Beautifully braid the braid: a few ways

Long hair, no doubt, adorn a woman. That is why many of us strive to grow them as long as possible. You can do a lot with them: braid the braid, curl it in curls or straighten it with an iron. In any case, girls are more likely to have long hair, since the image immediately becomes more feminine. Since you can come up with any hairstyle quickly enough, the most important thing is that imagination is present, we suggest finding out how to braid. Not everyone can braid a beautiful braid for a girl, so we will talk about several tricks that will definitely be useful to you in life.

to braid a beautiful braid to a girl

Surely none of us thought about where the equipment came from. For us, this is something taken for granted. We beautifully braid the braid and believe that our method is the right one. However, this is not the case. Since weaving braids appeared in Russia, talking about some new methods makes absolutely no sense, because who, if not Russian girls, knew everything about this process. Another thing is that some types of braids have become very popular, respectively, the technique began to be transmitted through generations and came to us. Others, for some reason, for example, because of the complexity of the implementation, did not acquire such popularity, and therefore remained only part of the past. However, it is unnecessary to say that it is we who beautifully braid the braid using radically new technology.

beautifully braid the braid

The very first such hairstyles appeared in ancient Russia and were not just a part of the image of a girl. Since it was believed that long hair was a kind of divine "mark", it was impossible to cut them off, it was even considered a sin among some peoples. Almost all Russian girls had beautiful, long and thick hair. However, walking with too long loose hair was not very convenient, especially if it was necessary to carry a bucket or chop wood. That is why long hair began to be braided in braids for convenience. This was a kind of way out of the situation, which allowed to simultaneously preserve both long hair and their well-groomed appearance. Further, spikelets began to be considered part of the style, and they began to make them for this reason. It was believed that every mother should know how to beautifully braid a child's braid. However, time passed, everything changed. The braids either went out of fashion or became relevant again. This happens to this day, and today it is safe to say that weaving braids has gained immense popularity. We beautifully braid the braid for work, a date and a solemn event, and each time we get a new hairstyle. Consider several ways to weave braids.

how beautifully braid the child
Classical Russian braid is considered weaving in three strands. To do this, you need to divide the hair into equal parts and take on the extreme. First, we put the right strand on the center, then the left. The process is then repeated. When weaving braids, you need to remember that it must be constantly pulled together, otherwise the thing will have to start again. We fix the finished pigtail with an elastic band for hair or a ribbon.

There is also a method of weaving in four strands. The technique is almost identical, with only one difference. First, you repeat the above steps twice, and then we connect the already braided parts of the pigtail with the extreme strands. Then again we do standard actions twice, once - with the participation of side strands. We beautifully braid the braid to the end and fasten it with a bow.


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