Decomposition is what? Decomposition of goals. Meaning of the word "decomposition"

Today, in an era of rapidly changing digital world, it is difficult to remain in the pace of events. In order to be in time, it is necessary to set goals, goals, distribute and delegate authority. Logic and analysis are the best helpers in solving complex problems. One of the tools of logical construction is decomposition. Let's consider it in detail.

Decomposition of goals


In the general sense, decomposition is the division of the whole into its components. This is a fairly simple and understandable technique that helps solve complex problems daily, presenting them as a sum of parts. In a system of logical constructions, decomposition is a scientific technique that solves a large problem by replacing it with several small and simpler tasks.

As a rule, decomposition is carried out using the “tree of problems”, “tree of goals”, “decision tree”, “tree of work”, which, when built, form a clear hierarchical structure, including vertical and horizontal submissions and feedbacks.


The basis of any decomposition is structural submission to all the rules of the method. Of the fundamental and governing the entire system of rules, the following can be distinguished:

1) The level system must always be followed.

The decomposition method is based on submission of a lower level to a higher one. This is achieved by building a hierarchical structure using the so-called "trees".

Decomposition of systems

The first to build a tree of problems and a tree of goals in order to clearly and clearly present all the tasks that are available at the moment. At the same time, the subordination should look so that the tasks of a lower level reveal the essence of the tasks of a higher level, and all the subtasks represent the whole project. Understanding the accurate and complete picture of the percentage completion of a decomposition project comes only when the goal tree is 100% full.

Guided by simple formal algebra and logic, one can also construct “AND trees” and “OR trees”.

2) The division of the whole into parts should occur only on one basis.

This principle implies that all subtasks will be subject to a single idea and purpose. An example of a decomposition can be a construction project. As the main feature of the partition adopted functional feature, the project is divided into sections. For example, these can be the following main sections: reinforced concrete structures (KZ), architectural solutions (AR), metal structures (KM), heating and ventilation (OV), etc. In turn, these sections should also be broken down according to a functional basis, that is, the essence of the main goals should be presented in the subgoals of the next level. For example, the heating and ventilation (OV) section is divided into an explanatory note, drawings, design, passing regulatory control and technical control, issuing documentation, field supervision, adjustments according to comments, etc.

As a sign, you can also use time frames (time frames), subject characteristics, structural features, technological characteristics and others.

3) All decomposition subsystems should reveal the essence of the system.

If you imagine the main task as 100%, then all the subtasks should be the same 100% in total. At the same time, each subtask of the first level contains its percentage, representing the sum of the subtasks of the second level.

Process decomposition

It is important to understand that all divided subtasks of the same level should be independent of each other, while the hierarchy of tasks on one branch should be based on the principle of dependence and feedback: a task of a higher level depends on its subtask, and vice versa.

4) The depth of the decomposition study should be determined at the initial stage.

Before creating a hierarchical structure, it is necessary to decide what the last level of subtasks will be. In some cases, it is not necessary to create many levels, since the purpose of decomposition is visualization. In the case when a hierarchy is created for accurate costing, the number of levels should be such as to maximize the topic.


To date, several types of decomposition are known. You can create your own techniques for a specific project. However, to one degree or another, they will relate to the main types, namely: decomposition of goals (first and fundamental type), systems (the process of dividing a system into subsystems with the aim of developing and obtaining the best result), process, works (drawing up a hierarchy of work to indicate weak points and highlighting the main and primary).

Decomposition of works

As a rule, all of the above processes are interconnected and generally represent a complete decomposition structure.

Decomposition of goals

To get started, a problem tree and a goal tree are compiled. The tree of problems is a structural diagram of the main problem, divided into problems of the second and third levels. In this form, it becomes much easier to solve. After a detailed analysis of the problems, a goal tree is compiled, which is a resolved problem tree. That is, a solution is proposed for each problem. At the same time, a ready-made structure and the interdependence of subtasks is preserved.

Action analysis

Decomposition of works is a logical construction that begins when all goals and problems are identified and represents a hierarchical structure of all actions that must be carried out to solve a particular problem.

Decomposition example

Such a logical scheme allows us to identify those stages of work at which problems arose. Since subtasks depend on high-level tasks, the work tree allows you to see where there are problems and shortcomings. Often due to weaknesses in the first level of decomposition, work at lower levels suffers.

For example, if the purchaser did not apply for self-tapping screws, then the accounting department did not hold invoices and did not purchase them. Everything is on the construction site, because the installers are not enough for the screws to work.

Classic welcome

To carry out a more detailed analysis of the structures, identify their weaknesses, the main goals and directions, tasks, projects and works, the systems are decomposed.

The system is divided both horizontally and vertically into levels. They should form an overall picture of the structure. System decomposition is a common example of a hierarchy for any kind of decomposition.

Business application

The process decomposition is usually used to describe and analyze the activities of companies. Using the hierarchy, you can determine the pain points of the company, the areas where failures occur.

Decomposition method

The processes are summarized in a general scheme and analyzed, after which a detailed report on the activities of the company is compiled.

Decomposition example

As an example, consider a project for the construction of a capital construction project. Development is carried out in 2 stages: working documentation and project documentation. These will be the first level subtasks. At the design stage, work will be presented by estimated studies and projects. At the working stage as well. These are sub-tasks of the second level. For example, a project is usually presented in the following parts:

  • general explanatory note;
  • scheme of planning organization of a land plot ;
  • architectural decisions;
  • constructive and space-planning decisions.

The following are the subsections:

  • power supply system;
  • water supply system;
  • drainage system;
  • heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks;
  • communication networks;
  • gas supply system;
  • technological solutions.

Sections and subsections of design and working documentation are sub-tasks of the third level.

Decomposition is

Each section consists of certain stages and should contain information in accordance with state standards. For example, the project section of technological solutions necessarily includes a text part with a detailed description of the technological scheme and equipment adopted, a graphic part (plans, sections, diagrams), a sheet of equipment, design of the project, site visits, the passage of standard control and technical control, and the issuance of documentation.

At each level, responsible executives are appointed, from whom the result is then required. In this decomposition example, the first level performers are the head of the project department, the second is the chief project engineer (ISU), and the third is design engineers.

Briefly about the main thing

Decomposition is a method of formal practical logic assuming a qualitative study of the main task according to the main goal of the work. This approach ensures the involvement of personnel at all levels to solve multilevel tasks. This allows you to lead the project most efficiently, with the least financial investment and labor.


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