Original idea for life

Have you ever wondered how the thinking of animals differs from human? Of course, we are alike in caring for offspring, in desires to eat, sleep and have fun, but there is something significant that makes us different from the representatives of the animal world. This is a search for the meaning of life. Only a man among all representatives of the living world knows that he is mortal. And only he tends to ask questions: "Why am I here? What is my idea for life?"

idea for life

First of all, it is worth noting that there is no answer to this question anywhere. You can search for knowledge in the religions of the world, in science, give your life to travel and search for something that the soul leads you to. And while the correct and verified answer simply does not exist. More precisely, it’s like this - each one has his own, and what seems to one hundred percent faithful to others seems meaningless to others.

Socrates Cave

There is a very good euphemism for what an idea is in a person’s life. This theory of the meaning of life was proposed by Socrates before our era, but it is used in our time to imagine how little we know about the real and true meaning of the universe. Imagine people sitting deep in a cave. On the ceiling and walls, they see shadows - projections of what is happening outside the cave. They cannot or do not want to get out of there, and all they do is judge the world by moving shadows. If you want to know what the idea of ​​the meaning of life is, do not be afraid to leave the cave. Or at least do not judge by the shadows.

Leave your comfort zone.

One beautiful day, something happened. You feel uncomfortable. It seemed to you that something is wrong. What exactly? Yes, that's all, as always, but what is the meaning of life? Are you faithful dear moving to something? Or is your whole life a routine existence until death?

idea in human life

You are moving in the right direction if you are asking such questions. After all, the fact that you are thinking about the meaning of existence has already taken you out of the usual circle of being "eat-sleep-enjoy." But now the most important thing is not to rest on our laurels and continue the "journey" in search of what exactly is your idea for life. Do nothing reckless. But why not change something in life and try something new?

The comfort zone is called the familiar circle of existence. "Circle" for the reason that our life moves in the same way, in the usual manner, as in the film "Groundhog Day". To change something means to upset the balance. Why not? After all, performing the same familiar actions, it is impossible to get a new result. But it is precisely this that you need - to find your personal ideas for a new life.

Every day you are different

We have already found out that everyone has their own meaning in life, and there is no single correct meaning. But there is something else that the thirsty must understand to find the true meaning of life. Ideas will change throughout life.

ideas brought to life

You are twenty, and the meaning of life seems to you to find yourself, your niche in the employment market, your soul mate. You are thirty, and it seems that there is nothing more important than raising children correctly. You are forty, and life priorities are changing again. And all this is absolutely normal. You grow and develop, your worldview, and therefore the meaning of life, is changing. It’s ridiculous to remember what you were like ten years ago and to laugh at your values ​​then. If it weren’t for you, you would not become what you are today.

How to find yourself

So, where to go if you decide to find yourself, in which direction? First of all, answer the question: is your existence comfortable? Do your ideas embodied in life bring you satisfaction, or do you think that your work is in vain?

life time ideas

If you are comfortable and well today, then this does not mean that you are on the right track. Perhaps you fell into a routine circle, "get out" of which you are just too lazy, and dangerous. After all, who knows what will happen if you step out of your comfort zone.

Surround yourself with the "right" people

The second question that is important to ask yourself is: Are you in the right environment? Whether we like it or not, the people around us influence us quite strongly. You do not need to be a genius to understand that if you are friends with alcohol lovers, then leading a healthy lifestyle will not be easy.

idea of ​​the meaning of life

The people around you should arouse some aspirations in you, a desire to change, to improve. In addition, it is important that among them there are loved ones and lovers, because it is the energy of love that feeds us most.

Set goals

“If you want to amuse God - tell him about your plans” - no one can argue with this statement, because changes in life happen suddenly and unplanned. But to swim, like a sliver, with the flow, waiting for these changes, is also not the case. Develop a strategy for your life. Form the goals you are moving towards. Perhaps you are tired of living with your parents, and you want your apartment? Well, that’s the goal. Analyze how much money you need to save to achieve this goal, is it real with your work or is it time to change something in life?

Don't be afraid of love

Many people believe that love and amorous affairs are not serious and prevent them from reaching the desired heights. Career, the ability to save and save, spending time with friends - all this will be covered with a copper basin, it is worth letting feelings into your life. In fact, these thoughts are completely false.

useful ideas for life

It is love that encourages us to improve, to strive for something new. Do not be afraid of relationships and do not run away from them. As one of the billionaires on the top line of Forbes magazine said, the most important thing in success is a successful marriage. It was the wife who stimulated him when her hands fell, and it was she who helped with advice in difficult times.

Do not be afraid of change

What if, after evaluating what you need for happiness, you understand that you need to decide on the fundamental changes in life? For example, to leave a comfortable, but low-paying job, to move to another city? What if you suddenly realized that you are unhappy in your marriage, but your close ones and relatives will judge you if you leave your family?

No one will advise you on the right decision. But the bottom line is that you need to live in such a way as to be in harmony with yourself. If you are worried about the current state of affairs, if you are uncomfortable for some reason, then you need to change something. Whatever useful ideas may be for life, the dominant one is the following: you feel good and your being seems right to you. If this rule is violated, then it makes no sense to talk about finding a goal in life.

Don't be afraid of condemnation

For some reason, the opinion of others is very important for all people. What will they think of me? And what will parents say (wife, friends, colleagues)?

idea for life photo

Each time, weighing whether it is worth undertaking something or not, we mentally look back at the whole crowd behind us. And, seeing the condemnation on their faces, we again put off the decision to become happy. Stop putting someone else's opinion above your own! Only you are the master of your life, and you decide what to do. In fact, asking someone for advice, you simply shift the responsibility for your actions to someone else's shoulders. “No, you should not do this,” your friend tells you. And you depart from your dreams and aspirations, breathing in thoughts with relief.

Stop living according to old patterns. Only you make important decisions, and only you will be responsible for the results in the future. To whom to answer? Yes to yourself!

Remember the physical component

Whatever idea you choose for life, remember that only in a healthy body can there be excellent health, the right aspirations. Do not deny your physical shell such joy as good food and physical activity. You like lying on the couch and eating pizza with ice cream, and the body wants movement and natural food.

ideas for a new life

All sorts of restrictions and forced training are also not an option. To get started, discard unhealthy food created in an industrial way. Eat vegetables, fruits, natural meat and fish. Over time, you will no longer want “garbage” in the form of fast food, someone even wants to give up meat. But it will be your own choice, and not imposed by someone from outside. As for sports, you also need to listen to what your body wants. It can be dancing, fitness, jogging in the morning or leisurely cycling in the night city. In no case do you force yourself to go to the gym and pull iron, but what if “yours” is yoga or Pilates?

By the way, taking care of yourself is also good advice for those who have not yet decided what his idea for life is. Check in practice - three months after the start of a correct and non-violent lifestyle, it will "come" to you by itself, what you should do to feel happy.


So, what is the most correct idea for life? Photos of happy people show us smiles on their faces, relaxation and peace. It is for this reason that no one will be able to formulate what will be right - after all, every person can be happy for completely different reasons. Be that as it may, do not let anyone interfere with your personal happiness. Most often, our worst enemies are ourselves, or rather, our fears, complexes, and dependence on the opinions of others. Do what you like, do not be afraid of change, do not run from love. If you don’t know today what your idea of ​​the meaning of life is, then do not think too much. Take up a sporting activity that is comfortable for you, switch to a healthy diet, pay attention to your hobby - and the answer will come soon.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38614/

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