always taken into account why a glass greenhouse will be used. Decide whether it will be a greenhouse for flowers or a greenhouse for vegetables, or for decorative high-growing seedlings. Depending on the purpose, they are determined with the dimensional characteristics of the future structure and its location.

A glass greenhouse does not need to be located within a large garden. It can be placed both in the garden and on a sunny lawn. After all, the soil that will be used in it is specially prepared in advance. A do-it-yourself glass greenhouse is erected within a few days if the work has to be done with someone in tandem.

An important point in the use of double-glazed windows

Very many summer residents at the beginning of their development in greenhouses make a mistake, preferring polycarbonate. So, what should be a greenhouse - glass or polycarbonate? If everything is clear with glass, then many people consider polycarbonate to be glass material. But this is just a durable and flexible plastic, which due to low-quality production is in many cases disadvantageous in the conditions of a summer residence, especially in winter, when the greenhouse has to be heated.

Double-glazed windows with proper operation have proven themselves to be the most reliable option of all existing coatings and greenhouse structures.

Stages of the construction of the greenhouse of the desired size

A tempered glass greenhouse requires the construction of a foundation, and concrete screeds or brickwork can serve as such. So the first stage of construction is the creation of a fundamental solid foundation for load-bearing elements.

tempered glass greenhouse
If the supporting element is wooden, then even old glazed window frames can be used as double-glazed windows. If you select a more modern option, then many prefer metal-plastic constructions.

A glass greenhouse is installed on the foundation and fastened to metal rods, which are specially concreted in it for this purpose.

The second stage is the construction of the frame on which the glass elements will be mounted.

greenhouse glass or polycarbonate
The third stage is glazing. As you can see, a glass greenhouse is not such a difficult task. The main thing in this business is to clearly determine its shape, appearance and comfortable location.

All the skills and understanding of what you want to end up with come with experience. But do not forget the sequence of the three phases of the construction of the greenhouse. By strictly observing them, you can build a neat and comfortable construction in all senses to obtain the desired results.

A beginner summer resident may encounter the problem of properly drawing up a greenhouse drawing. For help, you can turn to someone who is well versed in drawing or professional volumetric design. You can also use free programs for drawing volumetric compositions.

A greenhouse can easily be built by example. We saw someone - you can completely duplicate the idea. The most important thing in this business is the desire and dexterity of the mind and hands. A glass greenhouse can be built even with boards, nails and a shovel in the arsenal.

If you really want to have the most ideal option for the first time, then you can prepare the foundation yourself, but buy a typesetting design in a specialized store and continue assembling it at the selected site.


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