How to make soap bubbles: recipes

One of the favorite pastimes of any age is soap bubbles. Their recipe has long been known and is widely used by parents in order to turn a child's everyday life into a holiday. Today on the shelves of children's stores you can find a huge number of all kinds of jars for blowing rainbow bubbles, but their composition is very doubtful and unsafe for humans. Therefore, parents have to refine themselves and look for instructions on how to make homemade soap bubbles so as not to harm the health of their child.

There are quite a few options using a variety of ingredients to prepare the right solution. In this case, all instructions and proportions should always be strictly observed to make beautiful and durable soap bubbles. The recipe must be from reliable sources. Otherwise, there is a risk that nothing will turn out and the children will be upset.

soap bubbles recipe

Main ingredients for soap solution

So, you will need the following components.

  1. Dishwashing liquid. There is no exact brand that could be distinguished as an ideal solution for creating a soap bubble solution. It is worth trying what you use everyday.
  2. Soap. Household is best suited.
  3. Water. This component should be taken carefully. The water that flows from the tap is not always good for soap bubbles. It contains too many different salts. You should first boil it and let it stand for several hours.
  4. Glycerol solution. This is the component that is responsible for the strength, color and size of the bubble. Glycerin is sold in pharmacies of the city. One bottle is enough for several times. Typically, a teaspoon of glycerin is added per liter of soap bubble solution. But there are exceptions.

soap bubbles photo

Popular recipes

Consider the most common options.

Recipe number 1

The most popular and not requiring special ingredients. Only a piece of laundry soap and water are required. These components can be found in any home. Soap should be chopped on a coarse grater or cut into small pieces and dissolved in warm water. To speed up the process, the resulting mixture can be put on low heat and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Recipe number 2

This is one of the easiest options for making soap bubbles at home with children. This will require: 100 g of dishwashing liquid, 300 ml of water and 50 ml of glycerin. All components must be mixed. Done, you can start entertaining the kids.

You can not use tap water, because the salt content is too high in it, this negatively affects the film.

Glycerin is needed so that the bubbles are strong.

Recipe number 3

For this solution, you will need several days.

Required: 300 ml of hot boiled water, 150 ml of glycerin, 10 drops of ammonia, 25 g of washing powder. All this must be thoroughly mixed and left alone for 2-3 days. After time, the solution must be filtered and sent to the refrigerator for 10 hours. The bubbles are very large and durable. No worse than those that professionals let on holidays.

If you take the matter seriously, you can use the created fluid to arrange a real show of soap bubbles. Such a performance will decorate any holiday, even if it is an adult party, definitely will not be bored.

Recipe number 4

This is an option to create fluid for inflating large bubbles.

This will require:

  • 1.6 liters of water;
  • 0.5 l dishwashing liquid;
  • 0.2 l of glycerol solution;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of gelatin.

Gelatin is diluted in water and left to swell. After it is necessary to strain and remove unnecessary liquid. Sugar is added to the gelatin, and the mixture is sent to the fire, heated to dissolve, but boiling should not be allowed. All this is poured into water, then dishwashing detergent and glycerin are added. The solution is mixed so that foam does not occur.

soap bubbles show

Quality checking

In order to assess whether the resulting soap solution is suitable for inflating bubbles, it is necessary to perform some simple steps. Dip the straw in the liquid. After removal, a film should form at the end of the tube. Now you have to blow.

If at the same time small bubbles fly out, which easily fly into thousands of small droplets, then it is worth adding a little soapy solution (soap, dishwashing liquid, powder, depending on the recipe) and a certain amount of glycerin.

So, by experimenting, you can achieve perfect proportions.

Blowing tools

With the solution it’s clear. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and observe the proportions. Now it is worth paying attention to the fact that to get unforgettable sensations while blowing soap bubbles, one liquid is not enough.

Appropriate props for soap bubbles are also required. However, it is not necessary to purchase it in a store. Enough to show imagination and follow simple instructions.

soap bubbles Price

Making giant soap bubbles

There are also several options here. Consider them.

