What alcohol is vodka made from? Classification, production technology of vodka and product quality

Any vodka is filled with alcohol. These chemical compounds represent an extensive group of ethyl alcohol, which is popularly called ethanol. Thanks to this colorless liquid, vodka has antiseptic and disinfectant properties. In this regard, the scope of ethanol is not limited to alcohol production. It is widely used in the industrial sector. Many spirits lovers are interested in what alcohol is vodka made from in Russia? The fact is that several types of ethanol are used in this area. Therefore, the price of an alcoholic product directly depends on what kind of alcohol is in vodka. Judging by consumer reviews, the quality of the bitter of various varieties of alcohol is significantly different. Information about which alcohol is used to make vodka is contained in this article.

What determines the quality of vodka?

Those who are interested in what type of alcohol is used in vodka can be advised to familiarize themselves with GOST Z51652-2000. To determine the type of alcohol, in Russia they are guided by this standard.

what alcohol is in vodka

Despite the fact that, in accordance with GOST, ethanol should not have taste and aroma, vodka products made from various types of alcohol are different. However, many manufacturers do not indicate in what percentage the alcohols are present in alcoholic beverages. If you know what alcohol is in vodka, then you can determine in advance the quality of the bitter.

About ethanol brands

Depending on what level of purification ethanol was subjected to, this chemical element is represented by the following main categories:

  • First grade. This alcoholic variety is not used in vodka production.
  • Alcohols with the highest level of purification. The process involves minimal cleaning. This means that poisonous inclusions and fusel oils are eliminated. Ethanol of this category is used in the production of various liquors, tinctures and vodka of economy class.
  • Basis. For the alcoholic view, multilevel filtration is provided. Ethanol makes vodka products of average cost.
  • Extra. For the ethyl group, the same raw material base is used as for base alcohols. It features improved cleaning.
  • Suite Compared with the previous categories, the raw materials during the process are subject to multilevel improved filtration. It forms the basis of a bitter premium level.
  • Alpha. For those who are interested in which alcohol is best for vodka, experts will recommend paying attention to the alcohol group of the "alpha" category. They produce elite vodka of the super premium level.

About the bitter economy class

Due to the minimal filtration to which the alcohol base is subjected, the final alcoholic product is obtained with fusel oils and harmful additives. In addition, vodka contains methanol, which is considered deadly. The product is determined by the following characteristics:

  • There is no degree of protection in vodka.
  • For the manufacture of labels using the simplest paper.
  • Outwardly, the bottle itself looks very simple. Judging by consumer reviews, bottles of such forms were produced in Soviet times.
Strong spirits.

According to experts, the bitter economy class is the easiest to fake. From such a product the largest number of mass poisoning. Nevertheless, it costs little, and therefore it is in great demand among drinkers, who are primarily interested in the fact of intoxication, and not the quality of the product.

About standard level

Strong alcoholic drinks of this level in Russia and the CIS countries are considered the most common. Standard vodka is relatively affordable and of good quality. What alcohol is vodka made from? For the basis of the bitter take well-filtered alcohol base "Basis" and "Extra". Judging by the reviews, each brand of this class has its own individual flavor. Labels with several degrees of protection. The shape of the bottle is more complicated than in the bitter economy class. In this regard, counterfeit hard liquors of the standard level much less often. To ensure that the fake does not differ from the original is much more difficult. The average consumer buys this vodka.

what alcohol is used in vodka

About premium vodka

These alcohol products are considered elite. A luxury alcohol base is used in production. Multilevel cleaning is subject to not only ethyl, but also water. Each manufacturer, which produces premium class strong spirits, uses its own developments in the technological process, and filtering and purification is carried out according to a patented system, so bitter has its own unique flavor. Judging by the reviews, this alcoholic beverage is quite popular. Premium vodka producers often sponsor numerous events, raising their profile. For example, many are familiar with the Russian Standard, Khortytsa, and Nemiroff.

