Relays for adults: venue, competition rules, participants, task features and ideas for the competition

Not only children, but also their parents like to spend free time playing various entertaining games. And what could be better for them than funny relay races for adults? Let's find out about the features of organizing such events, and also consider interesting ideas for competitions of this kind.

What is a relay race and features of this type of competition

Not every group competition is a relay race. It can be called such only when, in the process of completing a speed task, participants pass each other a projectile or turn to travel the distance.

relay races for adults

For example, tug of war or โ€œTwisterโ€ is not relay races, but just games, but jumping in bags in turn - yes.

Where can such events be held?

Most often relay races are held for children and adults in nature. It can be a park, a clearing in the forest or on the banks of the river.

Sports competitions of this type are held at the stadium or in the gym. Sometimes competitions can be organized in pools / water parks. However, such activities should be monitored by rescuers, as water games can have dire consequences. Because of this, neither relay races for adults nor children are organized in open water bodies.

Often the place for such events is the premises of a cafe, restaurant or banquet hall. As a rule, relay races for adults are held in such places during weddings, anniversaries or corporate parties. In the latter case, the purpose of such contests is not only to entertain, but also to rally the team, teaching colleagues to work effectively in a team.

Basic Rules

Depending on the specific game task, the conditions for its implementation also change. However, there are general rules specific to each such competition.

  • The relay race for adults or children is a team competition. The number of groups can be different, naturally from two or more.
  • The number of players in each such company should be equal. In case of shortage, the first participants will complete the tasks twice, compensating for the absence of players.
  • If one of the players during the execution of the task violated the conditions (dropped the ball, stumbled, etc.), he must return to the start and start over. This rule is not always implemented. Often, players are allowed to correct a mistake and continue without starting from the beginning.
  • Each next participant enters the competition only when the previous one returns to the start and passes him a projectile (ball, hoop, spoon, glass, etc.). In the absence of such, simply clap your palm in the "five" style.
  • If a player runs out before receiving the baton from his predecessor, he should return to the start and start all over again.
  • Winning a contest can be awarded according to different criteria. Most often this is the speed of execution. So the team that finished first and is recognized as the winner. There are additional evaluation criteria. It all depends on the relay scenario for adults. As an example, consider the competition "Water-carriers". To conduct it, each team is given a bucket of water and a mug. Empty measuring tanks are placed at the finish line. All players in turn must carry the liquid in the circle from the start to the finish tank. The winner is determined not only by the speed of the task, but also by the amount of water brought.

Requirements for organizers, teams and participants

During any competition, its organizers must evenly distribute the players among the teams. This is done in order to equalize the chances of winning.

The exception may be such relay races for adults, in which there is a deliberate opposition of teams by age, gender or other grounds. For example: women versus men, adults versus children, one class or student group versus another (another).

relay race for adults and children

If possible, players should be warned in advance about the uniform. As a rule, it is better that she is athletic. When relay races for adults are held in restaurants or banquet halls during the celebration of some significant event, it makes no sense to warn about this. Guests will be in holiday dresses, not very practical for participating in competitions. Therefore, when planning such events, it is worth considering this fact. By the way, the inappropriateness of the outfits of people present to participate in competitions of this kind can be amusedly beaten. For example, arrange a hurdle race for teams of girls in high heels.

The organizers of any game must take into account the physical characteristics of the participants. Special if it is relay races for adults in the age category 40+. If most participants may have problems with their heart, lower back, etc., then it is not worth planning competitions that require excessive physical effort from them.

If you need to drink alcohol during the task, you should warn the participants about this.

It would also be nice to hint at the essence of the relay if the participant is required to take off their clothes, hug or kiss outsiders. Otherwise, such a competition may end in scandal.

Adult relay races

Competitions of this kind are not intended to entertain or amuse participants, but to check their physical fitness. That is why the optimal place for them is a stadium or gym. Alternatively, it is permissible to organize such relay races for adults in nature. However, in this case, you should clear the territory as much as possible and throw all the pits.

