Which mattress is better to choose

For the right choice of mattress you need to know what varieties they are, types of spring blocks, types of fillers and several other criteria. This purchase should be taken seriously, as a person spends one third of his life in a dream. A successful purchase of a mattress will allow you to sleep in comfortable conditions for many years and avoid various discomforts.

Internet shop of beds and mattresses Expert-Mattresses offers a large selection of these products. There are several varieties and types of mattresses for every taste.

Varieties of mattresses

There are three main types of mattresses, these are:

  1. Orthopedic.
  2. Natural.
  3. Artificial.

There is also such a criterion as the type of mattress itself. There are spring, independent and conventional standard devices.

Types of Fillers

  • Coconut Coir
  • Horsehair
  • Memorix
  • Latex materials
  • Holkon

Basic requirements for a mattress

1. First of all, you should decide what type of stiffness of the mattress you need. Mattresses made of sections and spring blocks are very attractive in terms of cost and operating time. Products made from independent spring blocks will be slightly more expensive, but this type has its advantages. In such devices, springs are placed in each individual case. This avoids the hammock effect.

There are also springless mattresses. Instead of springs, one-piece or stacked blocks are used there, which are filled with various materials. Such mattresses are usually stiffer than spring mattresses and are great for people who like to sleep on a flat and fairly dense surface. In quality, they are in no way inferior to spring structures. There are orthopedic mattresses, which are considered one of the best.

2. The next step is to choose the material from which the mattress itself is made. Products made from natural materials are considered more durable and durable. They are also pleasant to the touch and more comfortable for the body. Artificial materials have their own characteristics. Some of their species have hypoallergenicity and antibacterial properties.

3. The choice of mattress cover and cover. There are also only two options. Removable and non-removable type. The main advantage of removable covers is their ability to wash and replace, but there are also disadvantages. For example, such covers do not fit very tightly on the mattress itself and as a result folds form. In non-removable covers, there is no such drawback. The only problem they have is quite difficult to clean.

When choosing a mattress, you should not save on this product. Price is one of the main indicators of its quality. And, as a rule, the higher it is, the better the product will be.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38648/

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