How to cut onions into cubes: technological rules, tips for slicing onions without tears

In modern cooking, it is difficult to imagine a dish that can be cooked without onions. A popular vegetable has been known since ancient times, when it was successfully used not only for eating, but also for treating various ailments. However, despite the wide distribution, the question often arises in the kitchen, how to cut onions into cubes.

Which onion to choose for the dish?

It is no secret that the taste of any dish depends not only on the method of cutting vegetables, but also on the correct choice of the most suitable variety. To date, there are many varieties of onions, each of which has its own piquant flavor, bitterness or aroma. Before understanding the slicing technology, you need to choose the right kind of onion:

Types of onions
  1. Green onions have a small white onion at the base, which gives it a slight sharpness. Mostly it is used for salads and additions to the first and second courses. In some countries, it is grilled or deep-fried.
  2. Onions are one of the most popular types. It is used for cooking first, second courses, side dishes and even desserts. During the heat treatment, the bitter taste acquires a piquant sweetness.
  3. White onions are most often used raw. So he most clearly emphasizes the taste of complementary foods.
  4. Red onion has a pronounced sweet taste, ideal for salads. No less popular in marinated form, served as an addition to meat and fish dishes.
  5. Leek has a fibrous structure, the white part is often used for cooking soups, stewing. The green part is suitable for baking as a whole, stuffing.

Having decided on the choice of variety, you can proceed to cutting. The following photo shows how to cut the onion into cubes, straws or half rings.

Cutting methods

In high professional cooking, there are many techniques for slicing vegetables that are suitable for certain types of dishes. In a simple everyday kitchen, onions are most often cut into rings, half rings, cubes, straws and finely chopped. When slicing rings, the vegetable is peeled and, holding the onion firmly with your fingers, cut the rings of the desired size.

Types of slicing

Slicing in half rings requires cutting the onion in half after cleaning. Half put the cut to the cutting board, holding the knife parallel to the board, cut the onion in half rings of the required thickness. Finely chopped onions are used for cooking various dishes. For slicing, cut the onion in half, make longitudinal frequent cuts, and then cut the onion across, keeping the cut thickness of 1.5-2 mm.

Cube technology

To get even, right sized cubes, you must follow the technological rules for slicing. Knowing the small secrets and subtleties, you can easily understand how to cut the onion into cubes. The instruction is as follows:

Slicing technology
  • the vegetable must be peeled off without cutting the rhizomes completely;
  • cut the onion in half, put a half on a cutting board;
  • make horizontal cuts, slightly not reaching the base;
  • longitudinal cuts are performed in the same way, without cutting the rhizomes;
  • at the last stage, cutting is perpendicular to the previous direction.
Diced onion

The result should be smooth cubes. It is important to remember that observing the uniform width of the cuts will make the cut neat and beautiful.

Why do tears appear?

Many do not like to cut onions due to severe lacrimation. The maximum amount of volatile matter is collected at the vegetable rhizome, which forms a chemical reaction upon contact with oxygen. Caustic gas released in this case quickly spreads through the air, irritating the mucous membrane of the eyes.

The peculiarity of the gas lies in its ability to produce sulfuric acid in contact with the organs of vision. Of course, its concentration is incredibly small, but this is enough to make a person "cry". A few effective tips from professional chefs will help you avoid unpleasant effects.

Slicing without tears

Significantly reduce the secretion of tears will help preserve the rhizome. When cleaning it is not completely cut off, but only cleaned from long and contaminated roots. Important: before you cut the onion into cubes for frying, stewing, baking, you need to sharpen the knife qualitatively. A sharp blade will help you do your job faster, reducing the chance of tears coming out.

Pre-cooling the onions in the freezer also makes onion slicing easier. Cutting it into halves, you can rinse the bulbs under running cold water, only then proceed to slicing. Effectively cut onions near the included hood, the rapid circulation of air disperses caustic gas, preventing contact with eyes.

Kitchen assistants

Eliminate unpleasant consequences when slicing onions is only possible for food processors or blenders with a tight lid. To reduce the process of lacrimation, you can use sweet varieties of onions, in which the concentration of volatile matter is much lower.


With a certain skill, a special device for cutting vegetables will help to avoid the release of tears. The holder, similar to a regular comb, makes it possible not only to hold the bulb when slicing, but also provides the same size between the cuts. Another effective tip is to grate the chopping board with lemon juice before you cut the onion into cubes.

Photos demonstrating the process are presented in the article. However, only regular practice and knowledge of tricks will help masterfully master the process.


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