Biography of Elena Blaginina. Page by page

The name is widely known - Elena Blaginina, her biography is an example for purposeful people. More than one generation has grown on her books. It is unlikely that there will be at least one children's library - home, school, municipal - where there would be no books.


Biography of Elena Blaginina quite ordinary and at the same time full of events. In 1903, a girl was born in the family of a railway cashier in the village of Yakovlevo, Orel Province . They called baby Lena. She grew up in a warm family atmosphere, beloved, but not spoiled by her mother, father, grandparents. Family funds were modest, everyday food - cabbage soup and porridge. On weekends, baked cakes with liver. Sweets were only on holidays.

But the girl’s childhood was filled with poems, tales, jokes, jokes. Mom and grandfather read to the child the works of Russian poets and writers, grandmother told tales and legends. My father organized a family theater, where everyone was an artist - from the oldest to the kids.

It is no wonder that at the age of eight Lena composed her first poem about the family and her happy childhood, then a fairy tale about a snowflake and a play for a home theater was born.

Biography of Elena Blaginina is closely connected with her beloved grandfather - a rural priest and teacher in a parish school. The girl began literacy right here, along with other village kids. She dreamed of becoming a teacher, following in the footsteps of her grandfather.

Lena graduated from a village school, and the family moved to Kursk. Father again got a job as a railway cashier, and the girl continued her studies at a local school. Further studies continued at the Mariinsky Gymnasium.

Lena helped her mother a lot around the house: she washed, cleaned, darned, cooked, and then she taught lessons and read, read, read ...

Student of the Pedagogical Institute

biography of Elena Blaginina

The situation in the country was difficult - war, revolution. Gymnasium combined with a real school. But the union did not grow together, and all students were dismissed without exams, but with certificates. The institution has closed.

The educational biography of Elena Blaginina continued at the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. She purposefully walked towards her dream. Neither slush nor severe frosts interfered with the girl. Lena in a homemade rope-woven shoe hurried to the institute every day, overcoming a seven-kilometer distance.

The girl studied with pleasure, actively participated in public life. At this time, she began to write poetry, and her childhood dream of teaching faded into the background.

Elena Blaginina was first published in the literary journal "Beginning" in 1921, followed by the collection "Golden Grains", a well-known literary almanac. Elena worked tirelessly, she was completely captured by study and poetry. Her idols are Blok, Mendelstam, Akhmatova, Gumilyov. The girl became a member of the Kursk Union of Poets.

Moscow Literary and Art Institute

In 1921, a new round took place in the biography of Elena Blaginina.

Elena Blaginina biography

A literary and art institute named after Bryusov opened in Moscow. Elena, fearing that her family would not let her go to the capital, went secretly to the institute, entered and at the same time got a job in the luggage compartment of the Izvestia newspaper. By working, she ensured her existence during training. At night she sat over books and textbooks. Her mentor was a poet, poet George Arkadievich Shengeli. Under his leadership, the skill of the poetess was improved, with him a creative biography of Elena Blaginina is closely connected. A photo of her beloved teacher is posted above.

At the institute, Blaginina met her future husband, the poet Georgy Obolduyev, who was rejected and not printed due to the rebellious moods that permeated his poems. Elena passionately loved her husband and hoped that someday his work would be appreciated in his native country. Serious lyric poems by Helen, too, were not readily printed.

biography of Elena Blaginina for children

Creative way

Blaginina graduated from the institute in 1925 in a creative, literary and publishing direction. I did not find work in my specialty and remained to work in Izvestia.

Then labor Biography of Elena Blaginina continued at the All-Union Radio Committee, at the Institute of Radio Broadcasting. Elena practically stopped writing, was absorbed in everyday affairs.

But the love of children won. Somehow playing with her friend’s child, she composed an amusing impromptu rhyme, and it began ... Elena wrote about everything that is around: things, nature, people, animals.

In 1933, her children's poems were published in the magazine Murzilka. She made friends with its editor M.P. Hungry. Later, Elena Alexandrovna became the editor of Murzilka, and a few years later became the editor of Zateynik.

biography of Elena Blaginina photo

Vividly interested in children's poetry of other nations, Elena Blaginina became a talented translator, skillfully translating verses from Moldavian, Ukrainian, Tatar into Russian. Taras Shevchenko, Lev Kvitko, Lesya Ukrainka is by no means a complete list of names whose poems she translated for Russian readers.

Since 1936, the creative biography of Elena Blaginina has been enriched. One by one, her collections of works began to be published for children. The first of them came out under the name “Autumn”, then followed by “Do not bother me to work”, “Mom is sleeping, she is tired”, “Crane”, “Alyonushka”, “Grass-ants”.

The poetess not only actively wrote for children, but also happily met with her young readers.

The latest collection, “Gori-gori clear”, appeared in 1990, when Elena Alexandrovna was already gone. She died in April 1989.


A wonderful poetess is Elena Blaginina. Her biography can serve as an example to follow for many young people. She was devoted to her work, selflessly loved her homeland. I want to believe that her poems will be reprinted many times and delight our kids.


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