Tyrsa - what is it in construction?

Tyrsa - what is it? Construction involves the use of various bulk materials. This is gravel, rubble, screenings, sand. Together with them confidently took their niche in the market of building materials and tyrsa. What it is? What properties does this product have?

Introductory information

Begin with the fact that this term does not have a single meaning. So, by tyrsa we can understand a mixture of sawdust and sand. Also loosely connected limestone-limestone with brown color is also called in this way. But that is not all. Tyrsa is also a byproduct of sawing two or more varieties of limestone. Most often, the construction implies the last two options.

Product Features

tyrsa what is construction

What is it - tyrsa - in general terms, we have already considered. But what is the peculiarity of this product? This bulk material has a rather large structure. The most common are fractions in the range from 10 to 100 millimeters. Bulk density usually ranges from 1400 to 1700 kg / m³. The content of clay particles reaches 10% of the total volume. In general, this product can be characterized by the following properties:

  • low cost;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • boasts good sound and heat insulation qualities;
  • resistant to temperature and atmospheric conditions.

Application possibilities

tyrsa what is it

To consider what it is - tyrsa, and to ignore its use - this means to conceal significant information from readers. This material has gained popularity in the construction industry due to its low cost. This makes it a very attractive, from an economic point of view, substitute for river and sea sand. This material has almost identical characteristics and is used for the following purposes:

  1. When arranging production and technical sites. Moistened and compacted material particles harden quickly, forming a solid base.
  2. Fine fractions, in which a low content of clay particles, are well suited for the production of hyper-pressed products. These are basement and paving slabs, building blocks and bricks, alley and road curbs.
  3. In the manufacture of solutions. Coarse fractions are used for rough plastering, in masonry mortars and in the preparation of lightweight concrete.

In addition, using the described material, it is possible to level the floors, improve the territory and apply it in a huge number of cases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38600/

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