Below are the most popular competition options for such cases. In sports relay races for adults, those who completed the task first are recognized as winners.

  • "Three legs." Team members are divided into pairs. In each of them, the right leg of one player is tied to the left of the other. Thus, for two they have not four, but three legs. On the โ€œStartโ€ command, each duo must run to the finish line and return back, passing the baton to the next pair.
    adult relay races
  • "Running in the bags." Participants are built in columns, the distance between them is three steps. Each new player puts a bag on his feet. Holding his hands near the belt, he jumps to the designated finish line and, jumping around him, returns to the start. Then he gets out of the bag and passes it to the next. This continues until all players participate.
    relay race for a fun company of adults
  • "Three jumps." To prepare this quest, you will need two jump ropes and two hoops. They alternate and are located at a uniform distance from each other. The essence of the competition: each participant runs up to each projectile in turn and with his help makes three jumps. Having reached the finish line, he takes a turn and runs back, passing the turn to the next player.
  • Hot Potato is a relay ball for adults. It can be used when teams of parents and children compete with each other. The first player is given the ball (volleyball, soccer, basketball or children's ball). He must pass it without turning back over his head. The next one passes the projectile between his legs. And he who received it is again above his head. Thus, alternating the transmission method, you should deliver the "hot potato" to the last player as soon as possible. The last player to receive the ball runs ahead and starts passing it again in the same way. The competition lasts until all participants visit the beginning of the column.
  • "Kangaroo". For this task, you need a rubber ball or a balloon. Each team is issued one at a time. The first player clamps it between his legs and jumps to the finish line and back. At the start, he passes the shell to the next player and he repeats his path.
    relay race for a fun company adults
  • "Grandma-Hedgehog." For this relay you will need a broom. If it is absent, just a stick will do. The first participant to sit on it and asking between his legs "flies" to the finish line and returns. At the start, he "puts" next to the second player, and together they make another round. Upon returning, the first one gets down, and instead the third one sits on a broom, and in the company of the second they โ€œflyโ€ along the same route. Next is the turn of the third and fourth, then the fourth and fifth, etc. The last participant makes a circle alone.
  • "The path through the swamp." For this game you will need 6-8 hoops for each team. They are laid out in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of a meter from each other - these are "islands", by stepping on which you can go through the "swamp". Each player must move the distance only by jumping inside each of the hoops. So he gets to the finish line and back.

Alcohol competitions

Relay races for adults in nature can be varied if you use alcohol as one of the elements of the game. In this case, it is better if such entertainment takes place near the house or cottage of one of their participants. So that after the competition you can relax. Also, such relay races on corporate parties will also be quite appropriate. Moreover, such competitions are held without problems on the premises.

funny relay races for adults

Which of the drinks to choose should be discussed in advance with the participants. Better not particularly strong. For example, low alcohol or non-alcoholic beer. This is provided that the participants did not drink anything before. Wine or vodka is better not to take. After all, the task of the game is not to get drunk, but to have fun or warm up before the banquet.

As a bonus, you can grab a few bottles of kvass for beer. Thus, filling glasses with booze, you can alternate kvass and beer. This will add an element of surprise and help keep players sober longer.

Alcohol relays must not run in a row. Better if they alternate. In addition, do not give too much physical exertion after them.

