Why does hair fall out in shreds? What to do with this disaster?

You have noticed for some time that when combing and washing your hair falls out in shreds. What to do first?

hair falling out in shreds what to do

The main thing is not to panic:

- Firstly, you can greatly exaggerate the scale of the disaster and call the shreds a completely normal amount of hair falling out. According to some scientific sources, the process of regular renewal of the hairline allows a loss in the range from 30 pieces to hundreds daily.

- Secondly, long and thick hair falling out, tangling during washing, may seem a very significant loss, which is not entirely true.

- Thirdly, every two years some organs of our body (especially the liver) are renewed. This occurs, as a rule, in the autumn period. You may recall that a couple of years ago, too, we were worried about why hair was climbing and how to deal with it.

If really your hair falls out in shreds

What to do in this case? If the hair on the comb looks like a separate strand - this is a signal for taking serious measures. The very first step in the fight against any physical disorder is to find out as much as possible about your illness. Such an approach will provide an opportunity to calm down, calm down emotions and decide what to do if hair falls out. For women and men, this problem with hair can be for various reasons:

why do hair climb

1. Improper lifestyle, which manifests itself in poor unbalanced nutrition (including the observance of strict diets for a long time), in chronic lack of sleep, in prolonged stress.

2. Improper care of the scalp and hair: the use of low-quality care products, abuse of modeling gels and varnishes, frequent exposure to hot tools during styling and drying.

3. The use of drugs that aggressively and adversely affect the condition of the hair. These include diuretics, antibiotics, and some hormonal drugs, including those used to control birth rates. In this case, a doctor’s consultation is required.

4. Some fungal and bacterial diseases of the scalp and hairline. Your hairdresser can help you figure out why your hair is falling out in shreds. What to do next (if a disease is detected), you will find out from a dermatologist or trichologist (hair specialist).

Assess all the reasons in order and try to eliminate the factors that are possible. If the doctor prescribes treatment, follow him.

What can you do yourself?

- Handle dysfunctional hair very carefully. Comb carefully and dry without a hair dryer, straightening with your fingers if your hair falls out in shreds.

- What to do to strengthen the scalp? If the doctor has not forbidden, you can carefully do it (the day before or during

what to do if hair falls out in women
washing) massage the scalp to enhance blood circulation.

- Choose a good hair strengthening agent: either ready-made from a pharmacy, or cooked yourself. Decoctions of linden, oak bark, nettle, birch leaves - these are time-tested drugs that restore the beauty and density of hair.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38685/

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