Sisters of Averina: biography, sports achievements, photo

The Sisters of Averina, whose biography and photos will be presented below, are today recognized leaders in world rhythmic gymnastics. They have just entered their heyday, having been in the shadow of unconditional leaders for several years, but their professional attitude and outstanding data give hope for the successful performance of the beautiful twins at the upcoming Olympics.

Pearls of the Volga region

In the biography of the Averin sisters, the parents of the girls played an important role. My father was a professional footballer at one time, my mother was engaged in gymnastics, and reached certain heights in sports. However, the pioneer was the older sister of Dina and Arina - Polina.

Averina sisters biography
She successfully mastered the basics of the most feminine sport, was part of the junior national team of the country, but at a certain point she decided to concentrate on her studies and quit rhythmic gymnastics.

The biography of the Averin sisters begins in 1998, when twins, who were named Dina and Arina, were born in an ordinary family living in the city of the Volga region.

Sport entered the lives of girls thanks to their older sister Pauline, whom they accompanied during training. From the age of four, they themselves began to seriously engage in rhythmic gymnastics. The sisters of Averina, whose biography received a certain direction, first trained with the coach Larisa Belova.

Until the age of twelve, Arina and Dina studied at a regular school, then began to engage in an individual program due to an incredibly tight training schedule. For the sake of further progress of promising gymnasts, it was decided to move to Nizhny Novgorod, where there was a serious training base and all the conditions for the development of rhythmic gymnastics were created. The sisters of Averina, whose biography received another turn, left their hometown, approaching the sport of high achievements.


The sports age of rhythmic gymnasts is very short, and girls from the provinces do not have much time to attract the attention of the country's best trainers in domestic competitions. In the biography of the Averin sisters, 2011 was the determining year for their sporting fate. Then they gave a series of successful performances at such tournaments as the Grand Prix stage in Moscow, the national championship and the “Hopes of Russia”.

Averina sisters rhythmic gymnastics biography

Promising girls were noticed by Moscow specialists and invited to the training camp in Croatia, where they got the opportunity to get acquainted with the possibilities of Dina and Arina.

After training in Europe, the head coach of the junior team, Vera Shatalina, invited the girls to try their hand at the Olympic Training Center in Moscow. On the account of the authoritative specialist, there were already such pupils as Olga Kapranova, Alina Kabaeva, therefore, much spoke in favor of the fact that the next will be the sisters of Averina, whose biography in sports was just beginning.

Thumbelina Problem

Rhythmic gymnastics puts forward rather stringent requirements for the figures of athletes, there is no place for lush body and high growth. However, Dina and Arina at the age of twelve were even too miniature for a painless transition to adult sports. Their height did not exceed 140 cm, they looked like nine-year-old girls, which represented certain problems for further training.

Averina sisters biography parents

The parents of the girls, however, insisted that their daughters be given a chance in the team and even put forward a kind of ultimatum, saying that Dina and Arina would stop working if they were sent back home. Then, by the decision of Irina Viner-Usmanova, the lady of Russian rhythmic gymnastics, a thorough medical examination of the sisters was carried out.

Experienced specialists studied the joints and ligaments of girls, the phalanges of the fingers to determine the potential for further growth, after which they issued an encouraging verdict in their favor. They added more meat and dairy products to their diet, which gave a positive result. For several years they reached a height of 161 cm and no longer looked like preschool girls compared to teammates.

Junior feats

The sisters Dina and Arina Averina, whose biography is not only a list of victories in tournaments, since 2011 began to live and train in Moscow under the strict guidance of their new coach Vera Shatalina. The training schedule was very tight - two three-hour classes per day, while diligent girls did not forget about studying, diligently doing their homework.

Averine sisters biography Dean

In 2012, Arina and Dina began to show themselves at prestigious junior competitions. The girls performed well at the World Cup, took gold medals at a major international tournament in Slovenia. At the competitions "Hopes of Russia", which gave them a ticket to life, they settled in the neighborhood, taking third and fourth places.

Growth problems

Nevertheless, it seemed to many that the Averina sisters would not be able to painlessly go to an adult level, their performances were too childish, there was no serious choreography, and their programs were a simple set of technical elements that were not connected by a common idea. Accordingly, at the world junior championships Arina and Dina were certainly among the ten strongest, but were outside the podium.

Adult feats

In 2013, the Averinykh tandem amicably fulfilled the standard of the master of sports and in full force entered the adult national team. Despite the doubts of critics, Dean and Arina immediately took a new height and pretty well performed among senior gymnasts.

sisters arina and dina averina biography

In 2014, they successfully performed at the Moscow Grand Prix stage, after which they confirmed their class at the Israeli tournament. Here they took first and second places, sitting strictly one after another, and Arina’s advantage was expressed in hundredths of points, which quite eloquently spoke about the equally high level of girls.

In the same year, Vera Shatalina decided to temporarily split the twins and sent them to perform at various tournaments, where both Averina's sisters could become winners. Dina’s biography was enriched by the experience of performing at the Lisbon World Cup, where she took silver for an exercise with clubs and two bronzes for an all-around and ribbon.

At that time, Arina represented the family on the Baltic Hoop in Riga no less cool, where she left with one gold, two silver and one bronze awards.


Despite their achievements, the sisters of Averina, whose biography in sport reached its equator, were in the shadow of the unconditional leaders of the national teams. The coaches relied on Margarita Mamun, Yana Kudryavtseva, who represented the country at major world forums.

Sisters Averina biography photo

In 2015, the sisters came as close as possible to the leading group, taking second and third places in the Russian championship. However, in 2016, they could not become the main stars of the team, and the former favorites Kudryavtseva and Mamun went to the Rio Olympics.

After the Olympic heroines left the sport, the path to victory for the Averin sisters turned out to be cleared. At the 2017 World Cup, they unconditionally dominated the new generation of gymnasts, sharing among themselves all the main awards. There is only one question left - will talented girls be able to maintain their winning form until 2020, when the next Olympics will be held.


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