Femininity is ... What adds femininity? Development, a symbol of femininity

What is femininity, how to develop it in yourself? Why do some ladies attract men and others do not? Femininity is the ability to create an atmosphere of love around you. This is the ability to inspire a man and prompt him to action. This is respect for oneself and others. How to develop female qualities in yourself?

There are two ways. The first is external transformation. But this is only the beginning. It must necessarily entail a deeper awareness of femininity. The second way is to start with an internal change that will lead to an external transformation.

What is femininity?

The concept of femininity is so streamlined and elusive that it is difficult to formulate. This is something attractive that stands out from the crowd, makes you turn around. Femininity is the totality of all feminine qualities. It is reflected in the eyes and gestures, smile and speech, gait and clothes.

femininity is

Is femininity given at birth? Or can it be developed during life? What adds femininity? Grace, gentleness, charm attract the attention of men. Such a special is nice to talk to. Next to her wake up the best qualities of the stronger sex - the ability to protect, protect from adversity, help. Such women radiate heat, light and a special energy in which you can bask, as in the sun.

Internal manifestations of femininity

You can grow gorgeous hair, wear airy dresses, but be tough and categorical. You can meet a girl in jeans and berets - and endlessly enjoy her natural femininity. How to develop these qualities in yourself? The true femininity of a woman stems from her inner sense of self.

The first is sincerity . The ability to easily and simply compliment, emphasize the dignity of other people. Femininity is the absence of envy, enmity. This ability to present the most unpleasant truth is soft and polite. Sincerity is necessary in relation to oneself. Honesty in their thoughts and actions is not available to every woman. But sincerity does not mean a lack of tact. It’s not always worth telling the truth, not everyone needs it. Sincerity is a living, emotional expression of feelings and thoughts. This is a combination of childish spontaneity, spontaneity and adult tact.

Secondly, this is self-esteem . Respect and love for yourself, your body, your needs. Awareness of oneself as a person, not an addition to a man. However, the flexibility of character, the ability to adapt to life circumstances. It is worth behaving in the most unsightly situations, not provoking them. Self-esteem is directly related to self-confidence, with a calm attitude to extraneous evaluative opinions. This is the inner integrity of character.

Third, emotional inconsistency . This is by no means instability when a woman throws from one emotion to another, from screaming to hysteria, from tears to laughter. Excessive manifestations of temperament are always unpleasant and depressing effect on others. A slight degree of inconsistency attracts men. This is an amazing property of women with their illogicality and emotionality to attract sympathy to their side. Disarm with mild unpredictability, enchant with gentle energy. Masculinity and femininity and they differ in that the first always acts within the given framework of social rules, and the second - contrary to them, bribing with natural spontaneity.

Masculine and feminine qualities

In psychology, there are concepts of masculine and feminine qualities. The separation of male and female roles is especially clearly seen in the Domostroevsky way. However, it is difficult to meet a man who has only masculine qualities, or a woman with a set of only feminine traits. Typically, these entities are intertwined in the character of a person to a greater or lesser extent.

what adds femininity

Masculinity - focus on results, competitiveness and ambition. Femininity is consensus building, emotional connection, and caring. For self-realization in society, both those and other qualities are necessary. There are psychological tests, thanks to which you can determine the dominant traits in yourself.

Masculine qualities

  • Confidence.
  • Unwavering.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Feeling of freedom.
  • The desire to dominate.
  • Adventurism.
  • Purposefulness.
  • The ability to focus on one thing.

These are generalized characteristics. They are expressed not in appearance (manly voice or emphasized dominance), but inherent in character and behavior. The ability to learn something new, to search for prey or knowledge - this is the main male destiny. Feminine is preservation, strengthening. Therefore, it is so important to develop girls' ability to calmly, with a desire to do homework, create comfort and coziness.

Feminine qualities

  • Softness.
  • Loyalty.
  • Sacrifice.
  • Willingness to help.
  • Humility.
  • Compassion.
  • Intuitive behavior.
  • Accuracy.
  • Passivity.
  • Ability to do several things at once.

