How to kill the smell of alcohol quickly and reliably: recommendations and methods

Yesterday's fun, as a rule, does not go unnoticed. Gives the recent cuticle the persistent spirit of fumes from the mouth. How can I kill the smell of alcohol quickly? There are quite a few ways to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of its use - it can be both modern medicines and folk remedies.

Causes of Bad Breath

How can I kill the smell of alcohol from my mouth? First you need to understand the reasons for the appearance of a fume. All hard liquors include ethyl alcohol. After alcohol enters the stomach, ethanol enters the liver, and it immediately begins to process it. As a result, aldehyde is released, which, when it enters the bloodstream, is rapidly distributed throughout the body.

It's no secret that this substance is poison for humans. For this reason, processes to get rid of the poisonous substance immediately start. The poison is excreted in urine, feces, then through the lungs. Also, the smell is formed when mixing drinks containing different levels of alcohol. You can reduce the morning smell from the mouth if you eat acidic or salty snacks. The acid partially neutralizes ethanol, so the effects of last night will be less noticeable.

how to kill the smell of alcohol

Disposal methods

How to kill the smell of alcohol at home? To reduce the intensity of the consequences of drinking alcohol on the eve, you need to resort to simple but effective methods. With their help, you can quickly recover after yesterday's fun. Here is some of them:

  1. We accelerate metabolic processes in the body. In this, green tea in large quantities or plain water will be a good helper. A visit to the sauna, bathhouse or hot bath will also have a beneficial effect on metabolism.
  2. Good breakfast. It should include foods such as chicken stock, any porridge, fruits and dairy products.
  3. Physical exercise. During training, acetic aldehyde will come out with sweat. Jogging will make the lungs work in heavy duty, which will also speed up the elimination of the culprit of an unpleasant darling.
  4. Teeth cleaning. This method is effective, but the effect will not last long - only 15-20 minutes.
  5. If brushing your teeth is not possible, then you should resort to the help of chewing gum with a fruity aroma, mint gum only increase the fume. You need to change the plate to a new one every 20 minutes, since the action of the chewing gum quickly disappears, the aroma will make itself felt.
  6. Spicy spices (like chili or, for example, mustard) can accelerate metabolic processes. Of course, this will give only a temporary effect, but will help the body cope with the consequences of the holiday faster.

how to kill the smell of alcohol from the mouth

Fume Products

According to statistics, two drinks - vodka and beer - can best provide a stable stench. How to interrupt the smell of alcohol and fumes? To muffle aroma and improve overall well-being, a snack is worth fatty foods, vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and amino acids. Here are a few examples of products that can help fight bad breath:

  • citrus;
  • parsley greens;
  • berries;
  • nutmeg;
  • fruit;
  • dairy;
  • fish and meat.

Fume Drinks

To quickly get rid of alcohol in the body, you will need a lot of water. It must be drunk both during the feast and after it. It is known that water plays a major role in metabolism and is responsible for the work of all organs. But she is not able to hide the aroma of drunk. How to kill the smell of alcohol from the mouth quickly? The following drinks will help to cope with this problem:

  • coffee;
  • Mint tea;
  • milk;
  • soda;
  • kefir;
  • brine.

Still how to quickly kill the smell of alcohol? You can rinse your mouth with saline based on 1 tablespoon of salt 1 cup of water. This will help get rid of the sharp smell of fumes. This procedure is recommended every hour. Salt can be replaced with lemon juice with honey.

how to kill the smell of alcohol

Means and preparations from a fume

How can I kill the smell of alcohol? To hide bad breath from the mouth will help drugs. You can resort to the help of funds to eliminate headaches and weakness caused by poisoning the body with aldehyde. Help in the fight against a hangover:

  • "Anti-policeman" is a proven and effective tool.
  • Zorex.
  • Activated carbon - will stop the fermentation process in the stomach.
  • Aspirin (water soluble) - will eliminate a headache.
  • Glycine.
  • Alcocline.
  • Succinic acid.
  • Glutargin
  • Alka-Seltzer.

