I am an alcoholic: what should I do, how to cope with the disease, the causes of alcoholism, the desire to change, the necessary treatment, recovery and prevention

Alcoholism is a disaster that often comes to the home of many. This is the scourge of modernity. No one is safe from this misfortune. Alcoholism can become chronic and addictive. Moreover, neither social status, nor material condition can affect the development of this dependence. Alcoholism does not choose who faces it. Most often, alcohol addiction "instills" in men. Key questions: “If the husband is an alcoholic, what should the woman do? Tips from anyone to take? Where to run for help? Or part with him forever? How to behave in such a difficult life situation? Can you get rid of torment? What do psychologists and doctors say about this? ” Let's talk in more detail.

Feature of alcoholism

The addiction to alcohol in some people is so developed that the usual appearance of life is blurred and any meaning lost in it. For avid alcoholics, the only goal in life is to find the next dose of alcohol.

Doctors equate alcohol addiction to a complex pathological disease. The treatment will be long. The “mask” in the head prevents the drunkard from recovering on his own, which again and again causes an unbridled urge to continue to drink.

With alcoholism, a person completely loses self-control and becomes powerless in front of a bottle of vodka. An alcoholic is not able to adequately perceive the external environment. As a result, the awareness of a problem in oneself that can lead to death does not occur.

Alcoholic husband what should a woman do psychologist advice

If the problem has passed into the chronic stage, then there is a low probability that a person will be able to stop himself. You can get out of this deadly web if you fully master the information on the characteristics of the disease and methods of treatment.

The first thing you need to know: alcohol is a unique poison that destroys all the internal organs of a person.

Secondly, alcoholism is a deadly disease that occurs against the background of the systematic abuse of alcohol.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that develops throughout life. If you identify the problem and begin treatment in the early stages, then you can avoid severe complications and completely recover.

If a person says to himself: “I am an alcoholic: what should I do?”, Then this is the first step towards correction and a normal life. This is the first victory over himself, but scanty. One desire is not enough.


Treatment of alcohol dependence should begin with an explanation of the causes of the disease. Some people mistakenly believe that the cause of alcoholism is the wrong way of life, a weak will and a bad example before our eyes. However, these are only auxiliary factors; the true problems are deeper.

Psychological background

Most often, the psychological factor plays almost the main role when a person takes a glass. Some of the frequent psychological problems of alcoholics:

  • own weakness in the fight against depression;
  • inability to cope with stress;
  • inability to eliminate negative emotions.

These circumstances are found in every person in life, without exception. However, in such situations, people behave differently: some will be saved by a glass of vodka, while others will not even think about alcohol in their heads.

Psychologists identify such reasons that push a person to "make friends" with alcohol:

  • hidden complexes;
  • unstable psycho-emotional background;
  • unsolved problems come from childhood.

Environment, emotional instability, external negative factors only affect the development of alcoholism.

Many believe that the cause of drinking is banal boredom. This assumption cannot be completely rejected and one cannot disagree. Indeed, it happens. However, a deeper problem also lies in boredom: understanding one’s worthlessness, loneliness, and futility. When a person cannot decide on the main occupation of his life, his own significance and self-esteem are gradually lost. He finds reassurance in a glass.

Psychologists believe that the most effective way to combat alcohol dependence is the competent organization of your lifestyle and leisure. The richer the life, the less likely it is to embark on a destructive path called "I am an alcoholic." "What should I do?" - try to answer this question further.

Hereditary factor

Doctors have long established that the fight against alcohol addiction should begin with a consideration of the factor of heredity. The origins of alcoholism are laid at the genetic level. However, even in this case, you can say goodbye to alcohol addiction.

Often alcohol addiction develops in young adolescents with an unstable psyche. At their age, the opinions of others play a huge role. It is largely the fault of television and not just advertisements for alcoholic beverages. According to statistics, it was noted: as soon as active advertising of alcohol appeared, the growth in sales increased. Frequent buyers are young people.

Protect from the sad development of events should parents and relatives. It is important to provide warmth, support and understanding in the family. And if the authority of parents for a young alcoholic is weak, then the chance to be in a bad company, in which with alcohol to “you”, increases significantly.

The trouble with alcohol does not come alone. It is preceded by many factors. If you cannot accustom a child from diapers to morality, morality, ethics, a healthy lifestyle, then such a disaster will come to your home. If your child has such a terrible problem, then treatment by a narcologist and psychologist is simply necessary.