  • "Treats comrade." This relay is intended for the cheerful company of adults in nature. A small table with 200 g plastic cups of beer is placed at the finish line (as an option, you can fill half with kvass, as long as they do not differ in appearance). The first player runs until the table takes the drink and carries it to the start. There he gives a drink to the second party. Having used it, he must run for beer / kvass for the third and so on in turn until the very end. The latter brings a glass of liquid to the first and as soon as he finishes it, the competition is over.
  • "A priceless spoon." At the start, put a half-liter glass with beer, vodka or wine, and at the finish - an empty measuring glass. Each team is given a teaspoon. The essence of the competition: all players take turns scooping up alcohol from the container with a spoon and, holding it in their teeth, carefully carry the priceless pile to the finish. There, the liquid is drained into an empty measuring cup. They return back in the usual run and pass the spoon to the next participant who repeats the operation. The contest ends when all the players from the team took part in it. The winner is determined in two categories: speed of execution and who has had more time to move the booze.
  • "Hops Bezrukov." For this relay, you need to put at the finish a table with 100 g cups of beer according to the number of participants. The first player is tied with a ribbon behind his back. In this form, he runs to the finish line. There, without the help of limbs, he should drink one glass and then return to the start. The second player frees his hands, and the third helps the previous one to tie the ribbon and he repeats the path of the first (after drinking his glass, he returns and passes the baton on). The competition lasts until all participants drink a glass. The winner is the team that completed its alcoholic tour before the others.

Relay Relays

When leaving the city, it is possible to hold contests not only related to sports. Today themed fun starts are especially popular.

Relays for adults in such cases have a clear focus. For example, if competitions are related to testing tourist skills, it is a good idea to hold such competitions.

  • "Going camping." At the finish line for each team is a box with things. The first player is given an empty travel backpack bag. By a whistle, he runs with him to the finish line, picks up things and returns to the beginning. Here he passes the full backpack to the next party. That, in turn, having reached the end, performs unloading and, returning, gives an empty bag to a friend, etc.
  • "The cat in the bag." For this relay you will need 2 sleeping bags for each team. Even before the start of the competition, the first player goes to the finish line and climbs into the unfolded sleeping bag. The second is at the start with its folded copy. On command, he runs to the finish line and, having laid out his equipment, climbs inside. After that, the first one crawls out of its "cocoon" and, having folded it, runs to the start, passing it to the third. He rushes to the second and, having disassembled his bag, plunges into it. After that, the second one crawls out of its โ€œshelterโ€ and, having folded it, carries it to the start in order to give it to the fourth. Thus, each of their players manages to visit the bag. When the last participant renders there, the game is over.
  • "Herbarium". Can be carried out both in the gym and on the street relay races for adults. However, this competition is intended only for nature. A list of medicinal herbs that can be found in the place where the competition takes place is compiled in advance. The list for the game should feature approximately four species of plants that alternate. For example: plantain, chamomile, tansy, yarrow, plantain, chamomile ... Next, each team is given a leaflet with such a list. By whistle, the first participants run around the site and look for a plantain, tear off one of its leaves and bring to the start. The next step is the transfer of the list to the second one, who runs with him and finds a daisy in the meadow, picks it up and brings it to the start, etc. At the end of this competition, all the plants from the leaf should be laid out on the table of each team, according to the specified order. The first to collect this herbarium is the winner.

Indoor Relays

Carrying out such competitions indoors is always fraught with certain difficulties. So, it is impossible to allocate very long distances for relay races (except in cases with gyms). It is also necessary to limit the use of fire and water (except for water parks and pools).

Among the pluses is the ability to include funny melodies or sounds that accompany the competition. This will diversify the game, as well as make such relay races for adults funny.

For example, in the contest โ€œWe walk like animalsโ€ during the start-finish-start distance, for each participant, the voices of different animals are included in a free order. The player must quickly recognize each of them and begin to move like this creature. In the final, such a game is evaluated not only by the speed of completing tasks, but also by the level of artistry.

If team members are new to each other, the Census relay can be used as a way to fix this. Each team is given a marker, and a sheet is hung at the finish. The first participant, having arrived there, writes down the name of any player of his team, except his own. Returning, he passes the marker to the next player. He also makes a record, etc. Only alien names from your team and those who are not there can be added to the list. The contest ends after all the players are listed on the finish line.

