Burdock hair mask: reviews, effective recipes, features and properties

If the hair is badly damaged or grow slowly, you can remedy the situation by using vegetable oils. Such a product can be applied in pure form or added to masks. A stunning effect gives burdock oil. The tool has many advantages: it moisturizes hair well, improves its structure, and prevents hair loss. Burdock mask will help to improve hair. Reviews about it in most cases are positive. It can be prepared independently or purchased ready-made. What components can be included in the miracle mask and which cosmetic brands produce such a tool?

Oil composition

how to use burdock oil

Burdock oil is a unique tool with which you can solve the problem of split ends and hair loss. It contains substances that improve the structure of hair and strengthen the roots.

Burdock oil is rich in vitamins A, E, C, B, trace elements in the form of zinc, iron, manganese, polysaccharides. Thanks to this valuable composition, the oil has a healing effect on damaged hair. Excellent results are confirmed by reviews of burdock hair mask.

How oil affects hair

Burdock oil restores metabolism and enhances blood circulation in the epidermis of the head. If these processes are disrupted, the hair grow dull, split off and begin to fall out. To achieve their recovery, you need to know how to make a burdock mask for hair, what components to add to it, so that the product works 100%. With the help of store tools, you can also restore curls to their former shine, strengthen the bulbs and nourish them with valuable substances.

Indications for use

healthy shiny hair

You can resort to the use of masks based on burdock oil in case of various problems with hair and scalp.

Indications for use are as follows:

  • dry scalp, itching;
  • severe loss;
  • the presence of dandruff;
  • thinned hair;
  • dull color.

Take a course of burdock masks is also shown to those whose hair has lost its natural shine. The tool should be used regularly if the curls are subjected to frequent staining, blow-drying, and perming.

All these factors are the main reason for the use of burdock masks. However, even in the absence of problems, their use will be the prevention of problems with curls. If you do them 1-2 times a month, the hair will look well-groomed and shiny.

Ready-made hair masks

shop hair mask

Most manufacturers of hair care products produce products that are aimed at strengthening and combating hair loss. Almost all of them include a component in the form of burdock oil in the composition of masks, shampoos and balms. Such masks are produced by the following companies:

  • Dr. Sante;
  • Green Pharmacy;
  • Oriflame Eleo;
  • "Elf";
  • Eveline
  • "Recipes of grandmother Agafia";
  • "Home doctor."

Rules for using masks based on burdock oil

For self-preparation of masks you need to use burdock oil. You can buy such a tool in a cosmetic store or in a pharmacy. To enhance the effect, it should be heated in a water bath. After the composition is applied to the hair, you need to wrap the head with a film or put on a shower cap. To rinse, you must use a shampoo that matches the type of hair.

Burr oil

If a ready-made mask is used for treatment, you need to use shampoo and balm from the same series. To consolidate the effect, sprays and tonics can be applied to the hair roots, in the list of components of which there is an extract of burdock root. Regarding regularity, it is recommended to practice hair restoration courses. A total of 10-15 such procedures will be required. The interval between them should be 7-10 days.

Hair mask with yolk and burdock oil

The main components of this mask are yolk and burdock oil. If desired, honey, essential oils and other base oils can be added to it. In the reviews of burdock hair mask with yolk, it is mentioned that it nourishes the hair, moisturizes, strengthens the roots.

Hair Mask

Burdock oil is heated in a water bath, and then combined with whipped yolk. The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair, special attention should be paid to the roots. After 40 minutes, the product is washed off with warm water and ordinary shampoo.

Burdock mask for hair growth with mustard

If the hair falls out strongly or is not encouraging with rapid growth, this problem can be fixed by using a mask based on mustard and burdock oil. In addition, the tool treats seborrhea, eliminates itching and dry scalp.

For a mask that activates hair growth, you need to prepare:

  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • burdock oil (1 tbsp. l.);
  • sugar (1 tsp);
  • powder mustard (1 tbsp. l.);
  • warm boiled water (1 tbsp. l.).

The base oil needs to be heated, then add sugar and mustard to it. As soon as the mixture cools down, the yolk should be driven into it. Then the product is diluted with a small amount of warm water. The result should be a semi-liquid consistency.

To apply the mask, it is advisable to use a brush. The head must be wrapped with a film and insulated with a towel. After 20-30 minutes, the product must be washed off.

Mask based on burdock mask and red pepper

mustard for hair masks

Another recipe for a hair mask with burdock oil with a firming effect. In this case, mustard is replaced with red pepper (in the form of a powder or tincture), which enhances the microcirculation of lymph in the blood, which in turn opens up access to oxygen and nutrients to the roots. Such a mask makes hair thicker, restores its structure, awakens sleeping follicles, helps fight dandruff.

For the mask you need to prepare:

  • ground red pepper (1 tsp) or tincture;
  • burdock oil (2 tsp);
  • cognac (1 tbsp. l.);
  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • lemon juice (2 tsp).

First you need to mix lemon juice and an alcoholic drink. Then you need to add base oil and red pepper to them. All components should be thoroughly mixed, and then applied to the roots and the entire length. The head will have to wrap with polyethylene and a towel. Soak the product for about half an hour, if it burns strongly, you need to wash it off earlier. Use cool water and shampoo for washing.

Vitamin mask with oils

This tool helps to cope with hair loss. In addition, a strengthening vitamin-based burdock hair mask awakens dormant bulbs.

From the components you need to prepare:

  • burdock and castor oil (15 ml each);
  • Vitamin A and E in oil form (0.5 tsp each).

After all the components have been mixed, the mixture must be heated in a water bath. The oil composition is distributed along the entire length of the hair and rubbed into the roots. The head should be wrapped in polyethylene and insulated with a towel. The mask is aged for at least an hour, after which it is washed off with shampoo. To wash the product from the hair, you will have to wash your hair 2-3 times.

Burdock-onion mask with honey

One of the most effective burdock hair masks at home, which help to solve several problems with hair at once. Honey and oil saturate curls with valuable substances, and onion juice strengthens the roots, normalizes the sebaceous glands, and fights against dandruff. All products are taken in equal proportions (1 tbsp each.). They need to be mixed, rubbed into the roots and distribute the remains along the entire length. Keep on your head for 1-2 hours, then rinse with shampoo.

Since onion juice is present in the mask, hair can exude an unpleasant odor. This problem can be solved by rinsing with water in which lemon juice is diluted.

Mask with burdock oil: how to rinse

how to wash off burdock mask

Burdock mask should be aged on the hair as long as specified in the recipe. To rinse, you need to use a shampoo that matches the type of hair. Water must not be hot. If your hair is dry, you can apply balm or reconstructing serum on it. In reviews of burdock mask for hair, it is mentioned that washing it off the first time is not always possible, so the washing procedure has to be repeated twice. To keep the hair clean longer, add a little vinegar to the water or dilute sea salt in it.

Reviews about masks based on burdock oil

In the responses about such a tool, it is mentioned that it really gives good results. Women insist that it should be used in courses. Only this type of application will help restore damaged hair to a healthy appearance and cope with loss. As for our recipes, reviews of burdock hair masks prepared according to them indicate that the remedy is effective even with advanced alopecia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38632/

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