One-tone staining: what it is, runtime technology

Beautiful and well-groomed hair is the most important element in appearance. Modern technology offers many staining techniques. Which is better to choose, each for himself decides, based on the desired result. One of the most popular options is staining in one tone.

one tone coloring

About the technique

This color changing technique is one of the oldest, but not outdated. Its advantage is simplicity in execution and significant time savings. The hair, dyed in one color from roots to ends, focuses on its beauty. Many people believe that this technique gives the hair the most natural look. Coloring in one tone makes it possible to paint over gray hair or emphasize your natural hair color, giving it great depth and shine. This is the ability to radically change the tone of the hair.

What you need to know

Many ladies prefer to dye their hair in the same color at home. This allows you to save money and time, perform the procedure at any time. But the result can differ significantly from expectations.

one tone dyeing blonde

The reasons for this may be:

  • if the strands were repeatedly dyed, then the new paint may come into conflict with the existing one, then the result may become unpredictable;
  • you can severely damage the hair structure if you want to lighten them very much;
  • if the hair has complex staining in several colors with strongly grown roots, it is difficult to expect that without the necessary knowledge it will be possible to achieve a uniform tone along the entire length of the hair;
  • with a large percentage of gray hair, it is worth choosing special paints, since not everyone is able to paint over it.

If the coloring is carried out for the first time or in a color close to the existing one, self-coloring in one tone will not bring any trouble.

Color selection

According to current trends, natural hair color is the most relevant choice. Therefore, you should abandon the shocking tones. To make the hair look harmonious, and not separate from its owner, it is recommended to choose a palette based on the color type. If the color of the skin and eyes is warm, you should not choose a cold palette for dyeing hair.

one tone after ombre

If the purpose of dyeing is to revitalize your natural hair color, it is worth choosing the closest shade of paint. It can be slightly darker or lighter, but not more than one tone.

How to dye your hair

The one-tone staining technology is simple. To dye your hair yourself, you must have:

  • a plastic bowl where the paint is mixed with the developer;
  • latex gloves;
  • a special brush for applying the mixture to strands;
  • a comb.

You can buy ready-made boxes of paint, which contains everything you need for the procedure.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to assess the condition of the scalp. It should not have inflammation and damage. Otherwise, staining will need to be postponed until it is completely healed.

In accordance with the instructions, prepare the coloring mixture. If a specific paint is used for the first time, a simple allergy test should be performed. A drop of dye is applied to the elbow from the back. You need to wait a bit until the composition is completely dry. If redness does not appear on the skin during this time, then you can dye your hair with the product.

Using a brush, the composition is applied to the strands. First you need to thoroughly paint the roots, and then the entire length to the ends. The coloring mixture should remain on the hair for the time specified in the instructions. Usually about 30 minutes. You do not need to wash your hair before dyeing. Some manufacturers recommend applying the mixture to wet hair, then you just need to wet them with water and dry them slightly with a towel so that the paint does not drip from them.

After the time runs out, the mixture must be washed off the hair. If the kit contains a special balm that nourishes and strengthens the hair, it must be used.

To assess the result, the hair is dried and blow-dry. If everything is done correctly, the result will not disappoint. The quality of dyeing in one tone, the photo of the result of which can be seen below, often depends on the correct amount of paint. If the hair is short or slightly below the shoulders, then one tube is enough. If they are longer, then you will need to purchase two tubes of paint.

coloring in one tone photo

How to align color

When dyed in the same tone after ombre, shatushu or highlighting, it is important to choose the right color. Since these techniques require partial lightening of the hair in order to achieve the desired result, it may be necessary to carry out the procedure several times. The color should be chosen from a darker palette, but it can be washed out rather quickly from the clarified part, since the pigment should β€œaccumulate”.

How to become a blonde

Almost every woman at least once in her life bleached her hair. If the natural or existing hair color is very dark, it is almost impossible to achieve truly white strands the first time around. Coloring in one tone "blond" should be as safe as possible for the hair, as their treatment will take a lot of time. To lighten hair with a dark base, it is better to use the help of a professional hairdresser. If your hair has a fairly light shade, you can purchase a box with ready-to-use paint or visit a store with professional cosmetics and buy drugs separately. It is important to remember that blond has one drawback - yellowness. Purple pigment will help to cope with it.

one-tone dyeing technology

Despite the fact that dyeing in one tone belongs to the simplest techniques, the result is largely determined by the initial condition of the hair. If you want to even out the tone after complex staining techniques or you need to lighten them strongly, it is recommended to abandon self-staining.


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