You can complicate this contest a little if you are allowed to write down names only by taking a marker in your mouth and folding your hands behind your back. True, in this case, it should not be with the players (in the role of a relay stick), but should lie next to the fixed sheet at the finish.

A huge advantage of the premises is a flat floor. In this regard, you can safely carry out the game "Guide". At the start-finish interval, pins (or 1.5 liter water-filled bottles) are placed at a distance of half a meter between each other. Each participant is blindfolded and the team must tell him how to go so as not to knock down pins during the game. At the finish, he removes the bandage and runs back to the start on his own, passing the turn to the next.

Funny relay races for adults without complexes

This type of competition is held more often indoors. Usually it is an invariable attribute of weddings, less often corporate events. These are the so-called "adult games." Relays of this kind are always characterized by a certain piquant zest. Consider several such contests.

  • "The rescue rope." For this competition, the finish line should be moved as far as possible. . " ", . ? . , . , . , , "" "". , , , . , , ( ). , .
  • The Magic Ring. Players are given matches without sulfur (toothpicks are categorically not suitable) and, holding them with their teeth, they must pass a ring with each other. The team that does it faster than others will win.
  • Apple Kiss. Players are divided into pairs consisting of representatives of the opposite sex. The first stand opposite each other and squeeze an apple between the stomachs (you can replace it with an orange or something similar). Their task is to raise it to the level of the lips without the help of hands. As soon as they succeed, the fruit is transferred to the next pair, and she performs exactly the same task. The winning team is the one that copes faster than others.

Joint relays for kids and their parents

In conclusion, it is worth considering contests designed for participation in both adults and children. Such events are best done outdoors in the summer. To make it more fun, it is better to create mixed teams, in which equally both kids and parents. Although you can divide them by age. However, in such cases, you will have to carefully select the tasks, so that the chances of winning them are equal. The following are ideas for contests for mixed teams.

  • "Pass the water" this relay race for adults and children is especially loved in English-speaking countries. This is a kind of analogue of "Hot Potatoes". Only water is used instead of the ball. For the competition, all the team players are given a large plastic glass (0.5 l). In the first, water is poured to the brim and its owner should pour it from the container standing behind, over the head or between the legs. The team that managed to save as much water as possible wins. It is especially good to have such a game in the summer in hot weather. To ensure that everything goes right, during construction, adults and children should be alternated, so that the kids pour water over their heads, and adults - between the legs.
  • "Riding a Star." For this relay, the number of parents and toddlers must be equal in the team. In addition, it is important that children are young and older can easily put them on their shoulders. Adults line up at the start, and children line up at the finish line. After the whistle, the first parent runs to the crumbs and takes one of them on his shoulders and in this way delivers to the start line, where he passes the baton to the next. The team that wins all the children to the start line before the others wins.
    relay race for a fun company of adults
  • "Chain". Parents and crumbs are lined up in chains and hold hands. Priority is not important. The first is given a hoop in his hands, and he (without releasing his neighbor) will climb through it. After him, the one standing next to him strung on himself this projectile, etc. The last one in the chain, passing through the hoop, takes it in his hands and runs forward with it. He grabs the first hand and again begins the process of pulling all the participants through the shell. Joining the last players to the beginning lasts until the one who is the first at the beginning of the game is again at the beginning of the system.
    relay games for adults

In addition to the above relay races for children and adults, nature competitions can also be held using inflatable pools. In the heat, they will be a great way to cool and be safer than a pond. An example of the use of such a projectile is the game Catch a Fish. In this case, each team needs its own small pool. He is placed at the finish line and toys or cubes are placed in his center. It is important that they do not swim, but lie at the bottom. Their number should correspond to half of the players in each team. So, adults line up at the finish, and children line up at the start. By whistle, the first baby runs to the pool, climbs into it and takes out a toy. He passes it to an adult, who runs back to the start and passes the baton to the next child. Thus, by the end of the game, all children should swim and be near the finish line, and parents should move to the start and get the toys they caught.


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