Tool No. 1

You will need: two straws for a cocktail, a long string (about 1 meter).

Method of manufacture: lace is threaded into tubes. The ends are tied. Between the tubes you need to leave about 40-50 cm. A kind of loop on sticks should come out.

To get a giant soap bubble, you need to lower this loop with tubes into the prepared solution. At this point, the sticks should be as close to each other as possible. After that, the tool is removed. You need to start spreading the tubes in different directions so that a film forms in the loop. After this, the structure should be airborne, creating a huge soap bubble that will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. The main thing is to be able to release him on time in free flight.

Tool number 2

You will need: electric cable, cotton fabric.

Production method: a circle with a diameter of 20-30 cm is made from the cable. Its ends are fixed with an elastic band or fishing line. The fabric is cut into strips. Then you need to wrap the cable with these pieces. As a result, the solution is absorbed in them, and it will be enough for a long time.

Soapy liquid is poured into a basin of an appropriate size, the received hoop is placed in it. The fabric is impregnated with a solution. Further, it’s a matter of technology: you need to hold this instrument through the air and enjoy what happened. And everything that you want can come out: a few large bubbles and one giant, and even a whole tunnel, which you can wrap yourself and put a child into it.

Tool number 3

You will need: a tube for a cocktail, a wire.

Manufacturing method: the wire is attached to the tube, creating a ring. After that, you can give it the desired shape, for example, hearts or stars. In any case, there will be unusual soap bubbles. You can use any recipe for the solution.

Tool number 4

This is the most budgetary and uncomplicated props. Thanks to him, not huge, but rather large soap bubbles are obtained. The price of such an invention is zero.

It will take two hands.

Blowing method: palms are lowered into a soap solution. Thumb and index fingers form a ring through which bubbles will fly out.

home soap bubbles

What other tools can I use to blow bubbles?

The easiest way to blow is to use a regular juice straw. There may be many. You can take 7 or 10 tubes and fasten them with tape. You will get a wonderful device for blowing a large number of bubbles at the same time.

Well, if the house turned out to be a beater for carpets made of plastic. It can be used in its original form, or you can remove all connections and leave only the outer rim.

For blowing large bubbles, an ordinary funnel is suitable. If in the process it is necessary to draw more air into the lungs, then it is necessary to close the hole with your finger so that what happened does not disappear completely.

You can use a plastic bottle, having previously cut off its bottom.

Of course, a special machine for soap bubbles is also suitable, which will blow them without the help of a person and ingenious devices. But such mechanical “blowers” ​​are expensive. At the same time, children are always interested in not only catching rainbow balls, but also taking an active part in their creation.

What to come up with interesting?

Having figured out how to make homemade soap bubbles, we can consider various entertainment options.

  1. "Matryoshka". To play, you need a plate with a flat bottom. Soap bubbles will be blown out in it. The liquid recipe can be taken the simplest. Using a cocktail tube, the first bubble of maximum size is blown out. It should lie on a plate in the form of a hemisphere. After this, the straw must be carefully rotated so that the end remains inside the bubble, but is disconnected from the wall. The next ball is blown. You can make as many bubbles as you like. Get a kind of rainbow "nesting doll".
  2. "Bubble Cocktail." Soapy liquid is poured into a mug or jar. The tube is lowered into the solution. The child begins to blow air into the straw. The liquid is bubbling, a foam is created that crawls out over the edges of the mug. Usually such soap bubbles for children are new.
    blow bubbles
  3. Bubble on the palm. Dip the baby’s handle in soapy water. Let the baby blow a bubble that can hold it. And also with soapy hands you can catch the bubbles and they will not burst.
  4. A very interesting occupation is blowing soap "domes" on glass. To do this, cool the soapy solution by placing it in the refrigerator. Glass should be wetted with water. Now on it with the help of a straw you can blow many "domes" of various sizes.
  5. You can make flowers from soap. You will need: food foil, soapy liquid, cork, juice tube, plate. On the foil, you need to circle the cork, and draw 6 petals around it. Cut out. Now you need to put the cork on a plate, and put the so-called flower on top. All this must be smeared with soap bubble liquid. A photo of the flower will be extraordinary if everything is done according to the instructions. From contact with the liquid, the petals will fall off, but as soon as you bring a soap bubble to them, the flower will “come to life” and begin to “blossom”, rising to meet the growing ball.