But it is worth remembering that all these wonderful remedies only temporarily eliminate an unpleasant odor, and soon it can reappear.

how to quickly kill the smell of alcohol

Fume control at home

The hangover syndrome adversely affects the whole organism as a whole, and a person has a desire to get rid of it as soon as possible. And how to kill the smell of alcohol from the mouth? The following products will help fight off the smell at home:

  • Bay leaf. To eliminate an unpleasant odor, you need to chew a leaf for several minutes.
  • Mineral water with honey and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients and drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach.
  • Fennel. You should brew an infusion of seeds at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water. Insist for 10 minutes, then drink.
  • Cinnamon. Dissolve a teaspoon of the spice powder in a glass of water and boil for several minutes. You can add a little cardamom. The resulting infusion needs to rinse the oral cavity.
  • Lemon. You need to cut the fruit into slices, pour soda and drink.
  • A decoction of wormwood. 20 grams of plant leaves pour a glass of boiling water and insist a little. After you need to rinse your mouth.
  • Linseed oil. Drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach. It will cover the esophagus with a thin film that is able to hold the aldehyde, preventing it from going outside.
  • Bitter chocolate. After the party you need to eat a small amount.
  • Alder. Pour boiling water over the grass, insist for an hour and rinse the mouth every hour.
  • Whole bean coffee. Perhaps one of the oldest and most effective means. Chew a few fried grains. Then they can be spit out or swallowed. Rinse mouth with water. This method will bring long-term freshness effect. In addition, it eliminates aroma, invigorates and helps to experience a surge of strength.

how to kill the smell of alcohol from the mouth quickly

Fume from vodka

The body fights with strong alcoholic drinks from 12 hours to several days. During this long period of time, ethanol enters the bloodstream, which causes a persistent smell of fume. How to kill the smell of alcohol from the mouth? Many relieve hangover to relieve a hangover syndrome. But the best way would be to use harmless foods or drinks that can improve the functioning of the liver and other internal organs. Tinctures of motherwort, sage, St. John's wort and rose hips will help to remove the smell.

The smell of fume from beer

Beer remains in the body not as long as vodka. Although it all depends on the amount drunk. Having consumed a large amount of drink on the eve, you can get a response in the form of a hangover. In this case, the fume will last long enough. The easiest way to eliminate the consequences of a pleasant evening in the morning is a hearty breakfast. You need to eat the following foods: fried sunflower seeds, nutmeg, coffee grains or mint leaves.

Some hungover stench fighters use drops of valerian or chew pressure medications. This, of course, is a risky activity, it can harm the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole. Better to choose safer ways to fight.

than to kill the smell of alcohol and fumes

How long does the smell of alcohol last?

As a rule, the sustainability of the consequences of drinking alcohol is associated with the physiological characteristics of a person and depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. The smell will completely disappear only when the body copes with the harmful substances received the day before. The following factors can affect the rate of aldehyde excretion:

  • reception of special funds;
  • products that slow down the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • physiologically features;
  • age (in young people, the removal of toxins is faster);
  • general health (kidney or liver diseases increase the time of decay processes);
  • ethanol content in consumed drinks;
  • the presence of excess weight (alcohol in fat people is eliminated much faster);
  • gender (the female body will spend more time processing ethanol).

how to kill the smell of alcohol at home

Practical tips

Now you know how to kill the smell of alcohol. Now a few practical tips. Everyone knows about the miraculous properties of fresh air. If the morning after a fun evening you have the opportunity to go out, then be sure to use this tool to cheer up. You need to do exercises or just take a quick step for half an hour. And if in the availability there is a pond in which you can swim, it is best to devote this time to swimming.

Breathing exercises in the fresh air or in an apartment near an open window are also no less effective. To begin, take 10 deep breaths. Jump on the rope for five minutes, squat several times. And breathe again. These exercises will thin the blood, alcohol will evaporate from the body much faster.

Well, toxins come out through the skin with sweat. Take a contrast shower or, if possible, take a steam bath. To sweat, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and lie down for a while.

It is more difficult for those who smoke to get rid of the fumes, as the smell returns with every cigarette smoked. We advise you to abandon nicotine during treatment for a hangover.

A wine choke will help remove activated charcoal. You need to take one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. For a faster effect, grind the preparation in a mortar and dissolve in water.

Eliminate the spirit of fumes at home is not difficult. To do this, you need to know a few tricks to eliminate this trouble. Do not abuse alcohol and do not forget that a quality snack will help to avoid a morning hangover.


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