Female femininity implies a combination of masculine and feminine qualities. However, it has a large share of lightness, flexibility. It has an internal creative upsurge and inspiration. This is the ability to be gentle, but also not to offend oneself. Do not take a masculine position, do not conflict with a stronger sex. Realize your creative potential based on their position as a woman.

symbol of femininity

What adds femininity?

The feeling of happiness, harmony in oneself allows a woman to be calm and peaceful. This is a combination that attracts others. A woman who loves herself, who knows how to give and receive love, creates an aura of comfort around herself. Such a lady knows how to compromise, adapt to her man and circumstances. Feels easy and relaxed, allowing himself to be a source of inspiration for the stronger sex. She respects and loves men.

Femininity is the ability to help and the ability to accept it from others. This is credulity and ease of communication. This is friendliness and unobtrusive sexuality. This is inner well-being and a state of comfort.

Such a woman has a sense of humor, radiating positive and good mood around herself. She is polite and has self esteem. It takes care of itself, with its body.

masculinity and femininity

Femininity development

Education and society can crush femininity. The desire to make a career, raise and raise children, many worries and problems make a woman strong, inflexible, able to go ahead to her goal. These are masculine qualities, and, having accepted them, the woman goes into internal conflict with the stronger sex. She does not become a companion and companion, but an adversary, which should be overcome. Therefore, entering the male path, a woman opposes herself to a man.

It is necessary to develop femininity, because the representative of the beautiful half of humanity needs affection and support, care and love. Realization of oneself as a woman is possible subject to certain rules. If the character has more masculine qualities, then you can modify them, starting with the external manifestations of femininity.

The tendency to change images and roles makes the weaker sex multifaceted, changeable. Working on the transformation of appearance, a woman is able to change her image. Therefore, it is quite possible in the development of femininity to begin with external changes, which gradually reduce to internal changes.

beauty and femininity


A symbol of femininity is long hair and dresses. It is not necessary to grow a braid or make intricate hairstyles. But you should get rid of haircuts with a hedgehog and the like. If there is no inner femininity, such hairstyles will give a resemblance to a man. Soft curls, frivolous curls or straight hair to the shoulders will add charm. You can not do styling every day. But the purity and health of the hair is required.

Flowing dresses or formal skirts emphasize the femininity of the figure, give mystery. Heels - even low ones - will bring fragile instability to the gait, visually lengthen the legs.

Do not apply too bright makeup to your face, fill yourself with perfume. A slight understatement of the smell will make men come closer. It is better not to abuse cosmetics, but to prefer a healthy complexion and the radiance of a snow-white smile.

female femininity


Beauty and femininity are in grace and grace of movements, gestures. It is possible, without possessing a model appearance, to have flexibility, a smooth gait. Sharp, masculine movements should not be allowed. Do not wave your hands while walking and do not mint a step. A light, dancing gait attracts the eye.

Soft, smooth movements of the hands fascinate. Slow gestures, calm head turns combined with a smile will attract hearts faster than sharpness and impetuosity. And well-groomed arms and legs (with unobtrusive manicure and pedicure) will add attractiveness.

femininity development


The ability to speak and listen beautifully makes a woman a pleasant conversationalist. Smooth, unhurried speech is just as important as the timbre of the voice. Do not afford loud notes, shrill sounds. Loud, clear speech is more like a commander. What adds femininity and charm? A slightly muffled sound of voice. Velvet timbre, expressive intonation. Calm facial expressions, a slight smile during communication, tact emphasize the feminine.

Attention should be paid to the culture of speech, and rude and harsh language should be avoided. When communicating, look at the interlocutor, listen carefully, sincerely take an interest in the topic of conversation. It is benevolent to express their disagreement, to avoid categorical evaluations.

Recommendations for the development of femininity

  1. Learn to surround yourself with an atmosphere of peace, happiness, harmony with the world.
  2. Allow yourself to be weak and helpless, not in a hurry, not fuss.
  3. Do not load yourself with work, remember female self-realization in the family.
  4. To be able to act with dignity, self-esteem, not to spend life on hold.
  5. Monitor your health, attractiveness.
  6. Radiate caring, kindness, gentleness, sensuality, love.
  7. Feel your own peculiarity, uniqueness.
  8. Do not compete with a man, do not blame, and do not look for those responsible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38668/

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