Drawing with rainbow balls

How to make homemade soap bubbles, understand. After their manufacture, you can deal not only with blowing, but also combine this process with the development of imagination and creative abilities in children. Soap bubbles can draw amazing abstract paintings, and then add details to them and turn them into real masterpieces.

To do this, you will need not an ordinary soap solution, but a colored one, which is also very simple to make. To do this, add a few drops of watercolor paint to an already prepared bubble liquid . After that, you can proceed directly to drawing. Here again, a tube of juice comes to the rescue. It is necessary to blow through it so that bubbles form on the surface of the soapy liquid. When the foam goes over the edge, gently send it onto a piece of paper. This action is necessary with the number of colors that you want to see in the future picture.

You can make a foam cap and attach paper to the bubbles.

In both cases, the drawing process ends with the sheet drying. Then you can finish what happened to some specific image, or you can leave an abstract picture. It is easy to use for decorating greeting cards and holiday gift wrapping.

A soap bubble machine is also suitable here. If you add such a colored solution to it, bring a sheet of paper and hold it a bit, then you will also get interesting patterns. The only thing worth considering is that such creativity is best done outdoors. Otherwise, furniture or floors can be damaged. In any case, it will be very interesting for children to observe how colorful bubbles leave beautiful prints on paper.

non-bursting soap bubbles

Fancy options

Not so long ago, non-bursting soap bubbles appeared on sale. They are completely safe for humans and animals. They include either gelatin or medical glue. Such bubbles do not burst in the hands; pyramids can be built from them.

If the solution is based on medical glue, then the bubbles stick to the hands, but do not stick together, after which a film remains on the surface, like PVA glue, but it is very easily removed. There is no trace left after the game, although the soap bubble show will turn out to be excellent, because hundreds of small transparent balls fly out once, which turn out to be everywhere.

On a gelatinous basis, interesting soap bubbles are also obtained. Photos with them will be amazing, because you can "build" various pyramids. In the case of glycerin solutions, such structures will not work. At the same time, so that the soap bubble does not burst, you must wait a few seconds.

But if you suddenly wanted to please the child with bursting bubbles in the very near future, then ordinary woolen mittens or gloves will do. The effect of them will greatly surprise children. The bubble does not burst when it touches the hair, but starts to burst by hand, like a rubber ball from the wall. Not only the child, but also adults will be passionate about playing with jumping soap bubbles.

soap bubble props

Crashing soap bubbles in winter

This phenomenon can be observed in winter with severe frost. When blowing soap bubbles at temperatures below zero, tiny crystals form on their surface that grow rapidly.

But in the cold, you can get different soap bubbles, photos of which will surprise friends and acquaintances. It all depends on the composition of the fluid used. For example, to get a haze, you need to take shampoo as a basis. But the bubbles from Fairy will not “survive” in the snow, because they will have a more fragile structure. The blowing process itself is also important. The straw falls to the bottom of the glass so that the solution covers its outer side. After which the tube is slowly removed, a little foam is captured. When blowing, the straw must be twisted smoothly to prevent the accumulation of excess fluid, which can damage the fragile structure.

In the process of blowing, foam should accumulate inside the bubble, which will prevent premature bursting. The "foamy" side of the ball is placed on a snowy surface. At a temperature below 15 degrees, 10 seconds after the start of blowing, a frozen crystal ball of unprecedented beauty is obtained.

In general, blowing bubbles is recommended in any weather and at any age, because this fascinating process raises the mood and improves well-being.


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