Stressful situations

Extreme stress suffered is one of the main reasons for the development of alcoholism. Psychologists separately identified such basic stress factors that push a person to take this terrible path:

  • betrayal of loved ones;
  • bankruptcy, loss of finance;
  • loss of hope and purpose in life;
  • death of a loved one.

Without the support of loved ones in such a difficult time for a person, not everyone can drown out the pain on their own. Many find the necessary support in alcohol and gradually get drunk. To return a person to a normal life, he needs strong motivation. In this case, one cannot do without outside help.

What are the signs of alcoholism?

Not every alcohol addiction can be considered a disease. The pathology is indicated by such signs:

  1. Expressed desire to drink a “strong” drink: a person begins to get nervous if he does not find alcohol in the house. Even temporary abstinence from consumption can cause severe irritation.
  2. Loss of self-control: a small dose of "per capita" in a typical alcoholic does not cause euphoria. Every day, the dose of "cherished" consumed ethanol increases.
  3. The vomiting reflex is lost: a healthy organism responds to intoxication with vomiting or nausea. If such natural reflexes are absent in humans, then this should alert. In this case, we can safely talk about addiction and dependence at the physiological level.
  4. Long hangover: practically an alcoholic does not get out of this condition. There is a habit of "hangover". For him, tremor, aching joints, muscle weakness and severe migraine become the norm.

Abstinence syndrome is expressed in withdrawal, similar to narcotic. Such a syndrome occurs if the alcoholic does not take the usual dose of alcohol. Against the background of such a dangerous condition, human health is deteriorating, namely:

  • cardiovascular diseases develop;
  • the brain is disturbed;
  • there is a problem in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • liver cirrhosis develops.

If you are an alcoholic, what should you do in this case? Let's talk about this further.

Female alcoholism

Female alcoholism is different from male alcoholism. It develops faster than male. According to statistics, per 100 men of alcoholics there are 50 women who have alcohol dependence. In a short period of time, a woman has a mental degradation and internal organs are quickly destroyed.

alcoholic husband what to do woman advice

Most often, women in young and middle age are exposed to this dependence. Moreover, often socially successful women get drunk alone. Main reasons:

  • betrayal of a loved one;
  • violence;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • psychological stress;
  • emotional breakdown;
  • combination of building a career and family.

Alcohol addiction can develop not only in successful women, but also in housewives. So they are trying to dispel a boring lifestyle, filled with everyday life, lack of demand, unrealization in life.

In modern society, female alcoholism is treated more negatively than male alcoholism. Alcoholic men are treated, but they turn away from drinking women .

The diagnosis of “female alcoholism” is made by a narcologist on the basis of an anamnesis, a survey and tests for the alcohol content in physiological fluids.

If an alcoholic woman, what should I do? First of all, contact a narcologist. The best option for treatment is a long rehabilitation in a special clinic.

Aggressive alcoholic: what to do?

If a woman lives with an aggressive alcoholic, then their relationship resembles a fight without rules. A woman voluntarily agrees to be a participant in this battle. Often such a fight justifies the comparison used. Often, a conflict with an aggressive alcoholic ends with the use of physical force. As you know, the bill is not in favor of the woman.

Often wives do not go away from aggressive alcoholic husbands because they depend on them financially. They have a fear of an independent independent life. As payment for finances - rudeness, cruelty, ridicule, humiliation, violence.

aggressive alcoholic what to do

An alcoholic in the house: what if there is nowhere to go? The husband came drunk and aggressive. The action plan is as follows:

  1. Ignore the insults on his part.
  2. Answer his questions calmly and try to direct the dialogue in a peaceful direction.
  3. Turn your attention to him. For example, pay attention to his dirty clothes: “You're all dirty until you get there. Take things off, I will quickly wash. ”
  4. You can offer him another drink. Many women do this to get time and leave home.
  5. Shock therapy. Having poured cold water on a drunk man, a woman will gain some time to quickly leave home.

To avoid a scandal with possible consequences, follow the rules "NOT":

  • Do not humiliate an alcoholic;
  • Do not buy its own liquor or give money for it;
  • do not take away alcohol, preventing it from drinking;
  • do not show your weakness and fear.