Elite alcohol.

It is these manufacturers who supply Premium vodka to the market with alcoholic beverages. Fake bitter is extremely rare. And all because of the original label with multi-stage protection and the original bottle. According to experts, the packaging form is designed by several design teams.

What alcohol is vodka made from in Russia?

In addition to labels, multi-stage protection is provided for the bottle. Bitter premium class is bought by those who first of all appreciate the quality of alcohol.

Super Premium Class

Vodka products are made from alcohols "lux" and "alpha". In this case, not just the quality of the alcohol is evaluated. Precious metals (gold, silver) may be used by some manufacturers in filtration systems. For the technological process, water is taken from the high Alps or from a deep water source. Judging by the reviews, a unique purification system that is not available for strong alcoholic drinks of other levels is very attractive for the consumer of the bitter highest segment. They value vodka products not only for quality. Mostly buyers are attracted to the brand name.

what alcohol is in vodka

About factory manufacturing bitter

In addition to the question, what kind of alcohol is added to vodka, many fans of strong alcohol are interested in how it is prepared at the distillery? The technological process consists of several stages. First, the company purchases rectified alcohol. These products come ready-made and refined. Also, the manufacturer can use raw materials of their own manufacture. It turns out the rectifier as a result of fermentation. This process is so toxic that employees are forced to control it through video surveillance. Further, employees are engaged in the manufacture of alcohol-water mixture. This procedure is called sorting. Perform it in a huge vat, equipped with special mixers. Filtration is carried out with fine quartz sand. The task is to rid the product of various mechanical impurities. Subsequently, the sorting is treated with activated carbon. Without higher alcohols and aldehydes, bitter will have softness and a pleasant aroma.

Manufacturers in the production of spirits use various recipes with additional manipulations and blending. For example, they filter products using honey, milk, insist on herbs, juniper, amber, and add various flavorings. Fine-tuning the bitter to the desired strength is carried out in a special vat, where distilled water and pure alcohol are added, which is therefore also called lapping. After performing these steps, alcoholic beverages are considered finished and bottles are filled with it.

what alcohol is added to vodka

How is fake vodka determined?

According to experts, it is not at all necessary to know from which alcohol vodka is made. The fact is that today in the market of spirits there are a lot of counterfeit products. The use of low-quality fakes in the best case will entail alcohol intoxication. At worst, it will be fatal. To protect yourself from low-quality alcohol counterfeit, during use, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Mostly every fake with a pungent and repulsive odor. The reason for this is the technical fluids available in the drink. Such vodka is deadly.
  • Bitter can be checked by cold. If the vodka is of high quality, then it will not freeze at a temperature of -30 degrees.
  • Counterfeit is easily detected by fire. Alcohol must burn. If this does not happen, then you can be sure that you had to deal with poison.

In addition to the above methods, experts recommend using sulfuric acid. It’s enough just to mix it with vodka. If the bitter in the end turned black, then you should not use it.

What alcohol is Beluga vodka made from?

This product is a premium in the market of strong alcoholic beverages since 2003. Vodka is produced by the Russian company Synergy. The main components of the drink are high-quality luxury malt alcohol and artesian water. Grain alcohol is subjected to three-stage purification, and water is taken from Siberian sources. The alcohol mass is insisted for three months, then they begin to filter. During production, additional β€œsilver” cleaning is used.

What alcohol is Beluga vodka made from?

Consumer opinion

Vodka "Beluga" does not cause a hangover syndrome and has a mild taste, due to which it is often made a variety of drinks. The bitter of this class can be consumed both in the form of cocktails and pure. Judging by the reviews, drinking it is pleasant and easy.


As experts recommend, choose strong alcohol carefully. What alcohol is used to make vodka is of no small importance. It is best to drink standard and premium spirits. It is advisable to pre-study the label and get acquainted with the composition of the bitter.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38616/

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