Remember that your personal safety is paramount. Do not let an aggressive alcoholic manipulate you. The destruction of your life, living with an alcoholic, in this case will occur slowly but surely.

Alcoholic husband: what should a woman do? Psychologist's advice

Remaining living with an alcoholic under one roof means constantly walking along the tip of a knife. If the husband is an alcoholic, what should the woman do? Psychologists immediately identify a number of problems that his wife faces:

  • increased load on the nervous system;
  • heartache;
  • lack of finance;
  • anger;
  • desire to take revenge;
  • Depression and stress
  • lack of intimacy.

Each time, seeing her husband drunk, and if he is also aggressive, raises his hand, then the woman gradually comes up with a plan of revenge in her head. It’s good if she chooses to leave. But it also happens that in a fit of anger can kill him?

If an alcoholic in the family, what should I do? Often, psychologists suggest possible consequences for this question, upon hearing which a woman finds a way out of a difficult situation.

  1. Children who live with an alcoholic father while growing up have serious problems of an intimate nature. Often they associate their lives with people like their father: alcoholics or drug addicts.
  2. Children of an alcoholic have low self-esteem and constant depression.
  3. A volcano of restrained aggression accumulates in the soul of children. They have an internal emptiness, loss, doom, unnecessary, because they do not receive proper attention from their parents. A mother fights with an alcoholic father for his treatment, and the father himself does not care about his children at all.

Why did you give examples of problems with children? It is important for every mother that their children are healthy both physically and psychologically.

alcoholic does not want to be treated what to do

The surest decision is to leave the alcoholic husband forever without returning. Staying and waiting a little longer is not an option. What to expect? Until he turned his wife or children into a cripple? If the husband is an alcoholic, what should I do? Women should not give advice to others. A woman must herself decide whether to leave or stay.

How to cope with alcohol addiction? Ways

The best option: complex therapy, which includes medication and psychological assistance.

Treatment of alcohol dependence is carried out only if the patient completely refuses to drink alcohol. Not less than 12 days should not drink alcohol before starting therapy.

Possible ways to combat addiction:

  1. Independent refusal.
  2. Unbeknownst to the patient. When a person is addicted to alcohol, then his psyche is gradually destroyed. The patient is unable to accept the obvious problem. Then loved ones resort to various methods of treatment, including folk.
  3. Compulsory treatment is resorted to at the chronic stage of the disease, when a person cannot solve his problem with alcohol on his own. We need professional long-term therapy in a narcological clinic.

Most often, the last method of treatment is resorted to by close relatives, whose soul is bursting for an alcoholic.

Drug treatment

Doctors immediately prepare the patient's body for taking the prescribed drugs. Such manipulations are carried out:

  • a dropper is placed;
  • antidepressants are prescribed to alleviate withdrawal symptoms;
  • in case of withdrawal syndrome - antipsychotics;
  • preparations for cleaning the body of alcohol residues.

Antipsychotics are prescribed as a last resort.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

Addiction to alcohol - including a psychological problem. There are four effective methods of psychotherapeutic treatment:

  • NLP;
  • hypnosis;
  • emotional and cognitive therapy (control of one’s own emotions);
  • Erickson therapy (a session with a psychotherapist in which the patient himself answers the question: "I am an alcoholic, what should I do?"
alcoholic husband what to do woman

The Alcoholics Anonymous Society is a worldwide organization that helps millions of alcoholics get rid of addiction at any stage of the disease.

alcoholic woman what to do

Group classes involve emotional support of each other and other methods of psychological therapy.


If an alcoholic does not want to be treated, what should I do? Many women trick their man into coding. The medical form of encoding is considered the safest. The psychological type of coding (hypnosis) causes controversy among doctors. In this case, the risk of an unexpected physiological effect increases.

In modern medicine, there is laser coding for alcohol dependence. At the moment, this type of coding is considered the safest procedure for the physical and psychological health of an alcoholic.

alcoholic in the family what to do

Be sure to treat the patient with addiction and care. Throw away all “nest egg” and bottles with alcohol so that the alcoholic does not break loose.

As soon as a person wondered: “I am an alcoholic, what should I do?”, I need to look for the cause of the disease. Get rid of the reason, and the urge to drink will disappear. Do not waste time in vain. Professional help at a drug dispensary will speed up the treatment process.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38625/

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